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Raw vs. Smackdown — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 8, 2024
Raw and SmackDown are two major weekly professional wrestling television programs produced by WWE, with Raw being known for its red brand and more dramatic storytelling, while SmackDown, the blue brand, often focuses more on wrestling and athleticism.
Raw vs. Smackdown — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Raw and Smackdown


Key Differences

WWE Raw, often just called Raw, is WWE's longest-running weekly episodic television show, debuting in 1993. It has traditionally been seen as the company's flagship program. Whereas SmackDown, officially known as WWE SmackDown, began airing in 1999 and is typically viewed as the second primary show in WWE's lineup.
Raw is broadcast on Monday nights and has been a staple in professional wrestling, known for its intense rivalries and dramatic story arcs. On the other hand, SmackDown airs on Friday nights and has been praised for focusing more on the athletic aspect of wrestling, often giving more time to actual matches.
The branding of these shows is distinct: Raw is associated with the color red and often features a more raw, edgy production style. In contrast, SmackDown uses blue thematics and is generally considered to have a slightly more polished, sports-oriented presentation.
Raw's roster typically includes some of WWE's highest-profile stars and often gets the first pick in WWE’s annual "Draft" of wrestlers. Meanwhile, SmackDown has developed a reputation for cultivating rising stars and giving more opportunities to new talents.
The audience and critical reception of these shows can vary, with Raw often criticized for its length and pacing due to its three-hour runtime, compared to the two-hour duration of SmackDown, which many viewers find more digestible and consistently entertaining.

Comparison Chart

Debut Year


Broadcast Day



Drama and storylines
Wrestling and athleticism

Color Theme


Show Length

3 hours
2 hours

Compare with Definitions


Broadcasts live, adding an element of unpredictability to its programming.
The live broadcast of Raw allows for real-time fan interaction and surprises.


A weekly professional wrestling show that emphasizes athletic competition and wrestling talent.
SmackDown last Friday showcased an incredible title match that captivated fans.


Professional wrestling television program featuring WWE's top talent in various matches and storylines.
The storyline between the champion and his rival reached its peak on Raw last night.


Often referred to as the "wrestler’s show" due to its focus on in-ring action.
Wrestling purists often prefer SmackDown for its emphasis on technical matches.


Known for launching the careers of numerous WWE superstars.
Many of WWE’s top stars first became popular on Raw.


Praised for its high production values and engaging storytelling.
SmackDown's production quality and concise storytelling make it a hit with viewers.


(used informally) completely unclothed


A vehement or heated confrontation
"[It was easy] to dismiss the whole affair as just another Red-Blue partisan smackdown" (Howard Fineman).


Raw meat.


A contest or comparison, especially one in which one side is expected to outclass the other
A smackdown between schools to see which one can reduce energy consumption the most.


Being in a natural condition; not processed or refined
Raw wool.


A physical or emotional confrontation; a battle, a fight; also, a bitter rivalry.


Not finished, covered, or coated
Raw wood.


A significant or humiliating setback or defeat; a beating, a thrashing.


Not having been subjected to adjustment, treatment, or analysis
Raw data.
The raw cost of production.


Undeveloped or unused
Raw land.


Recently finished; fresh
Raw plaster.


Inexperienced or untrained
A raw youth.
Raw recruits.


Having subcutaneous tissue exposed
A raw wound.


Inflamed; sore
A raw throat.


Unpleasantly damp and chilly
Raw weather.


Powerfully impressive; stark
Raw beauty.
Raw talent.


Direct in description and explicit in realistic detail
The film's raw depiction of urban poverty.


Crude, vulgar, or coarse
Raw language.


Nude; naked
Was standing there raw.


Engaged in without the protection of a condom.


(Slang) Without a condom; unprotected.


(cooking) of food Not cooked.
There's nothing but raw eggs for breakfast.


Not treated or processed; in a natural state, unrefined, unprocessed.
Raw cane sugar
Raw sewage


Having had the skin removed or abraded; chafed, tender; exposed, lacerated.
A raw wound


New or inexperienced.
A raw beginner


Crude in quality; rough, uneven, unsophisticated.
A raw voice


Uncorrected, without analysis.


Unpleasantly cold or damp.
A raw wind


Unmasked, undisguised, strongly expressed.
Raw emotion


Candid in a representation of unpleasant facts, conditions, etc.
A raw description of the American political arena


(obsolete) Not covered; bare; bald.


(slang) Without a condom.
We did it raw.


An unprocessed sugar; a batch of such.


A galled place; an inveterate sore.


A point about which a person is particularly sensitive.


A recording or rip of a show that has not been fansubbed.


A scan that has not been cleaned purged of blemishes arising from the scanning process and has not been scanlated.


(slang) To anally or vaginally penetrate without a condom.


Not altered from its natural state; not prepared by the action of heat; as, raw sienna;


Hence: Unprepared for use or enjoyment; immature; unripe; unseasoned; inexperienced; unpracticed; untried; as, raw soldiers; a raw recruit.
Approved himself to the raw judgment of the multitude.


Not worked in due form; in the natural state; untouched by art; unwrought.


Not covered; bare.
And all his sinews waxen weak and rawThrough long imprisonment.


Disagreeably damp or cold; chilly; bleak; as, a raw wind.


A raw, sore, or galled place; a sensitive spot; as, to touch one on the raw.
Like savage hackney coachmen, they know where there is a raw.


Informal terms for nakedness;
In the raw
In the altogether
In his birthday suit


(used especially of commodities) in the natural unprocessed condition;
Natural yogurt
Natural produce
Raw wool
Raw sugar
Bales of rude cotton


Having the surface exposed and painful;
A raw wound


Not treated with heat to prepare it for eating


Not processed or refined;
Raw sewage


Brutally unfair or harsh;
Received raw treatment from his friends
A raw deal


Not processed or subjected to analysis;
Raw data
The raw cost of production
Only the crude vital statistics


Untempered and unrefined;
Raw talent
Raw beauty


Unpleasantly cold and damp;
Bleak winds of the North Atlantic


Inflamed and painful;
His throat was raw
Had a sore throat


Used of wood and furniture;
Raw wood


Lacking training or experience;
The new men were eager to fight
Raw recruits
He was still wet behind the ears when he shipped as a hand on a merchant vessel

Common Curiosities

What is WWE Raw?

Raw is a weekly professional wrestling TV show produced by WWE, known for its red brand and dramatic storytelling.

Which show is longer, Raw or SmackDown?

Raw is longer, lasting three hours compared to SmackDown's two hours.

Can wrestlers appear on both Raw and SmackDown?

Generally, wrestlers are exclusive to one show or the other, depending on their contract and the annual WWE Draft.

When do Raw and SmackDown air?

Raw airs on Monday nights, while SmackDown is on Friday nights.

What is WWE SmackDown?

SmackDown is another weekly WWE show, characterized by its blue brand and focus on wrestling prowess.

How are the themes of Raw and SmackDown different?

Raw focuses more on storylines and drama, whereas SmackDown is more centered on in-ring action and athleticism.

Which show has higher ratings?

Ratings can vary, but historically Raw has often had higher viewership due to its longer history and flagship status.

Are Raw and SmackDown both live shows?

Yes, both shows are typically broadcast live.

What makes SmackDown known as the "wrestler’s show"?

It's known for giving more in-ring time to wrestlers, focusing on their athletic performance rather than extended storylines.

Has SmackDown always been on Friday nights?

No, SmackDown has moved between nights.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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