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Resume vs. Restart — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 6, 2024
Resume implies continuing a task from where it was paused, while restart means beginning anew from the start.
Resume vs. Restart — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Resume and Restart


Key Differences

Resume refers to the action of picking up where one left off, typically in contexts such as reading, working, or an ongoing process. Whereas, restart involves stopping an activity completely and then initiating it again from the beginning, often used with electronic devices or systems.
In professional settings, to resume work means returning to tasks after an interruption. On the other hand, to restart work might imply a new strategy or approach after halting an earlier process.
When discussing computer applications, resume can mean bringing a computer out of sleep mode, maintaining the current state of programs. Conversely, to restart the computer means to reboot it, clearing the memory and restarting the operating system.
In video streaming, viewers can resume a paused movie, continuing from the exact moment it was stopped. In contrast, restarting the movie would play it from the beginning, regardless of how far it was previously viewed.
In project management, resuming a project involves continuing the development or implementation without altering the initial setup. Restarting a project, however, often entails revisiting and possibly revising the project's scope or objectives.

Comparison Chart


Continue from where one paused
Begin again from the start

Common Contexts

Reading, meetings, processes
Computers, systems, projects


Maintains continuity
Resets progress

Usage in Technology

Exiting sleep mode in computers
Rebooting a device

Usage in Entertainment

Continuing a paused movie or game
Starting a movie or game over from the start

Compare with Definitions


To start speaking again after a pause.
After the interruption, she resumed her speech.


To play media from the beginning.
Restart the song so we can hear it from the top.


To begin again after a pause.
She will resume her lecture after the break.


To start again after a cessation.
The system will restart after the update.


To take up or go on with again.
He resumed his place at the podium.


To begin an activity or process again.
They had to restart the experiment from scratch.


To return to a state of activity.
Operations will resume normal after the holiday.


To initiate a new phase or period.
The team will restart the project with new guidelines.


To continue a journey.
They resumed their trip after a brief stop.


To make a machine or device begin again.
Please restart your computer if the problem persists.


Begin again or continue after a pause or interruption
A day later normal service was resumed
The talks resumed in April


To start again or anew
Restarted the engine after it stalled.


A summary
I gave him a quick résumé of events


To begin operation again.


Another term for curriculum vitae


The act of starting something again.
After the restart of my browser, the problem went away.


A brief account of one's professional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application.


(computing) To reboot.


A summary
A résumé of the facts of the case.


Start an engine again, for example


To begin or take up again after interruption
Resumed our dinner.


Take up or begin anew;
We resumed the negotiations


To assume, take, or occupy again
The dog resumed its post by the door.


To take on or take back again
Resumed my original name.


To begin again or continue after interruption.


To take back possession of (something).


To summarise.


(transitive) To start (something) again that has been stopped or paused from the point at which it was stopped or paused; continue, carry on.
We will resume this discussion tomorrow at nine.


(intransitive) To start again after an interruption or pause.
Normal service has resumed.


A summary or synopsis.


A summary or account of education and employment experiences and qualifications; a curriculum vitae (often for presentation to a potential future employer when applying for a job).


A summing up; a condensed statement; an abridgment or brief recapitulation.
The exellent little résumé thereof in Dr. Landsborough's book.


To take back.
The sun, like this, from which our sight we have,Gazed on too long, resumes the light he gave.
Perhaps God will resume the blessing he has bestowed ere he attains the age of manhood.


To enter upon, or take up again.
Reason resumed her place, and Passion fled.


To begin again; to recommence, as something which has been interrupted; as, to resume an argument or discourse.


Short descriptive summary (of events)


A summary of your academic and work history


Take up or begin anew;
We resumed the negotiations


Return to a previous location or condition;
The painting resumed its old condition when we restored it


Assume anew;
Resume a title
Resume an office
Resume one's duties


Give a summary (of);
He summed up his results
I will now summarize

Common Curiosities

Can I resume a paused audiobook?

Yes, you can resume a paused audiobook, continuing exactly where you left off.

What happens to open applications when I restart my computer?

When you restart your computer, all open applications are closed, and any unsaved data might be lost.

What does "restart your computer" typically solve?

Restarting your computer can solve issues like software glitches, slow performance, and update installations by refreshing the system's state.

How do I resume a paused download on my computer?

To resume a paused download, typically you can click the resume button in your download manager or browser's download section.

Does restarting a router fix internet connectivity issues?

Yes, restarting a router can often resolve common internet connectivity issues by refreshing the network connection.

What should I do if my computer does not restart properly?

If your computer does not restart properly, you may need to perform a hard reset by holding down the power button or seek technical support.

Why is it advised to restart a mobile phone periodically?

It is advised to restart a mobile phone periodically to clear system caches, terminate background apps, and improve overall performance.

What is the difference between a soft restart and a hard restart?

A soft restart involves using software options to reboot the system gently, while a hard restart involves physically powering down the device, often used when the device is unresponsive.

How do I ensure my work is saved before I restart my computer?

Ensure your work is saved before restarting your computer by manually saving all open documents and confirming that any auto-save features are functioning.

What is the purpose of the resume feature in video streaming services?

The resume feature in video streaming services allows users to continue watching a video from the exact point where they last stopped, enhancing viewer convenience.

Is it necessary to restart a device after installing new software?

Often, restarting a device after installing new software is necessary to complete the installation process and ensure that the new software functions correctly.

Can I resume a job application process after stopping midway?

Yes, many online job application platforms allow candidates to save their progress and resume the application process later.

How can I resume work after a long break effectively?

To resume work effectively after a long break, review your previous tasks, set clear priorities, and gradually ease back into your work routine.

Can I resume playing a sport at the same level after a long hiatus?

Resuming a sport at the same level after a long hiatus may require time and training to regain skills and fitness levels.

Can restarting a computer during updates cause problems?

Yes, restarting a computer during updates can interrupt the update process, potentially causing software corruption or other issues. Always allow updates to complete before restarting.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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