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Since vs. Therefore — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 16, 2024
Since indicates a cause or time reference, whereas therefore signifies a conclusion or result based on preceding information.
Since vs. Therefore — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Since and Therefore


Key Differences

Since is a conjunction used to indicate a cause or reason, as well as a time reference. When used causally, it explains why something happens, such as "Since it was raining, we stayed indoors." As a time reference, it denotes when something began, like "I have known her since 2010." Therefore is a conjunction used to introduce a conclusion or result that logically follows from previous statements. It connects a reason or cause to its effect, such as "The forecast predicted rain; therefore, we brought umbrellas."
In terms of function, since provides background or context, explaining why something occurred or when it started. It is often used to introduce a premise or supporting information. On the other hand, therefore is used to draw a logical conclusion or highlight the outcome of an argument or situation, emphasizing the consequence or result.
Since can be used in both causal and temporal contexts, making it versatile in explaining reasons and time frames. Therefore is strictly used to indicate a conclusion, making it essential for logical reasoning and argumentation.

Comparison Chart


Indicates cause or time reference
Indicates conclusion or result

Usage Context

Explains reasons or when something began
Draws logical conclusions from preceding statements

Example (Cause)

"Since it was raining, we stayed indoors."
"It rained heavily; therefore, we stayed indoors."

Part of Speech



Used for cause and time
Used for conclusions and results

Compare with Definitions


Explaining why something happened.
Since we were hungry, we decided to eat early.


Indicating a logical result.
He missed the bus; therefore, he was late.


Providing a background context.
Since you asked, I'll explain the whole story.


Drawing a conclusion from previous statements.
The data is incomplete; therefore, we cannot proceed.


Referring to a point in time.
She has been working here since last year.


Introducing a conclusion.
The project is overdue; therefore, we need to work overtime.


Denoting the start of a period.
I've been awake since 6 AM.


Connecting cause to effect.
The weather was bad; therefore, the event was canceled.


From then until now or between then and now
They left town and haven't been here since.


Summarizing a consequence.
She studied hard; therefore, she passed the exam.


Before now; ago
A name long since forgotten.


For that reason or cause; consequently or hence.


After some point in the past; at a subsequent time
My friend has since married and moved to California.


(conjunctive) Consequently, by or in consequence of that or this cause; referring to something previously stated.
Traditional values will always have a place. Therefore, they will never lose relevance.


Continuously from
They have been friends since childhood.


For that; for it (in reference to a previous statement)


Intermittently from
She's been skiing since childhood.


For that or this reason, referring to something previously stated; for that.
I have married a wife, and therefore I can not come.
Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?


During the period subsequent to the time when
He hasn't been home since he graduated.


Consequently; by consequence.
He blushes; therefore he is guilty.


Continuously from the time when
They have been friends ever since they were in grade school.


(used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result;
Therefore X must be true
The eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory
We were young and thence optimistic
It is late and thus we must go
The witness is biased and so cannot be trusted


Inasmuch as; because
Since you're not interested, I won't tell you about it.


As a consequence;
He had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which consequently led to the good position he now held


From a specified time in the past.
I met him last year, but haven't seen him since.
A short/long time since


From: referring to a period of time ending in the present and defining it by the point in time at which it started, or the period in which its starting point occurred.


Continuously during that period of time.
I have known her since last year.


At certain points during that period of time.


From the time that.
I have loved you since I first met you.


Since you didn't call, we left without you.


(obsolete) When or that.


From a definite past time until now; as, he went a month ago, and I have not seen him since.
We since become the slaves to one man's lust.


In the time past, counting backward from the present; before this or now; ago.
How many ages since has Virgil writ?
About two years since, it so fell out, that he was brought to a great lady's house.


When or that.
Do you remember since we lay all night in the windmill in St. George's field?


From the time of; in or during the time subsequent to; subsequently to; after; - usually with a past event or time for the object.
The Lord hath blessed thee, since my coming.
I have a model by which he build a nobler poem than any extant since the ancients.


Seeing that; because; considering; - formerly followed by that.
Since that my penitence comes after all,Imploring pardon.
Since truth and constancy are vain,Since neither love, nor sense of pain,Nor force of reason, can persuade,Then let example be obeyed.


Indicating a reason or cause.
Since he didn't study, he failed the test.

Common Curiosities

Can therefore be used to explain reasons?

No, therefore is used to introduce conclusions or results, not to explain reasons.

What does since indicate?

Since indicates a reason or cause, as well as a point in time when something began.

Can since and therefore be used interchangeably?

No, since and therefore serve different purposes and cannot be used interchangeably.

Is since used for logical conclusions?

No, since is used to explain causes or time references, not for logical conclusions.

Can since be used to refer to time?

Yes, since can denote the starting point of a time period.

What part of speech is therefore?

Therefore is a conjunction or adverb used to introduce conclusions.

Is therefore usually found at the beginning of a sentence?

Yes, therefore often starts a sentence to introduce a conclusion drawn from previous statements.

What does therefore indicate?

Therefore indicates a conclusion or result based on preceding information.

Can since be used in the middle of a sentence?

Yes, since can be used in the middle of a sentence to introduce a cause or time reference.

Is therefore always used to connect cause and effect?

Yes, therefore is used to show the logical result or conclusion of a preceding statement.

How do since and therefore function differently in a sentence?

Since provides background or reasoning, while therefore draws a logical conclusion from the information given.

What part of speech is since?

Since is a conjunction when indicating cause or time.

Can since introduce an independent clause?

Yes, since can introduce an independent clause explaining a cause or time reference.

Does since imply a continuous action from the past to present?

Yes, when used for time, since implies that an action started in the past and continues to the present.

Does therefore always imply a direct result?

Yes, therefore implies a direct and logical result or conclusion from the preceding information.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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