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Realistic vs. Achievable — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 5, 2024
Realistic refers to what is practical and possible given current conditions, while achievable emphasizes the capacity to be accomplished or attained.
Realistic vs. Achievable — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Realistic and Achievable


Key Differences

Realistic pertains to acknowledging and considering existing limitations, conditions, and contexts to determine what can feasibly occur or be done. It's grounded in a pragmatic assessment of what's practical based on current knowledge and circumstances. Achievable, on the other hand, focuses on the potential for success or attainment, often involving goals or objectives that, while possibly challenging, can be reached through effort, planning, and resources.
When setting objectives, describing something as realistic involves a thorough evaluation of factors such as resources, time, and constraints, ensuring that expectations align with what is practically attainable. Achievable goals are those that, despite potential difficulties, are considered within reach if given the right conditions and efforts. They may require stretching beyond current capabilities but are not beyond the realm of possibility.
Realistic assessments often require a critical eye towards what is known and what limitations exist, potentially leading to more conservative estimates or plans. In contrast, labeling something as achievable may imply optimism and confidence in the ability to overcome obstacles, suggesting a proactive approach to challenges.
In project management, a realistic perspective ensures that plans are made with a clear understanding of the current environment and likely challenges, aiming to set feasible benchmarks. Achievable, meanwhile, sets the bar at a level that, while possibly requiring significant effort or innovation, is considered possible to meet with the right strategies and actions.
Understanding the difference between realistic and achievable can be crucial in various contexts, from personal goal setting to strategic planning in business. Realistic emphasizes a grounded approach, considering all factors that affect outcomes, whereas achievable is about the potential to reach a goal, encouraging motivation and determination despite potential hurdles.

Comparison Chart


Practical and possible given current conditions.
Capable of being accomplished or attained.


Acknowledging limitations and contexts.
Emphasizing potential for success.

Planning Aspect

Grounded in pragmatic assessment.
Requires optimism and confidence.

Project Management

Ensures plans are feasible with current knowledge.
Sets goals that are within reach with effort.


May lead to conservative plans or estimates.
Encourages stretching capabilities to meet goals.

Compare with Definitions


In accordance with facts; representing things as they are.
The business plan was realistic, taking into account the economic downturn.


Involving objectives that require effort but are within reach.
Losing weight is achievable with a combination of diet and exercise.


Grounded in real life or practicality, rather than idealism.
Her expectations for the project were realistic, considering the tight budget.


Possible to achieve; within the realm of capability.
Setting achievable goals for the new year can boost your motivation.


Achievable or possible to be done, based on realistic assessment.
The timeline for the project is realistic if we prioritize our tasks efficiently.


Reflecting an optimistic and determined approach to goals.
The team set an achievable timeline for the product launch, despite challenges.


Practical and sensible; not expecting too much.
It's realistic to expect a modest improvement over last year's performance.


Implies a positive outlook towards accomplishing a task.
With hard work and dedication, passing the final exam is certainly achievable.


Pertaining to or characterized by realism in art or literature.
The novel is praised for its realistic portrayal of life in rural America.


Denoting a goal or task that can be successfully completed.
The target sales figure is ambitious yet achievable with the new strategy.


Having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected
I thought we had a realistic chance of winning


To gain with effort or despite difficulty; reach
Achieve fame as a singer.
Achieve a record speed.


Representing things in a way that is accurate and true to life
A realistic human drama


To succeed in accomplishing; bring about
Achieve a task.
Achieve an improvement in foreign relations.


Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are
She gave us a realistic appraisal of our chances.


To accomplish something successfully; perform at a standard or above standard level
Skills needed to achieve in school.


Of or relating to the representation of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are
A realistic novel about coal mining.


Capable of being achieved, which either means possible or probable.


Expressed or represented as being accurate, practicable, or not idealistic.
A realistic appraisal of the situation.


Not linked to fate or outside influences.


Relating to the representation of objects, actions or conditions as they actually are or were.
A realistic novel about the Victorian poor.


Capable of being achieved.


Of or pertaining to the realists; in the manner of the realists; characterized by realism rather than by imagination.


Capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do


Aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are;
A realistic description
A realistic view of the possibilities
A realistic appraisal of our chances
The actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans


Representing what is real; not abstract or ideal;
Realistic portraiture
A realistic novel
In naturalistic colors
The school of naturalistic writers


Of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism;
A realistic system of thought

Common Curiosities

What role does optimism play in setting achievable goals?

Optimism encourages setting goals that stretch capabilities and resources, believing that with effort and determination, these goals can be met.

Can a goal be achievable but not realistic?

Yes, a goal might be technically achievable with unlimited resources or under ideal conditions, but not realistic given the current circumstances.

What makes a goal realistic?

A goal is realistic when it takes into account current abilities, resources, constraints, and environmental factors.

How do achievable goals motivate individuals?

Achievable goals provide a clear target that, with effort, can be reached, thus motivating individuals by offering a sense of accomplishment once achieved.

Why is it important for plans to be realistic?

Realistic plans ensure that objectives are grounded in what is practically attainable, reducing the risk of failure due to overly optimistic expectations.

What is the importance of balancing realism and achievability in goal setting?

Balancing both ensures that goals are both grounded in reality and offer a stretch challenge that motivates effort and innovation.

Can a project be both realistic and achievable?

Yes, the most effective projects are those that are both realistically planned based on current conditions and considered achievable through effort and resource allocation.

How do circumstances affect the realism of a goal?

Circumstances such as available resources, time constraints, and external factors influence what is practical and thus affect the realism of a goal.

How can I determine if a goal is achievable?

Assess your resources, capabilities, time frame, and the steps required to reach the goal to determine its achievability.

Is achievability subjective?

Yes, what is considered achievable can vary greatly depending on an individual's or team's perspective, resources, and determination.

Can the achievability of a goal change over time?

Yes, as conditions, resources, and capabilities evolve, what is achievable may also change, requiring ongoing assessment and adjustment.

How does risk assessment relate to setting realistic goals?

Risk assessment helps identify potential obstacles and challenges, informing the setting of goals that are realistic and achievable given known risks.

How should feedback be incorporated into realistic planning?

Feedback should be used to adjust plans and goals to ensure they remain realistic and aligned with changing conditions and insights.

What impact do unrealistic goals have on a team?

Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration, demotivation, and burnout if the team consistently fails to meet unattainable standards.

What strategies can help make ambitious goals more achievable?

Breaking down ambitious goals into smaller, manageable tasks, leveraging resources effectively, and maintaining a flexible approach can help make them more achievable.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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