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Recommendation vs. Solution — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on November 3, 2023
A recommendation is a suggestion or advice given, while a solution is a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
Recommendation vs. Solution — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Recommendation and Solution


Key Differences

A recommendation is an advisory suggestion put forward as worthy of consideration. It is not always a definitive answer but rather guidance. A solution, conversely, is a definitive response that resolves a problem.
A recommendation implies a choice, offering one or more options based on judgment or expertise. Solutions denote the end of a problem, a resolution that has been found and can be implemented to rectify an issue.
Solutions solve problems, while recommendations propose a possible course of action that may lead to a solution. Not all recommendations are solutions, but all solutions can be recommended.
The giving of a recommendation is part of the decision-making process, suggesting what might be done. Solutions are the result of the decision-making process, the actions that will be taken.
In summary, while a recommendation is a form of advice, a solution is the actual method by which a complication is resolved.

Comparison Chart


To advise or suggest.
To resolve or fix.


Optional and suggestive.
Definitive and conclusive.




May offer multiple options.
Typically one clear answer.


Not guaranteed to solve.
Intended to eliminate the problem.

Compare with Definitions


Endorsement of a choice
He followed the recommendation to choose the healthier menu.


The act of solving something
The detective's solution to the case was ingenious.


An advice or proposal
The doctor's recommendation was to rest.


An answer to a puzzle
She finally found the solution to the crossword clue.


Suggestion for improvement
Her recommendation involved changing the workflow.


A method or process of dealing with a problem
Sought a solution to falling enrollments.


Something that recommends, especially a favorable statement concerning character or qualifications.


The answer to a problem or the explanation for something
The solution to the mystery.


The act of recommending.


A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, which may be solids, liquids, gases, or a combination of these.


Something, such as a course of action, that is recommended.


The process of forming such a mixture.


An act of recommending.


The state of being dissolved
Nitrogen that is in solution in the ocean.


That which is recommended.


(Archaic) The act of separating or breaking up; dissolution.


A commendation or endorsement.
Your next employer may require a recommendation.
He made a recommendation about what food to order.
We followed the recommendation to order sushi.


A homogeneous mixture, which may be liquid, gas or solid, formed by dissolving one or more substances.


The act of recommending.


An act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem.


That which recommends, or commends to favor; anything procuring, or tending to procure, a favorable reception, or to secure acceptance and adoption; as, he brought excellent recommendations.


An answer to a problem.


The state of being recommended; esteem.
The burying of the dead . . . hath always been had in an extraordinary recommendation amongst the ancient.


(marketing) A product, service or suite thereof, especially software.


Something (as a course of action) that is recommeended as advisable


Satisfaction of a claim or debt.


Something that recommends (or expresses commendation) of a person or thing as worthy or desirable


The act of dissolving, especially of a solid by a fluid; dissolution.


Any quality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception or acceptance or admission;
Her pleasant personality is already a recommendation
His wealth was not a passport into the exclusive circles of society


The crisis of a disease.


Counsel or guidance
The consultant gave a recommendation for better financial management.


To treat with a solution.


An opinion favoring one option
Based on reviews, the recommendation was to see the new movie.


The act of separating the parts of any body, or the condition of undergoing a separation of parts; disruption; breach.
In all bodies there is an appetite of union and evitation of solution of continuity.


The act of solving, or the state of being solved; the disentanglement of any intricate problem or difficult question; explanation; clearing up; - used especially in mathematics, either of the process of solving an equation or problem, or the result of the process.


The state of being dissolved or disintegrated; resolution; disintegration.
It is unquestionably an enterprise of more promise to assail the nations in their hour of faintness and solution, than at a time when magnificent and seductive systems of worship were at their height of energy and splendor.


The act or process by which a body (whether solid, liquid, or gaseous) is absorbed into a liquid, and, remaining or becoming fluid, is diffused throughout the solvent; also, the product resulting from such absorption.


Release; deliverance; discharge.


The termination of a disease; resolution.


A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances; frequently (but not necessarily) a liquid solution;
He used a solution of peroxide and water


A statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem;
They were trying to find a peaceful solution
The answers were in the back of the book
He computed the result to four decimal places


A method for solving a problem;
The easy solution is to look it up in the handbook


The set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation


The successful action of solving a problem;
The solution took three hours


A means of solving a problem
The solution to the math problem was elusive.


A liquid mixture where something is dissolved
Saltwater is a solution of salt in water.


Resolution of a complex situation
The negotiator found a solution to the hostage crisis.

Common Curiosities

Can a recommendation be a solution?

Yes, if it successfully resolves the issue at hand.

What does a solution mean?

A solution is the method or answer that effectively resolves a problem.

Is a solution always practical?

A solution should be practical, but this isn't always the case. It depends on the context.

Are recommendations always followed?

No, recommendations are suggestions and are not always acted upon.

What is a recommendation?

A recommendation is advice or a suggestion to solve a problem or make a decision.

Is a solution always the result of a recommendation?

Not necessarily, solutions can be arrived at without recommendations.

What if a recommendation does not lead to a solution?

Alternative recommendations may need to be considered.

Can a solution be temporary?

Yes, some solutions are temporary fixes to provide immediate relief.

How do I give a good recommendation?

A good recommendation is well-informed and considers the needs and context of the situation.

Can there be multiple solutions to a problem?

Yes, some problems can have more than one effective solution.

Does a solution need to be innovative?

A solution should effectively resolve the issue; it can be innovative or established.

Should recommendations be based on evidence?

Ideally, yes, recommendations should be evidence-based for credibility.

How important are recommendations in business?

Recommendations are crucial as they can guide decision-making and strategy.

Who can give a recommendation?

Anyone can give a recommendation, but they are often sought from experts or those with experience.

How do we measure the effectiveness of a solution?

By whether it resolves the problem and meets the needs addressed by the solution.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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