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Roundly vs. Soundly — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 7, 2024
"Roundly" typically refers to thorough or emphatic action or criticism, while "soundly" often means thoroughly in terms of depth or completeness, especially in the context of sleep or defeat.
Roundly vs. Soundly — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Roundly and Soundly


Key Differences

"Roundly" is often used to describe a manner of expressing criticism or applause that is vigorous and unsparing, whereas "soundly" implies thoroughness and completeness, commonly in reference to a solid sleep or a comprehensive defeat.
In rhetoric, a speaker may be roundly criticized, suggesting a strong, often negative reaction from an audience, while someone defeated soundly in a debate has lost comprehensively and indisputably.
Actors in a play might be roundly applauded, indicating enthusiastic and general approval, on the other hand, soundly sleeping implies someone is sleeping deeply and undisturbed.
Journalistic opinions can be roundly rejected, meaning widely and strongly dismissed, whereas plans can be soundly based, suggesting they are well-founded and robust.
When actions are described as roundly condemned, the condemnation is typically extensive and emphatic; meanwhile, judgments made soundly are considered to be made wisely and with careful thought.

Comparison Chart

Common Usage

Describes emphatic criticism or approval
Describes thoroughness or completeness

Context Examples

Criticism, applause, condemnation
Sleep, defeat, judgments, foundations


Often negative or intense approval
Generally positive or neutral


High intensity of action or emotion
Depth of state or action


Widely accepted or rejected
Well-established or thoroughly executed

Compare with Definitions


Often involves actions that are decisive and clear-cut.
Her ideas were roundly dismissed.


Involves profound or extensive degree of something.
She was soundly beaten in the final match.


Refers to broad or unanimous consensus.
The play was roundly applauded by the audience.


Pertains to actions done thoroughly or firmly.
He slept soundly through the night.


Used to express complete or emphatic action.
The proposal was roundly rejected.


Indicates depth and completeness in approach.
The team was soundly defeated.


Pertains to a manner that is unreserved and sweeping.
He was roundly criticized for his actions.


Often used to describe well-founded and solid bases.
His argument was soundly based.


Can indicate an exhaustive or complete manner in social reactions.
The policy was roundly condemned.


Can mean sensible and wise actions.
They soundly decided to postpone the meeting.


In the form of a circle or sphere.


Free from defect, decay, or damage; in good condition
Is the bridge sound?.


With full force or vigor; thoroughly
Applauded roundly.
Was roundly criticized.


Free from disease or injury.




Marked by or showing common sense and good judgment; levelheaded
A sound approach to the problem.


Utterly or thoroughly.


Based on valid reasoning; having no logical flaws
A sound conclusion.
Sound reasoning.


Boldly; openly.


(Logic) Of or relating to an argument in which all the premises are true and the conclusion follows from the premises.




Secure or stable
A partnership that started on a sound footing.




Financially secure or safe
A sound economy.


In a round form or manner.


Thorough; complete
Gave their rivals a sound thrashing.


Openly; boldly; peremptorily; plumply.
He affirms everything roundly.


Deep and unbroken; undisturbed
A sound sleep.


Briskly; with speed.
Two of the outlaws walked roundly forward.


Compatible with an accepted point of view; orthodox
Sound doctrine.


Completely; vigorously; in earnest.


Thoroughly; deeply
Sound asleep.


Without regard to detail; in gross; comprehensively; generally; as, to give numbers roundly.
In speaking roundly of this period.


In a thorough manner; in manner free of defect or deficiency.
He was soundly thrashed by the semi-professional boxer.


In a round manner;
She was roundly slim


In a sound manner.


In a blunt direct manner;
He spoke bluntly
He stated his opinion flat-out
He was criticized roundly


Deeply or completely;
Slept soundly through the storm
Is sound asleep


In a complete and thorough manner (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly');
He was soundly defeated
We beat him good

Common Curiosities

What does it mean to sleep soundly?

To sleep deeply and without disturbance.

What is the difference between being roundly defeated and soundly defeated?

Being roundly defeated emphasizes the unanimous aspect of the defeat, whereas soundly defeated highlights the thoroughness and completeness of the defeat.

Can a structure be described as soundly built?

Yes, it means it is built in a strong and reliable manner.

How can a decision be soundly made?

A decision made with thorough understanding and good judgment.

What does it mean to be roundly criticized?

To be criticized by many people, often in a very thorough and severe manner.

Is it common to use "soundly" in sports?

Yes, it is common to describe a team as soundly winning or losing, indicating the extent and decisiveness of the outcome.

Can one be roundly applauded for negative actions?

Typically, roundly applauding denotes strong approval, not associated with negative actions.

Is "roundly" ever used in a positive context?

Yes, for example, a performance can be roundly applauded.

Can "soundly" refer to mental states besides sleep?

Yes, it can refer to well-grounded mental conclusions or judgments.

How does the intensity of criticism compare in "roundly" vs. "soundly"?

"Roundly" criticism tends to be more emphatic and extensive, while "soundly" often implies a rational, well-founded criticism.

What does it mean for a law to be roundly ignored?

It means the law is widely and conspicuously not followed.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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