Opposite vs. Parallel — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 3, 2024
Opposite refers to a relationship where two elements face each other across a dividing line or axis; parallel, however, denotes elements that are aligned and equidistant throughout without converging.

Difference Between Opposite and Parallel
Table of Contents
Key Differences
Opposite elements are directly facing each other, often creating a scenario where they are on contrasting ends of a spectrum or space. Parallel elements, on the other hand, maintain a consistent distance from each other, suggesting alignment without intersection.
Opposites often involve a direct confrontation or polarity, such as in opposite sides of a debate or opposite ends of a magnetic field. Parallel entities may operate in a similar manner or context but without ever meeting or directly conflicting.
In geometry, opposites can refer to angles that sum up to 180 degrees, known as supplementary angles, which directly face each other across a line. In contrast, parallel lines or angles never meet and continue indefinitely without intersecting.
In discussions or arguments, opposing views are considered opposite because they conflict directly and are diametrically different. Whereas parallel arguments may address similar themes or topics but from perspectives that do not intersect or overtly clash.
Opposites attract in magnetic and interpersonal relationships, where contrasting characteristics or poles draw towards each other. Parallel relationships or forces, however, can coexist in harmony and uniformity, supporting each other's path without merging.
In literature and art, opposites are used to enhance contrast and highlight conflicts, such as in themes of good versus evil. Parallel themes or narratives, meanwhile, run alongside each other, offering different viewpoints or dual narratives that enhance the storytelling without directly opposing each other.
Comparison Chart
Facing each other across a central line or point.
Equidistant at all points and never converging.
Lines or angles that meet or sum to 180 degrees.
Lines or planes that run alongside forever.
Magnetic fields
Opposite poles attract each other.
Parallel magnetic fields reinforce each other.
Characters or themes in direct conflict.
Parallel narratives or themes.
Attraction between contrasting characteristics.
Coexistence without direct interaction.
Compare with Definitions
Facing or going in completely different directions.
North and south are opposite directions.
Lines or surfaces side by side and having the same distance continuously between them.
The two roads run parallel to each other.
Completely different; antithetical.
Their interests in books are opposite.
Occurring or existing at the same time or in a similar way; analogous.
Their careers followed a parallel path.
Being in a position on the other side; facing.
They sat at opposite ends of the table.
A person or thing that is similar or analogous to another.
He is a parallel to his contemporary in the music industry.
A counterpart or an antagonist in a conflict.
He played the opposite role in the play.
Literary works that exhibit analogous themes or narratives.
The novel runs parallel narratives that converge in the final chapter.
Poles that attract in magnetism.
The opposite poles of a magnet stick together.
Computing processes operating simultaneously.
The software runs multiple processes in parallel.
Placed or located directly across from something else or from each other
Opposite sides of a building.
Being an equal distance apart everywhere
Dancers in two parallel rows. See Usage Note at absolute.
Facing the other way; moving or tending away from each other
Opposite directions.
Of, relating to, or designating two or more straight coplanar lines that do not intersect.
Altogether different, as in nature, quality, or significance
The effect of the medication was opposite to that intended.
Of, relating to, or designating two or more planes that do not intersect.
Sharply contrasting; antithetical
Had opposite views on the subject.
Of, relating to, or designating a line and a plane that do not intersect.
Growing in pairs on either side of a stem
Opposite leaves.
Of, relating to, or designating curves or surfaces everywhere equidistant.
Arranged on the same radius as another part, as stamens and petals.
Having comparable parts, analogous aspects, or readily recognized similarities
The parallel lives of two contemporaries.
One that is opposite or contrary to another.
Having the same tendency or direction
Parallel motives and aims.
An opponent or antagonist.
(Grammar) Having identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases.
An antonym.
Moving in the same direction at a fixed interval
Parallel motion.
Parallel fifths.
In an opposite position
They sat opposite at the table.
Having the same tonic. Used of scales and keys
C minor is the parallel minor scale of C major.
Across from or facing
Parked the car opposite the bank.
(Electronics) Denoting a circuit or part of a circuit connected in parallel.
In a complementary dramatic role to
He played opposite her.
Of or relating to the simultaneous transmission of all the bits of a byte over separate wires
A parallel port.
A parallel interface.
Located directly across from something else, or from each other.
She saw him walking on the opposite side of the road.
Of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations
Parallel processing.
(botany) Of leaves and flowers, positioned directly across from each other on a stem.
In a parallel relationship or manner
A road and a railway that run parallel.
Facing in the other direction.
They were moving in opposite directions.
(Mathematics) One of a set of parallel geometric figures, such as lines or planes.
Extremely different; inconsistent; contrary; repugnant; antagonistic.
One that closely resembles or is analogous to another
A unique event, without parallel in history.
Something opposite or contrary to something else.
A comparison indicating likeness; an analogy.
A person or thing that is entirely different from or the reverse of someone or something else; used to show contrast between two people or two things.
She is the opposite of her ex-boyfriend who abused her both physically and verbally nearly every day for five years. She now works as an advocate and supportive listener for others who have endured abusive relationships.
The condition of being parallel; near similarity or exact agreement in particulars; parallelism.
An opponent.
Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
An antonym.
"Up" is the opposite of "down".
(Printing) A sign indicating material referred to in a note or reference.
(mathematics) An additive inverse.
(Electronics) An arrangement of components in a circuit that splits the current into two or more paths. Used chiefly in the phrase in parallel.
In an opposite position.
I was on my seat and she stood opposite.
Where's the bus station? -Over there, just opposite.
To make or place parallel to something else
Paralleled the ditch to the highway.
Facing, or across from.
He lives opposite the pub.
To be or extend parallel to
A trail that parallels the crater rim.
In a complementary role to.
He played opposite Marilyn Monroe.
To be similar or analogous to
Claimed that fetal development parallels the evolution of the species.
(television) On another channel at the same time.
The game show Just Men! aired opposite The Young and the Restless on CBS.
To be or provide an equal for; match.
Placed over against; standing or situated over against or in front; facing; - often with to; as, a house opposite to the Exchange; the concert hall and the state theater stood opposite each other on the plaza.
To show to be analogous; compare or liken
Critics who have paralleled the novel's plot to an ancient myth.
Situated on the other end of an imaginary line passing through or near the middle of an intervening space or object; - of one object with respect to another; as, the office is on the opposite side of town; - also used both to describe two objects with respect to each other; as, the stores were on opposite ends of the mall.
Equally distant from one another at all points.
The horizontal lines on my notebook paper are parallel.
Extremely different; inconsistent; contrary; repugnant; antagonistic.
Novels, by which the reader is misled into another sort of pleasure opposite to that which is designed in an epic poem.
Particles of speech have divers, and sometimes almost opposite, significations.
Having the same overall direction; the comparison is indicated with "to".
The two railway lines are parallel.
Set over against each other, but separated by the whole diameter of the stem, as two leaves at the same node.
Either not intersecting, or coinciding.
One who opposes; an opponent; an antagonist.
The opposites of this day's strife.
(computing) Involving the processing of multiple tasks at the same time.
A parallel algorithm
That which is opposed or contrary in character or meaning; as, sweetness and its opposite; up is the opposite of down.
The virtuous man meets with more opposites and opponents than any other.
With a parallel relationship.
The road runs parallel to the canal.
Two words that express opposing concepts;
To him the opposite of gay was depressed
One of a set of parallel lines.
A relation of direct opposition;
We thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true
Direction conformable to that of another line.
A contestant that you are matched against
A line of latitude.
The 31st parallel passes through the center of my town.
Something inverted in sequence or character or effect;
When the direct approach failed he tried the inverse
An arrangement of electrical components such that a current flows along two or more paths; see in parallel.
Being directly across from each other; facing;
And I on the opposite shore will be, ready to ride and spread the alarm
We lived on opposite sides of the street
At opposite poles
Something identical or similar in essential respects.
Of leaves etc; growing in pairs on either side of a stem;
Opposite leaves
A comparison made; elaborate tracing of similarity.
Johnson's parallel between Dryden and Pope
Moving or facing away from each other;
Looking in opposite directions
They went in opposite directions
(military) One of a series of long trenches constructed before a besieged fortress, by the besieging force, as a cover for troops supporting the attacking batteries. They are roughly parallel to the line of outer defenses of the fortress.
Altogether different in nature or quality or significance;
The medicine's effect was opposite to that intended
It is said that opposite characters make a union happiest
(printing) A character consisting of two parallel vertical lines, used in the text to direct attention to a similarly marked note in the margin or at the foot of a page.
Characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed;
In diametric contradiction to his claims
Diametrical (or opposite) points of view
Opposite meanings
Extreme and indefensible polar positions
To construct or place something parallel to something else.
Directly facing each other;
The two photographs lay face-to-face on the table
Lived all their lives in houses face-to-face across the street
They sat opposite at the table
Of a path etc: To be parallel to something else.
Of a process etc: To be analogous to something else.
To compare or liken something to something else.
To make to conform to something else in character, motive, aim, etc.
To equal; to match; to correspond to.
To produce or adduce as a parallel.
Extended in the same direction, and in all parts equally distant; as, parallel lines; parallel planes.
Revolutions . . . parallel to the equinoctial.
Having the same direction or tendency; running side by side; being in accordance (with); tending to the same result; - used with to and with.
When honor runs parallel with the laws of God and our country, it can not be too much cherished.
Continuing a resemblance through many particulars; applicable in all essential parts; like; similar; as, a parallel case; a parallel passage.
A line which, throughout its whole extent, is equidistant from another line; a parallel line, a parallel plane, etc.
Who made the spider parallels design,Sure as De Moivre, without rule or line ?
Direction conformable to that of another line,
Lines that from their parallel decline.
Conformity continued through many particulars or in all essential points; resemblance; similarity.
Twixt earthly females and the moonAll parallels exactly run.
A comparison made; elaborate tracing of similarity; as, Johnson's parallel between Dryden and Pope.
Anything equal to, or resembling, another in all essential particulars; a counterpart.
None but thyself can be thy parallel.
One of the imaginary circles on the surface of the earth, parallel to the equator, marking the latitude; also, the corresponding line on a globe or map; as, the counry was divided into North and South at the 38th parallel.
One of a series of long trenches constructed before a besieged fortress, by the besieging force, as a cover for troops supporting the attacking batteries. They are roughly parallel to the line of outer defenses of the fortress.
A character consisting of two parallel vertical lines (thus, ) used in the text to direct attention to a similarly marked note in the margin or at the foot of a page.
That arrangement of an electrical system in which all positive poles, electrodes, terminals, etc., are joined to one conductor, and all negative poles, etc., to another conductor; - called also multiple. Opposed to series.
To place or set so as to be parallel; to place so as to be parallel to, or to conform in direction with, something else.
The needle . . . doth parallel and place itself upon the true meridian.
Fig.: To make to conform to something else in character, motive, aim, or the like.
His life is paralleledEven with the stroke and line of his great justice.
To equal; to match; to correspond to.
To produce or adduce as a parallel.
My young remembrance can not parallelA fellow to it.
To be parallel; to correspond; to be like.
Something having the property of being analogous to something else
An imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
Be parallel to;
Their roles are paralleled by ours
Make or place parallel to something;
They paralleled the ditch to the highway
Duplicate or match;
The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse
Being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting;
Parallel lines never converge
Concentric circles are parallel
Dancers in two parallel rows
The axes are perpendicular to each other
Of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations;
Parallel processing
Common Curiosities
Can opposite elements in a debate share any common ground?
While opposite elements primarily represent conflicting views, they might share underlying common principles or concerns.
How do parallel lines behave in geometry?
Parallel lines remain the same distance apart over their entire length and never intersect.
What are examples of parallel forces in physics?
Parallel forces in physics include forces that act in the same direction and do not meet, such as gravitational forces acting on parallel planes.
What defines two elements as opposite?
Two elements are defined as opposite when they are directly facing each other or are entirely different in nature.
How do opposites interact in magnetic fields?
In magnetic fields, opposite poles attract each other, while like poles repel.
Do opposite angles always add up to 180 degrees?
Yes, opposite angles, or supplementary angles, in geometry always sum up to 180 degrees.
How do parallel lines impact map projections?
Parallel lines on map projections help in representing latitude lines, maintaining consistent distances to scale the map accurately.
What makes parallel computing significant?
Parallel computing allows for faster processing by dividing tasks into smaller parts that are processed simultaneously.
Is there a relationship scenario where opposites and parallels both apply?
Yes, in relationships, opposites attract due to their differences, whereas parallels might exist where partners have similar life paths but maintain individual identities.
Can literary works be both opposite and parallel?
Yes, literary works can contain themes or characters that are both opposite in their conflict and parallel in their narrative structure or thematic development.
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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Edited by
Tayyaba RehmanTayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to askdifference.com. As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.