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Persipan vs. Marzipan — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 3, 2024
Persipan, made from apricot or peach kernels, has a slightly bitter taste, whereas marzipan, crafted from almonds, offers a sweeter, nuttier flavor.
Persipan vs. Marzipan — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Persipan and Marzipan


Key Differences

Persipan is primarily made from ground apricot or peach kernels, which contributes to its characteristic bitter undertone, whereas marzipan is derived from ground almonds, giving it a distinctly sweet and nutty flavor.
The texture of persipan tends to be slightly coarser and less malleable due to its kernel base, on the other hand, marzipan is known for its smooth, pliable texture which is ideal for sculpting and cake decorating.
In terms of cost, persipan is often less expensive as apricot and peach kernels are cheaper than almonds, while marzipan is considered a premium product, especially when made with high-quality almonds.
Persipan is sometimes used as a substitute for marzipan in baking to reduce costs or for a different flavor profile, whereas marzipan is preferred for traditional uses in confections and holiday treats.
Due to its ingredients, persipan may contain traces of cyanide, a natural compound found in apricot and peach kernels, necessitating careful processing, whereas marzipan does not typically pose this concern, making it a safer choice for consumption.

Comparison Chart

Main Ingredient

Apricot or peach kernels


Bitter undertone
Sweet and nutty


Coarser, less malleable
Smooth and pliable


Generally cheaper
More expensive

Safety Concerns

Possible cyanide content
No significant concerns

Compare with Definitions


Less sweet than marzipan and has a bitter note.
The persipan in the cake added a subtle bitterness that complemented the sweet icing.


More expensive due to the cost of almonds.
Due to the rising cost of almonds, marzipan has become a premium ingredient in bakeries.


Requires careful processing to eliminate cyanide traces.
Manufacturers ensure that persipan is safe by processing it to reduce cyanide levels.


Safe to eat with no significant health concerns.
Marzipan is preferred for its flavor and because it poses no health risks.


A paste used in baking, made from ground apricot or peach kernels.
The baker used persipan to fill the pastry because it was more cost-effective.


Known for its sweet, nutty flavor that enhances desserts.
The marzipan layer added a rich, almond flavor to the chocolate cake.


Usually cheaper than marzipan, making it popular in budget-friendly recipes.
For the budget-conscious baker, persipan offers a suitable alternative to marzipan.


Traditionally used in holiday treats and special occasion cakes.
Marzipan fruits are a traditional treat enjoyed during the holiday season.


Often used as a marzipan substitute in commercial products.
To reduce costs, commercial bakers sometimes use persipan instead of marzipan.


A confection consisting primarily of sugar and ground almonds.
Marzipan is often used to create edible sculptures for cake decorating.


Persipan (from Persicus (peach) and marzipan; also known as Parzipan) is a material used in confectionery. It is similar to marzipan but apricot or peach kernels are used instead of almonds.


Marzipan is a confection consisting primarily of sugar or honey and almond meal (ground almonds), sometimes augmented with almond oil or extract. It is often made into sweets; common uses are chocolate-covered marzipan and small marzipan imitations of fruits and vegetables.


A substance similar to marzipan, but produced from peach or apricot pits instead of almonds.


A confection made of ground almonds or almond paste, sugar, and sometimes egg whites, often molded into decorative shapes.


A confection made from a paste of almonds, sugar and egg white as a binder.


A similar confection made using another nut, such as peanut or hazelnut.


(countable) A piece of such a confection.


(transitive) To cover with marzipan.
A marzipanned cake


A confection made of almonds and sugar mixed into a paste and molded into shapes. Same as marchpane.


Almond paste and egg whites

Common Curiosities

What is persipan made from?

Persipan is made from ground apricot or peach kernels.

Are there any health risks associated with persipan?

Persipan may contain traces of cyanide from its kernel ingredients, which must be carefully processed to reduce any health risks.

What is the primary use of marzipan in baking?

Marzipan is primarily used in confectionery for making sweets and decorating cakes.

Why is marzipan more expensive than persipan?

Marzipan is more expensive due to the higher cost of almonds compared to apricot or peach kernels.

Is marzipan considered safe for all consumers?

Yes, marzipan is safe for consumption as it does not contain the cyanide traces found in some persipan varieties.

What are the textural differences between persipan and marzipan?

Persipan tends to be coarser and less malleable than the smooth, pliable texture of marzipan.

How does the taste of persipan differ from marzipan?

Persipan has a slightly bitter taste due to the kernels, while marzipan is sweeter and nuttier.

Can persipan be used in place of marzipan?

Yes, persipan can be used as a substitute for marzipan, especially to reduce costs.

Can people with nut allergies eat persipan?

People with nut allergies may be able to eat persipan, but should always check processing and potential cross-contamination.

How should persipan be stored?

Persipan should be stored in a cool, dry place, tightly sealed to prevent spoilage.

Which is more popular in commercial baking?

Marzipan is more popular due to its flavor, but persipan is often used as a cost-effective substitute.

Is there a quality difference between low-cost and premium marzipan?

Yes, premium marzipan usually contains a higher proportion of almonds and less sugar, offering better flavor and texture.

What are some common desserts that use marzipan?

Common desserts include stollen, marzipan fruits, and almond paste-filled pastries.

What seasonal uses does marzipan have?

Marzipan is popular during Christmas and Easter for making decorative treats.

Does the origin of almonds affect the quality of marzipan?

Yes, the quality of almonds, often influenced by their origin, can significantly affect the taste and texture of marzipan.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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