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Price vs. Prize — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 7, 2024
Price refers to the amount of money required to purchase something, while a prize is an award given for winning a competition or excelling in a particular field.
Price vs. Prize — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Price and Prize


Key Differences

Price is the monetary value attached to goods or services, determined by various factors like demand, supply, and production costs. It's what consumers pay to acquire something. On the other hand, a prize is a reward given for a specific achievement or victory, often in contests, competitions, or for recognition in a particular field. It serves as a form of honor or reward, rather than a transaction.
Prices are subject to fluctuation based on market conditions, such as inflation, consumer demand, and availability of the product or service. They play a crucial role in the economic decisions of both buyers and sellers. Whereas, prizes are typically fixed and announced prior to the competition or achievement they are associated with, serving as an incentive or recognition.
While prices are a universal aspect of commerce, affecting every purchase decision in daily life, prizes are more selective, often associated with competitions, achievements, or recognitions in various fields such as arts, sciences, sports, and academics.
In the marketplace, prices are negotiated and can vary from one seller to another based on competition, brand value, and quality. In contrast, prizes are not negotiable and are awarded based on merit or achievement according to the rules set by the awarding body or competition organizers.
Price is an essential component of economic transactions, affecting consumer behavior, market trends, and business strategies. Prizes, while not a part of everyday transactions, play a significant role in motivating individuals, promoting excellence, and recognizing outstanding contributions or achievements.

Comparison Chart


The amount of money required for a transaction or purchase.
An award or honor given for a particular achievement.


Commerce, trade, and everyday transactions.
Competitions, achievements, and recognitions.


Monetary value subject to change based on market conditions.
Typically fixed and established by the awarding entity.


Facilitates buying and selling.
Serves as recognition or motivation.


Can vary widely based on seller, quality, and market demand.
Generally fixed for a particular competition or achievement.

Compare with Definitions


The cost required to purchase goods or services.
The price of the smartphone was $999.


An award given in recognition of an achievement.
She won first prize in the art competition.


Reflects the value and demand in the market.
Due to high demand, the price of coffee has increased.


Serves as motivation in competitions and challenges.
The grand prize motivated the participants to perform their best.


Used as a basis for comparison when shopping.
She compared the prices of the dresses before buying one.


Can be monetary or symbolic, like trophies or titles.
The prize for the poetry contest was a published book deal.


Can often be negotiated or discounted.
I negotiated the price of the car down by $500.


Represents honor and recognition.
The Nobel Prize is a prestigious honor in various fields.


Subject to change based on economic factors.
The price of oil fluctuates based on global markets.


Awarded based on merit or achievement.
The jury awarded the prize to the most innovative project.


A price is the (usually not negative) quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for one unit of goods or services. In some situation, the price of production has a different name.


A prize is an award to be given to a person, a group of people like a sports team, or organization to recognize and reward actions or achievements. Official prizes often involve monetary rewards as well as the fame that comes with them.


The amount as of money or goods, asked for or given in exchange for something else.


Something offered or won as an award for superiority or victory, as in a contest or competition.


The cost at which something is obtained
Believes that the price of success is hard work.


Something offered or won in a lottery or similar game of chance.


The cost of bribing someone
Maintained that every person has a price.


Something worth striving for; a highly desirable possession.


A reward offered for the capture or killing of a person
A felon with a price on his head.


Something seized by force or taken as booty, especially an enemy ship and its cargo captured at sea during wartime.


(Archaic) Value or worth.


Chiefly Southern US Something used as a lever or for prying.


To fix or establish a price for
Shoes that are priced at sixty dollars.


Offered or given as a prize
A prize cup.


To find out the price of
Spent the day pricing dresses.


Given a prize, or likely to win a prize
A prize cow.


The cost required to gain possession of something.


Worthy of a prize; first-class
Our prize azaleas.


The cost of an action or deed.
I paid a high price for my folly.


To value highly; esteem or treasure.


Value; estimation; excellence; worth.


To estimate the worth of; evaluate.


(transitive) To determine the monetary value of (an item); to put a price on.


To move or force with a lever; pry
Prized open the antique chest.


To pay the price of; to make reparation for.


That which is taken from another; something captured; a thing seized by force, stratagem, or superior power.


To set a price on; to value; to prize.


Anything captured by a belligerent using the rights of war; especially, property captured at sea in virtue of the rights of war, as a vessel.


To ask the price of.
To price eggs


An honour or reward striven for in a competitive contest; anything offered to be competed for, or as an inducement to, or reward of, effort.


The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued, or the value which a seller sets on his goods in market; that for which something is bought or sold, or offered for sale; equivalent in money or other means of exchange; current value or rate paid or demanded in market or in barter; cost.
We can afford no more at such a price.


That which may be won by chance, as in a lottery.


Value; estimation; excellence; worth.
Her price is far above rubies.
New treasures still, of countless price.


Anything worth striving for; a valuable possession held or in prospect.


Reward; recompense; as, the price of industry.
'T is the price of toil,The knave deserves it when he tills the soil.


(obsolete) A contest for a reward; competition.


To set a price on; to value. See Prize.


A lever; a pry; also, the hold of a lever.


To ask the price of; as, to price eggs.


Obsolete form of price


The amount of money needed to purchase something;
The price of gasoline
He got his new car on excellent terms
How much is the damage?


To consider highly valuable; to esteem.


The property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold);
The fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver
He puts a high price on his services
He couldn't calculate the cost of the collection


(obsolete) To set or estimate the value of; to appraise; to price; to rate.


Value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something;
The cost in human life was enormous
The price of success is hard work
What price glory?


To move with a lever; to force up or open; to prise or pry.


The high value or worth of something;
Her price is far above rubies


(obsolete) To compete in a prizefight.


A reward for helping to catch a criminal;
The cattle thief has a price on his head


Having won a prize; award-winning.
A prize vegetable


Cost of bribing someone;
They say that every politician has a price


; exceptional.
He was a prize fool.


United States operatic soprano (born 1927)


That which is taken from another; something captured; a thing seized by force, stratagem, or superior power.
I will depart my pris, or my prey, by deliberation.
His own prize,Whom formerly he had in battle won.


Determine the price of;
The grocer priced his wares high


Anything captured by a belligerent using the rights of war; esp., property captured at sea in virtue of the rights of war, as a vessel.
I'll never wrestle for prize more.
I fought and conquered, yet have lost the prize.


Ascertain or learn the price of;
Have you priced personal computers lately?


That which may be won by chance, as in a lottery.


Anything worth striving for; a valuable possession held or in prospect.
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


A contest for a reward; competition.


A lever; a pry; also, the hold of a lever.


Estimation; valuation.


To move with a lever; to force up or open; to pry.


To set or estimate the value of; to appraise; to price; to rate.
A goodly price that I was prized at.
I prize it [life] not a straw, but for mine honor.


To value highly; to estimate to be of great worth; to esteem.
I prized your person, but your crown disdain.


Something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery;
The prize was a free trip to Europe


Goods or money obtained illegally


Something given as a token of victory


Hold dear;
I prize these old photographs


To move or force, especially in an effort to get something open;
The burglar jimmied the lock
Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail


Regard highly; think much of;
I respect his judgement
We prize his creativity


Of superior grade;
Choice wines
Prime beef
Prize carnations
Quality paper
Select peaches

Common Curiosities

What determines the price of a product?

The price is determined by factors such as production costs, demand, supply, and market competition.

Can someone win multiple prizes for the same achievement?

Yes, it's possible to receive multiple prizes from different organizations for the same achievement.

Can a prize include money?

Yes, prizes can be monetary or symbolic, such as trophies, medals, or titles.

How is a prize winner decided?

Winners are typically decided based on performance, achievement, or by a panel of judges in a competition.

Can prizes be revoked?

In rare cases, prizes can be revoked if the recipient is found to have violated certain terms or conditions.

What is price elasticity?

Price elasticity measures how demand for a product changes in response to price changes.

Is the price of an item the same everywhere?

No, prices can vary based on location, seller, and market conditions.

Can prices be negotiated?

In many cases, prices can be negotiated, especially for large purchases or in markets where bargaining is common.

How do market trends affect prices?

Market trends, such as changes in supply and demand, can lead to price increases or decreases.

Is there a difference between a prize and an award?

The terms are often used interchangeably, but "award" can be broader, encompassing both monetary and non-monetary recognitions.

What role does price play in consumer choice?

Price is a significant factor in consumer decision-making, often influencing the choice between similar products.

Do prizes always come from competitions?

While many prizes are competition-based, others can be awarded for academic, artistic, or scientific achievements without a competition.

How do sales and discounts impact price?

Sales and discounts temporarily reduce the price of goods or services to encourage purchases.

Are there international prizes recognized worldwide?

Yes, some prizes, like the Nobel Prize, are recognized and respected globally.

How does inflation affect prices?

Inflation leads to a general increase in prices over time, reducing the purchasing power of money.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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