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Nitric Oxide vs. Nitrous Oxide — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 1, 2023
Nitric oxide (NO) is a simple gaseous signaling molecule, while nitrous oxide (N₂O), often called laughing gas, is used in anesthesia and as a propellant. Both differ in chemical structure and application.
Nitric Oxide vs. Nitrous Oxide — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Nitric Oxide and Nitrous Oxide


Key Differences

Nitric oxide, often represented by the chemical symbol NO, is a diatomic molecule with one nitrogen and one oxygen atom. Nitrous oxide, with the formula N₂O, contains two nitrogen atoms and one oxygen atom and is commonly recognized for its use in medicine and industry.
Nitric oxide plays a pivotal role in various physiological processes in the body. It is essential in the cardiovascular system, where it acts as a vasodilator. On the other hand, nitrous oxide, familiarly known as "laughing gas," is used primarily as an anesthetic and analgesic in dental and medical procedures.
Chemically speaking, the difference between nitric oxide and nitrous oxide lies in the number of nitrogen atoms. While nitric oxide has one nitrogen atom, nitrous oxide has two, altering their respective properties and applications.
Outside of the medical realm, nitrous oxide has found applications in the food industry as a propellant for whipped cream. Conversely, nitric oxide, due to its reactivity, is primarily studied in the context of biochemistry and physiology.
To sum up, while both nitric oxide and nitrous oxide contain nitrogen and oxygen, their distinct compositions confer unique characteristics. Nitric oxide serves critical functions in the body, whereas nitrous oxide finds varied applications from medicine to the food industry.

Comparison Chart

Chemical Formula


Number of Nitrogen Atoms


Primary Use

Signaling molecule in the body.
Anesthetic and propellant in food industry.

Common Name

Laughing Gas

Medical Application

Dental and surgical anesthetic.

Compare with Definitions

Nitric Oxide

A diatomic molecule essential in cardiovascular function.
Nitric oxide helps in relaxing blood vessels, improving blood flow.

Nitrous Oxide

A gas with analgesic and anesthetic properties.
Nitrous oxide is often administered during dental procedures for pain relief.

Nitric Oxide

A free radical with an unpaired electron.
Despite being a free radical, nitric oxide plays beneficial roles in the body.

Nitrous Oxide

A compound often used in car racing to boost engine performance.
By introducing nitrous oxide, racers can achieve a temporary increase in horsepower.

Nitric Oxide

A gaseous molecule with vasodilating properties.
Increased nitric oxide production is linked to lowered blood pressure.

Nitrous Oxide

A triatomic molecule used as a propellant in the food industry.
Whipped cream chargers contain nitrous oxide to create the desired foaminess.

Nitric Oxide

A molecule with a role in the immune system's defense mechanism.
Nitric oxide has the ability to combat infections by destroying bacteria.

Nitrous Oxide

A greenhouse gas with significant global warming potential.
The release of nitrous oxide into the atmosphere contributes to climate change.

Nitric Oxide

A signaling molecule involved in various physiological processes.
The release of nitric oxide aids in transmitting messages between nerve cells.

Nitrous Oxide

A colorless, non-flammable gas with a slightly sweet odor.
Nitrous oxide is safe for medical use due to its non-flammable nature.

Common Curiosities

Is nitric oxide harmful to the body?

While nitric oxide plays beneficial roles, excessive levels or its reactions can be harmful.

What is nitric oxide's primary function in the body?

Nitric oxide acts as a signaling molecule, notably playing a role in vasodilation.

Is nitrous oxide the same as laughing gas?

Yes, nitrous oxide is commonly referred to as laughing gas, especially in dental settings.

What are the environmental concerns related to nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect and ozone layer depletion.

How does nitrous oxide produce an anesthetic effect?

Nitrous oxide depresses certain parts of the brain, leading to pain reduction and sedative effects.

How is nitric oxide synthesized in the body?

Enzymes in the body convert amino acids, like L-arginine, into nitric oxide.

Can nitric oxide improve athletic performance?

Some studies suggest nitric oxide can enhance blood flow and improve exercise performance, but results vary.

Why is nitrous oxide used in whipped cream?

Nitrous oxide serves as a propellant, helping to dispense and aerate the whipped cream.

Are there any side effects of inhaling nitrous oxide medically?

While generally safe, some may experience nausea, vomiting, or dizziness with nitrous oxide.

Are there any common misconceptions about nitrous oxide?

Yes, many mistakenly believe it's harmless due to its medical use, overlooking potential risks of misuse.

Can nitric oxide be taken as a supplement?

Yes, nitric oxide boosters or precursors, like L-arginine, are available as supplements.

Can nitric oxide help in treating certain diseases?

Studies suggest nitric oxide's potential in treating conditions like hypertension and certain cardiac disorders.

Is nitrous oxide safe for recreational use?

No, recreational inhalation of nitrous oxide can lead to oxygen deprivation and potential health risks.

How long does the effect of nitrous oxide last?

The effects of nitrous oxide are short-lived, often wearing off within minutes after inhalation stops.

Does nitric oxide have antioxidant properties?

While nitric oxide can react with certain free radicals, it can also display pro-oxidant activities.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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