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Pavement vs. Walk — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 8, 2024
Pavement refers to the hard, outdoor surface for pedestrian or vehicular use, while a walk implies a pedestrian pathway or act of walking, focusing on use and activity.
Pavement vs. Walk — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Pavement and Walk


Key Differences

Pavement is a construction term denoting any outdoor surface laid down to facilitate easy, safe movement, primarily for vehicles but also for pedestrians. This includes materials like asphalt, concrete, bricks, or stones, designed to withstand traffic and weather conditions. Walk, in contrast, primarily refers to a designated pedestrian pathway, often found within pavements, parks, or gardens, facilitating foot traffic away from vehicular paths. It can also describe the act of walking, emphasizing the movement aspect rather than the physical structure.
While pavement is engineered for durability and safety, incorporating features like non-slip surfaces and adequate drainage, walks are designed with pedestrian comfort in mind, often incorporating aesthetic elements such as landscaping and seating areas. The difference highlights pavement’s focus on structural integrity and versatility across various transportation modes, whereas walks emphasize pedestrian access and enjoyment.
Urban planning involves creating pavements to support a city's infrastructure, focusing on materials and construction techniques that ensure longevity and ease of maintenance. In designing walks, the focus shifts towards creating pathways that enhance pedestrian experiences, connecting key points of interest and ensuring accessibility for all users, including those with mobility challenges.
The terminology varies geographically; for instance, in British English, "pavement" commonly refers to the sidewalk, the pedestrian path beside a road, emphasizing the regional differences in language use. Meanwhile, a walk can be a specific route recommended for recreational walking, highlighting its dual nature as both a physical path and an activity.
Despite their differences, both pavements and walks serve essential roles in urban and rural landscapes, contributing to the functionality and livability of spaces by accommodating movement and providing access to various users. The interplay between them underscores the importance of thoughtful design in public infrastructure, ensuring that cities cater not only to vehicular traffic but also to the needs of pedestrians.

Comparison Chart


Hard outdoor surface for vehicles and pedestrians.
Pedestrian pathway or the act of walking.


Facilitates vehicular and pedestrian movement.
Facilitates pedestrian movement and recreation.


Asphalt, concrete, bricks, stones.
Can include similar materials, often with aesthetic considerations.

Design Focus

Durability, safety, and traffic management.
Pedestrian comfort, accessibility, and aesthetics.

Geographic Use

Universal, with variations in material and design.
More variable, often influenced by local culture and urban planning.

Compare with Definitions


The outdoor layer designed to withstand traffic.
Heavy rain made the pavement slick and hazardous.


A path designated for pedestrian use.
The scenic walk along the river attracts many visitors.


Engineered for vehicular use.
The pavement outside the school was redesigned to improve safety.


The act of moving on foot.
A morning walk helps clear my mind for the day.


Material used for creating durable walkways.
The new park features colorful pavement for its pathways.


Designed for recreational or commuting purposes.
The new walkway connects the park to the residential area.


Often made of concrete or asphalt.
The hot summer sun softened the asphalt pavement.


Can include natural or paved paths.
The forest walk is popular for its natural beauty.


A hard surface laying on roads and walkways.
The city repaved the cracked pavement on Main Street.


Often part of urban and rural landscapes.
The historic walk through the town center is a tourist favorite.


A hard smooth surface, especially of a public area or thoroughfare, that will bear travel.


Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once
She turned and walked a few paces
I walked across the lawn


The material with which such a surface is made.


Guide, accompany, or escort (someone) on foot
He walked her home to her door
A meeting to walk parents through the complaint process


Chiefly British A sidewalk.


(of a thing) go missing or be stolen
Customers have to leave a deposit to ensure the beer glasses don't walk


A paved surface; a hard covering on the ground.


Abandon or suddenly withdraw from a job or commitment
He was in place as the male lead but walked at the eleventh hour


A paved path, for the use of pedestrians, located at the side of a road.


(of a batsman) leave the field without waiting to be given out by the umpire.


A paving (paved part) of a road or other thoroughfare; the roadway or road surface.


Reach first base automatically after not hitting at four balls pitched outside the strike zone.


The paved part of an area other than a road or sidewalk, such as a cobblestone plaza, asphalt schoolyard or playground, or parking lot.


(of a ghost) be visible; appear
The ghosts of Bannockburn walked abroad


(architecture) The interior flooring of a church sanctuary, between the communion rail and the altar.


Live or behave in a particular way
Walk humbly with your God


That with which anything is paved; a floor or covering of solid material, laid so as to make a hard and convenient surface for travel; a paved road or sidewalk; a decorative interior floor of tiles or colored bricks.
The riches of heaven's pavement, trodden gold.


An act of travelling or an outing on foot
He was too restless to sleep, so he went out for a walk


To furnish with a pavement; to pave.


A route recommended or marked out for recreational walking
There are picnic places and waymarked walks


The paved surface of a thoroughfare


An unhurried rate of movement on foot
They crossed the field at a leisurely walk


Material used to pave an area


A part of a forest under one keeper.


Walk consisting of a paved area for pedestrians; usually beside a street or roadway


A farm where a hound puppy is trained.


An instance of reaching first base automatically after not hitting at four balls pitched outside the strike zone.


A flock of snipe.


To move over a surface by taking steps with the feet at a pace slower than a run
A baby learning to walk.
A horse walking around a riding ring.


To go or travel on foot
Walked to the store.


To go on foot for pleasure or exercise; stroll
Walked along the beach looking for shells.


To move in a manner suggestive of walking
Saw a woodpecker walking up the tree trunk.


To conduct oneself or behave in a particular manner; live
Walks in majesty and pride.


To appear as a supernatural being
The specter of famine walks through the land.


To go out on strike.


To resign from one's job abruptly; quit.


To be acquitted
The alleged killer walked.


(Baseball) To go to first base after the pitcher has thrown four pitches ruled as balls.


(Basketball) To move illegally while holding the ball; travel.


(Obsolete) To be in constant motion.


To go or pass over, on, or through by walking
Walk the financial district of a city.


To bring to a specified condition by walking
They walked me to exhaustion.


To cause to walk or proceed at a walk
Walk a horse uphill.


To accompany in walking; escort on foot
Walk the children home.
Walked me down the hall.


To traverse on foot in order to survey or measure; pace off
Walked the bounds of the property.


To move (a heavy or cumbersome object) in a manner suggestive of walking
Walked the bureau into the hall.


To allow (a batter) to go to first base by throwing four pitches ruled as balls.


To cause (a run) to score by walking a batter. Often used with in.


The gait of a human or other biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one part of a foot always on the ground.


The gait of a quadruped in which at least two feet are always touching the ground, especially the gait of a horse in which the feet touch the ground in the four-beat sequence of near hind foot, near forefoot, off hind foot, off forefoot.


The self-controlled extravehicular movement in space of an astronaut.


The act or an instance of walking, especially a stroll for pleasure or exercise.


The rate at which one walks; a walking pace.


The characteristic way in which one walks.


The distance covered or to be covered in walking.


A place, such as a sidewalk or promenade, on which one may walk.


A route or circuit particularly suitable for walking
One of the prettiest walks in the area.


(Baseball) A base on balls.


(Basketball) The act or an instance of moving illegally with the ball; traveling.


A track event in which contestants compete in walking a specified distance.




An enclosed area designated for the exercise or pasture of livestock.


An arrangement of trees or shrubs planted in widely spaced rows.


The space between such rows.


(intransitive) To move on the feet by alternately setting each foot (or pair or group of feet, in the case of animals with four or more feet) forward, with at least one foot on the ground at all times. Compare run.
To walk briskly for an hour every day is to keep fit.


To "walk free", i.e. to win, or avoid, a criminal court case, particularly when actually guilty.
If you can’t present a better case, that robber is going to walk.


Of an object, to go missing or be stolen.
If you leave your wallet lying around, it’s going to walk.


To walk off the field, as if given out, after the fielding side appeals and before the umpire has ruled; done as a matter of sportsmanship when the batsman believes he is out.


(transitive) To travel (a distance) by walking.
I walk two miles to school every day.
The museum’s not far from here – you can walk it.


(transitive) To take for a walk or accompany on a walk.
I walk the dog every morning.
Will you walk me home?


To allow a batter to reach base by pitching four balls.


(transitive) To move something by shifting between two positions, as if it were walking.
I carefully walked the ladder along the wall.


(transitive) To full; to beat cloth to give it the consistency of felt.


(transitive) To traverse by walking (or analogous gradual movement).
I walked the streets aimlessly.
Debugging this computer program involved walking the heap.


To operate the left and right throttles of (an aircraft) in alternation.


To leave, resign.
If we don't offer him more money he'll walk.


(transitive) To push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks.


To behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct oneself.


(obsolete) To be in motion; to act; to move.


To put, keep, or train (a puppy) in a walk, or training area for dogfighting.


To move a guest to another hotel if their confirmed reservation is not available on day of check-in.


A trip made by walking.
I take a walk every morning.


A distance walked.
It’s a long walk from my house to the library.


(sports) An Olympic Games track event requiring that the heel of the leading foot touch the ground before the toe of the trailing foot leaves the ground.


A manner of walking; a person's style of walking.
The Ministry of Silly Walks is underfunded this year.


A path, sidewalk/pavement or other maintained place on which to walk.


(figurative) A person's conduct or course in life.


(poker) A situation where all players fold to the big blind, as their first action (instead of calling or raising), once they get their cards.


(baseball) An award of first base to a batter following four balls being thrown by the pitcher; known in the rules as a "base on balls".
The pitcher now has two walks in this inning alone.


In coffee, coconut, and other plantations, the space between them.


An area of an estate planted with fruit-bearing trees.


(historical) A place for keeping and training puppies for dogfighting.


(historical) An enclosed area in which a gamecock is confined to prepare him for fighting.


(graph theory) A sequence of alternating vertices and edges, where each edge's endpoints are the preceding and following vertices in the sequence.


(colloquial) Something very easily accomplished; a walk in the park.


A cheque drawn on a bank that was not a member of the London Clearing and whose sort code was allocated on a one-off basis; they had to be "walked" (hand-delivered by messengers).


To move along on foot; to advance by steps; to go on at a moderate pace; specifically, of two-legged creatures, to proceed at a slower or faster rate, but without running, or lifting one foot entirely before the other touches the ground.
At the end of twelve months, he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.
When Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.


To be in motion; to act; to move; to wag.
Do you think I'd walk in any plot?
I heard a pen walking in the chimney behind the cloth.


To behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct one's self.
We walk perversely with God, and he will walk crookedly toward us.


To move off; to depart.
He will make their cows and garrans to walk.


To pass through, over, or upon; to traverse; to perambulate; as, to walk the streets.
As we walk our earthly round.


To cause to walk; to lead, drive, or ride with a slow pace; as, to walk one's horses; to walk the dog.


To subject, as cloth or yarn, to the fulling process; to full.


To put or keep (a puppy) in a walk; to train (puppies) in a walk.


To move in a manner likened to walking.
She walked a spinning wheel into the house, making it use first one and then the other of its own spindling legs to achieve progression rather than lifting it by main force.


The act of walking, or moving on the feet with a slow pace; advance without running or leaping.


The act of walking for recreation or exercise; as, a morning walk; an evening walk.


Manner of walking; gait; step; as, we often know a person at a distance by his walk.


That in or through which one walks; place or distance walked over; a place for walking; a path or avenue prepared for foot passengers, or for taking air and exercise; way; road; hence, a place or region in which animals may graze; place of wandering; range; as, a sheep walk.
A woody mountain . . . with goodliest treesPlanted, with walks and bowers.
He had walk for a hundred sheep.
Amid the sound of steps that beatThe murmuring walks like rain.


A frequented track; habitual place of action; sphere; as, the walk of the historian.
The mountains are his walks.
He opened a boundless walk for his imagination.


Conduct; course of action; behavior.


The route or district regularly served by a vender; as, a milkman's walk.


In coffee, coconut, and other plantations, the space between them.


A place for keeping and training puppies.


The act of traveling by foot;
Walking is a healthy form of exercise


(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls;
He worked the pitcher for a base on balls


Manner of walking;
He had a funny walk


The act of walking somewhere;
He took a walk after lunch


A path set aside for walking;
After the blizzard he shoveled the front walk


A slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground


Careers in general;
It happens in all walks of life


Use one's feet to advance; advance by steps;
Walk, don't run!
We walked instead of driving
She walks with a slight limp
The patient cannot walk yet
Walk over to the cabinet


Traverse or cover by walking;
Walk the tightrope
Paul walked the streets of Damascus
She walks 3 miles every day


Accompany or escort;
I'll walk you to your car


Obtain a base on balls


Live or behave in a specified manner;
Walk in sadness


Take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure;
The lovers held hands while walking
We like to walk every Sunday


Give a base on balls to


Be or act in association with;
We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters
Walk with God


Make walk;
He walks the horse up the mountain
Walk the dog twice a day


Walk at a pace;
The horsese walked across the meadow

Common Curiosities

Why is pavement important in urban areas?

Pavement is crucial for supporting vehicular and pedestrian traffic, ensuring safety, and facilitating efficient movement within urban environments.

Is there a difference between pavement in the US and the UK?

Yes, in the UK, "pavement" commonly refers to what Americans call a "sidewalk," highlighting a regional difference in terminology.

Can a walk be considered pavement?

Yes, a walk can be constructed with pavement materials but is specifically designed for pedestrian use.

Can the term "walk" refer to both a noun and a verb?

Yes, "walk" can refer to a pedestrian pathway (noun) or the act of walking (verb).

What is the main difference between pavement and walk?

Pavement is a general term for any hard, outdoor surface designed for transportation, while walk refers specifically to pedestrian pathways or the act of walking.

How does the design of a walk enhance pedestrian experiences?

Walks are designed with aesthetics, comfort, and accessibility in mind, often incorporating landscaping, seating, and clear paths to improve the pedestrian experience.

Why might an urban planner choose to create a dedicated walk?

An urban planner might create a dedicated walk to enhance pedestrian connectivity, provide recreational opportunities, and improve the overall livability of an area.

How does maintenance differ between pavement and walks?

Maintenance can vary, with pavement requiring repairs to cracks and wear from vehicles, while walks may need upkeep related to aesthetics and pedestrian safety features.

What role does accessibility play in the design of walks and pavements?

Accessibility is crucial in design to ensure that everyone, including those with mobility challenges, can safely and comfortably use walks and pavements.

How are materials chosen for pavement?

Materials for pavement are chosen based on durability, safety, environmental conditions, and traffic needs.

What factors influence the design of a walk?

Design factors for a walk include location, intended use, aesthetic preferences, and the need for accessibility.

Are there innovative materials being used in pavement and walk design?

Yes, innovative materials like permeable concrete and recycled composites are being used for environmental benefits and durability.

What environmental considerations are taken into account with pavement?

Environmental considerations include managing runoff, reducing heat island effects, and choosing sustainable materials.

How do walks and pavements impact community well-being?

Well-designed walks and pavements improve mobility, encourage social interaction, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of communities, boosting well-being.

How do pavements and walks contribute to public health?

They promote physical activity and safe, accessible routes for walking and cycling, contributing to overall public health.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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