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Sharable vs. Shareable — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Shareable" is the correct spelling for something that can be shared, while "sharable" is a less common variant.
Sharable vs. Shareable — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Sharable and Shareable


Key Differences

"Shareable" refers to anything designed or suitable to be shared with others, such as information, food, or digital content. It implies that the item in question is easily or intended to be divided among people. On the other hand, "sharable" is an alternative spelling that is less commonly used and might be considered incorrect in formal writing. While some may use "sharable" interchangeably with "shareable," it is advisable to stick with "shareable" for clarity and correctness, especially in professional or academic contexts.
When considering digital content, "shareable" often describes media or information that is easily distributed across social platforms or among individuals, emphasizing its viral potential or the ease with which it can be disseminated. In contrast, "sharable" is less frequently encountered in this context, and its use might lead to ambiguity or be perceived as a spelling mistake.
In culinary contexts, "shareable" is used to describe dishes or servings that are intended for multiple people to enjoy together, highlighting the communal aspect of dining. "Sharable," though it might be understood in informal settings, is less standard and might not convey the intended meaning as effectively in written menus or food descriptions.
Language and spelling conventions favor "shareable" as the preferred term in educational materials, where it's important to adhere to standardized spelling to avoid confusion. Using "sharable" in such contexts might distract or mislead, especially for learners acquiring language skills.
The distinction extends to legal and technical documents, where precision and adherence to standard language practices are crucial. In these contexts, "shareable" is the appropriate term to denote items or information that can be legally or technically shared, whereas "sharable" could undermine the document's credibility due to its nonstandard nature.

Comparison Chart


Less common variant, often seen as incorrect
Standard and widely accepted

Usage in Digital Contexts

Less used, might be considered a spelling error
Commonly used to describe easily distributed content

Culinary Context

Less standard, might not convey the intended meaning effectively
Used to describe dishes suitable for sharing

Educational Materials

Could distract or mislead due to nonstandard spelling
Preferred for clarity and adherence to spelling conventions

Legal and Technical Documents

Could undermine credibility due to nonstandard usage
Appropriate and standard term

Compare with Definitions


Sometimes found in non-standard English usage.
The blog post was described as sharable, highlighting unconventional spelling.


Capable of being shared or suitable for sharing.
The article was so informative and shareable that it quickly went viral.


Alternative spelling for something that can be shared, less accepted.
The document was marked as sharable, but the spelling caused some confusion.


Inclined or intended to be part of a collective experience.
The game's shareable content encouraged player interaction.


Occasionally used interchangeably with "shareable" in informal contexts.
The video was sharable, but its reach was limited due to poor quality.


Easily distributed or communicated, especially in digital formats.
The app's shareable links made it easy to spread the word.


Could be used in creative or branding contexts to stand out.
The campaign used sharable to differentiate its message, though it risked being seen as a misspelling.


Designed to be used or enjoyed with others.
The restaurant's shareable platters are perfect for group dining.


May appear in casual writing or in errors.
The sign read sharable bikes, which seemed like a typo.


Referring to resources that can be jointly used.
The coworking space offers shareable office equipment.


A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group
The pirates argued over their shares of the treasure.


Suitable or intended for sharing with another or others
There's a massive menu full of shareable snacks


An equitable portion
Do one's share of the work.


A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group
The pirates argued over their shares of the treasure.


One of the equal parts into which the capital stock of a company is divided
Bought 200 shares of the company's stock.


An equitable portion
Do one's share of the work.


A unit of ownership in a mutual fund or other investment vehicle
Bought two shares in a mutual fund.


One of the equal parts into which the capital stock of a company is divided
Bought 200 shares of the company's stock.


Shares Chiefly British Stocks
European shares jumped two percent. The fund invests half the money in bonds and half in shares.


A unit of ownership in a mutual fund or other investment vehicle
Bought two shares in a mutual fund.


To accord a share in (something) to another or others
Shared her chocolate bar with a friend.


Shares Chiefly British Stocks
European shares jumped two percent. The fund invests half the money in bonds and half in shares.


To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion
Shared the estate among his heirs.


To accord a share in (something) to another or others
Shared her chocolate bar with a friend.


To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns
Share a responsibility.
Share a room.


To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion
Shared the estate among his heirs.


To hold or have jointly with another or others
She shares my view about the election.


To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns
Share a responsibility.
Share a room.


To relate (a secret or experience, for example) to another or others.


To hold or have jointly with another or others
She shares my view about the election.


(Computers) To make (a digital file) accessible to other users on a network, as for copying and downloading.


To relate (a secret or experience, for example) to another or others.


To have a share or part
Shared in the profits.


(Computers) To make (a digital file) accessible to other users on a network, as for copying and downloading.


To allow someone to use or enjoy something that one possesses
Being in daycare taught the child to share.


To have a share or part
Shared in the profits.


To use or enjoy something jointly or in turns
There is only one computer, so we will have to share.


To allow someone to use or enjoy something that one possesses
Being in daycare taught the child to share.


To talk about personal experiences or feelings with others.


To use or enjoy something jointly or in turns
There is only one computer, so we will have to share.


Alternative spelling of shareable


To talk about personal experiences or feelings with others.


Suitable for sharing.


Anything, such as food or a social media post, suitable for sharing.

Common Curiosities

Can "sharable" be used in professional writing?

It's advisable to use "shareable" in professional contexts for clarity and correctness.

Why is "shareable" preferred in digital contexts?

It is widely recognized and understood, reducing the risk of confusion or perceived errors.

How important is the distinction in casual communication?

In casual settings, the distinction may be less critical, but "shareable" is still recommended to avoid ambiguity.

Which spelling is correct, "shareable" or "sharable"?

"Shareable" is the correct and standard spelling.

Is there a difference in meaning between "shareable" and "sharable"?

There is no significant difference in meaning, but "shareable" is the preferred spelling.

Why do educational materials favor "shareable"?

To adhere to standardized spelling conventions and ensure clarity for learners.

How do social media platforms handle the spelling variations?

They generally do not differentiate, but using the standard spelling can improve content discoverability.

Can the use of "sharable" affect the perception of content?

Yes, it might be perceived as a spelling mistake, potentially affecting the credibility of the content.

How does the choice between "shareable" and "sharable" impact branding?

Using "sharable" in branding could be seen as creative, but it risks being perceived as incorrect.

How does the spelling affect the SEO of digital content?

Standard spelling ("shareable") is likely to perform better in search engine optimization due to its recognizability.

Is "shareable" used differently in legal documents compared to everyday language?

In legal documents, precision is key, so "shareable" is used for its clarity and standardization.

In what context might "sharable" appear despite being less common?

It might appear in informal writings, errors, or specific branding choices.

What is the best practice for using these terms in content creation?

Stick with "shareable" for clarity, professionalism, and to ensure the content is taken seriously.

How can the choice of spelling influence digital marketing?

Using the standard "shareable" can enhance content's professionalism and shareability in digital platforms.

Can using "sharable" in academic papers affect the paper's reception?

Yes, it could be viewed as a spelling error, potentially impacting the paper's credibility.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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