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Rating vs. Rate — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 4, 2024
Rating measures quality or performance, often in stars or points, while rate refers to a numerical value over time or per unit.
Rating vs. Rate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Rating and Rate


Key Differences

Rating and rate are terms often used in various contexts with distinct meanings and implications. A rating usually refers to a system or scale of classification used to evaluate or assess the quality, performance, or level of satisfaction with an item, service, or performance. It often takes the form of stars, points, or grades. On the other hand, a rate is a measure of a quantity in relation to another quantity, typically time or another unit of measure. Rates are used to calculate speed, frequency, or costs, providing a quantitative assessment of change or occurrence over time or per unit.
While ratings are subjective and can vary based on criteria, personal preferences, or standards set by evaluating bodies or individuals, rates are objective, mathematical measures. Ratings are crucial in consumer decisions, providing insights into quality or popularity, whereas rates are fundamental in economics, finance, and everyday calculations, such as interest rates or speed.
Ratings often involve qualitative assessments and are influenced by factors such as customer reviews, expert opinions, or performance analyses. They serve as a guide for potential users or consumers, offering a snapshot of expected quality or satisfaction. Rate, in contrast, involves quantitative analysis, requiring precise calculations to determine efficiencies, costs, or speeds, making it indispensable in planning, budgeting, and optimizing resources.
The impact of ratings can be seen in market trends, where products or services with higher ratings tend to attract more consumers, affecting sales and reputation. Rates have a direct impact on economic decisions; for example, interest rates affect loan affordability and savings growth, while exchange rates influence trade and investment decisions.
Despite their differences, both ratings and rates provide valuable information in their respective domains. Ratings help in making informed choices based on quality or performance, enriching consumer experience and market competition. Rates offer insights into cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and economic conditions, guiding financial and operational decisions.

Comparison Chart


A system to classify or evaluate quality, satisfaction, or performance.
A numerical value specifying a quantity in relation to another quantity.


Subjective and qualitative.
Objective and quantitative.

Common Forms

Stars, points, grades.
Percentage, ratio, frequency.


To assess quality or performance.
To measure change or occurrence over time or per unit.


Movie ratings, product reviews.
Interest rates, speed.

Compare with Definitions


Reflects customer satisfaction and quality.
The vacuum cleaner has a 4.5-star rating on the website.


A measure of a quantity in relation to another quantity, often over time.
The rate of inflation this year has increased compared to last.


Guides viewers or readers about suitability or quality.
The book's rating indicates it is suitable for young adults.


Measures velocity or movement over time.
The car can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour at an impressive rate.


An evaluation or assessment of quality, performance, or satisfaction.
The new movie received a high rating from both critics and audiences.


Quantitatively evaluates or contrasts amounts or occurrences.
The rate at which water boils depends on the atmospheric pressure.


Indicates the level of service quality or customer experience.
The hotel boasts a five-star rating for its luxury services.


Specifies interest or exchange values.
The bank offers a competitive rate for personal loans.


Measures skill, effectiveness, or achievements.
The player's rating has improved after the last tournament.


Describes occurrences within a specified timeframe.
The rate of new episodes is one per week.


A position assigned on a scale; a standing.


A quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity
A rate of speed of 60 miles an hour.


A classification according to specialty or proficiency, as of a member of the armed forces.


A measure of a part with respect to a whole; a proportion
The mortality rate.
A tax rate.


Chiefly British An enlisted person in the navy.


The cost per unit of a commodity or service
Postal rates.


An evaluation of the financial status of a business or person
A credit rating.


A charge or payment calculated in relation to a particular sum or quantity
Interest rates.


A specified performance limit, as of capacity, range, or operational capability
The power rating of a light fixture.


Level of quality.


The popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience.


Often rates Chiefly British A locally assessed property tax.


A quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity
A rate of speed of 60 miles an hour.


To place in a particular class, rank, or grade
Rated the film PG13.
Rated the bonds at junk level.


A measure of a part with respect to a whole; a proportion
The mortality rate.
A tax rate.


To specify the performance limits of, especially according to a standard scale
This fuse is rated at 50 amperes. The fishing line is rated for 30 pounds.


The cost per unit of a commodity or service
Postal rates.


To regard or consider as having a certain value
Rated the movie excellent.
Rated him a fine cook.


A charge or payment calculated in relation to a particular sum or quantity
Interest rates.


Chiefly British To value for purposes of taxation.


Level of quality.


To set a rate for (goods to be shipped).


Often rates Chiefly British A locally assessed property tax.


(Informal) To merit or deserve
People that rate special treatment.
An idea that rates attention.


A harsh scolding.


To be ranked in a particular class
A wine that rates higher than any other.


To place in a particular class, rank, or grade
Rated the film PG13.
Rated the bonds at junk level.


(Informal) To have status, importance, or influence
Tea-flavored ice cream doesn't rate highly in my book.


To specify the performance limits of, especially according to a standard scale
This fuse is rated at 50 amperes. The fishing line is rated for 30 pounds.


To berate.


To regard or consider as having a certain value
Rated the movie excellent.
Rated him a fine cook.


To express reproof.


Chiefly British To value for purposes of taxation.


(obsolete) The worth of something; value.


To set a rate for (goods to be shipped).


The proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another.
At the height of his powers, he was producing pictures at the rate of four a year.


(Informal) To merit or deserve
People that rate special treatment.
An idea that rates attention.


The car was speeding down here at a hell of a rate.


To be ranked in a particular class
A wine that rates higher than any other.


The relative speed of change or progress.
The rate of production at the factory is skyrocketing.


(Informal) To have status, importance, or influence
Tea-flavored ice cream doesn't rate highly in my book.


The price of (an individual) thing; cost.
He asked quite a rate to take me to the airport.


To berate.


A set price or charge for all examples of a given case, commodity, service etc.
Postal rates here are low.


To express reproof.


A wage calculated in relation to a unit of time.
We pay an hourly rate of between $10 – $15 per hour depending on qualifications and experience.


Present participle of rate


Any of various taxes, especially those levied by a local authority.
I hardly have enough left every month to pay the rates.


A position on a scale.


(nautical) A class into which ships were assigned based on condition, size etc.; by extension, rank.
This textbook is first-rate.


An evaluation of status, especially of financial status.
They have a poor credit rating.


(obsolete) Established portion or measure; fixed allowance; ration.


A number, letter, or other mark that refers to the ability of something.
He has a high chess rating.


(obsolete) Order; arrangement.


A quantitative measure of the audience of a television program.


(obsolete) Ratification; approval.


(nautical) A seaman in a warship.


(horology) The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time.
Daily rate; hourly rate; etc.


An enlisted seaman not a commissioned officer or warrant officer.


(transitive) To assign or be assigned a particular rank or level.
She is rated fourth in the country.


An appraisal of the value of something;
He set a high valuation on friendship


(transitive) To evaluate or estimate the value of.
They rate his talents highly.


Act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of


(transitive) To consider or regard.
He rated this book brilliant.


Standing or position on a scale


(transitive) To deserve; to be worth.
The view here hardly rates a mention in the travel guide.


Rank in a military organization


(transitive) To determine the limits of safe functioning for a machine or electrical device.
The transformer is rated at 10 watts.


To evaluate a property's value for the purposes of local taxation.


To like; to think highly of.
The customers don't rate the new burgers.


(intransitive) To have position (in a certain class).
She rates among the most excellent chefs in the world.
He rates as the best cyclist in the country.


(intransitive) To have value or standing.
This last performance of hers didn't rate very high with the judges.


(transitive) To ratify.


To ascertain the exact rate of the gain or loss of (a chronometer) as compared with true time.


(transitive) To berate, scold.


To chide with vehemence; to scold; to censure violently; to berate.
Go, rate thy minions, proud, insulting boy!
Conscience is a check to beginners in sin, reclaiming them from it, and rating them for it.


To set a certain estimate on; to value at a certain price or degree.
To rate a man by the nature of his companions is a rule frequent indeed, but not infallible.
You seem not high enough your joys to rate.


To assess for the payment of a rate or tax.


To settle the relative scale, rank, position, amount, value, or quality of; as, to rate a ship; to rate a seaman; to rate a pension.


To ratify.


To be set or considered in a class; to have rank; as, the ship rates as a ship of the line.


To make an estimate.


Established portion or measure; fixed allowance.
The one right feeble through the evil rateOf food which in her duress she had found.


That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio; as, a slow rate of movement; rate of interest is the ratio of the interest to the principal, per annum.
Heretofore the rate and standard of wit was different from what it is nowadays.
In this did his holiness and godliness appear above the rate and pitch of other men's, in that he was so . . . merciful.
Many of the horse could not march at that rate, nor come up soon enough.


Valuation; price fixed with relation to a standard; cost; charge; as, high or low rates of transportation.
They come at dear rates from Japan.


A tax or sum assessed by authority on property for public use, according to its income or value; esp., in England, a local tax; as, parish rates; town rates.


Order; arrangement.
Thus sat they all around in seemly rate.


Ratification; approval.


The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time; as, daily rate; hourly rate; etc.


The order or class to which a war vessel belongs, determined according to its size, armament, etc.; as, first rate, second rate, etc.


Amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis;
A 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5


A magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit;
They traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour
The rate of change was faster than expected


The relative speed of progress or change;
He lived at a fast pace
He works at a great rate
The pace of events accelerated


Assign a rank or rating to;
How would you rank these students?
The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide


Be worthy of or have a certain rating;
This bond rates highly


Estimate the value of;
How would you rate his chances to become President?
Gold was rated highly among the Romans

Common Curiosities

What defines a rating?

An assessment or evaluation of quality, performance, or satisfaction, often using a scale or system.

Can ratings and rates be related?

While they serve different purposes, both provide valuable information for decision-making in their contexts.

Are rates always objective?

Yes, rates are based on quantitative measures, making them objective.

How do ratings impact consumer behavior?

High ratings can attract consumers, influencing purchasing decisions.

Can a product have both ratings and rates?

Yes, a product can have a quality rating and a rate, like a rental rate per day.

Why are ratings important for services?

They provide insights into the expected quality and customer experience.

How do exchange rates influence economics?

They affect international trade and investment decisions by determining how much one currency is worth in another.

What defines a rate?

A quantitative measure of one quantity in relation to another, often over time.

Are ratings always subjective?

Yes, ratings involve personal judgments or criteria, making them subjective.

Is a rating always positive?

No, ratings can range from very poor to excellent, reflecting varying levels of quality or satisfaction.

What role do ratings play in content selection?

Ratings guide consumers in choosing suitable or high-quality content.

How do rates affect financial decisions?

Rates like interest or exchange rates directly impact loans, savings, and investments.

How are rates calculated?

Rates are calculated by dividing one quantity by another, often involving time or unit measures.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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