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NBC vs. MSNBC — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 26, 2024
NBC is a broadcast television network offering a variety of programming, while MSNBC is a cable news channel focusing primarily on news and political commentary.
NBC vs. MSNBC — What's the Difference?

Difference Between NBC and MSNBC


Key Differences

NBC: Established in 1926, it's one of the major broadcast television networks in the U.S. MSNBC: Launched in 1996 as a joint venture between NBC and Microsoft, focusing on news and political commentary.
NBC: Offers a diverse range of programming including news, sports, entertainment, and sitcoms. MSNBC: Primarily focused on news coverage, particularly politics, and current events.
NBC: Accessible over-the-air in many regions, reaching a broader audience. MSNBC: A cable and satellite channel, requiring a subscription for access.
NBC: Known for iconic TV shows, major sports events, and national news broadcasts. MSNBC: Recognized for its political analysis and commentary, particularly with a progressive slant.
NBC: Operates local affiliate stations across the U.S. MSNBC: Does not have local affiliates but is available nationwide as a single channel.

Comparison Chart


Broadcast TV Network
Cable News Channel


Diverse (News, Sports, Entertainment)
Primarily News and Political Commentary


Over-the-air, Broad Audience
Cable Subscription, Targeted Audience

Known For

Iconic Shows, Major Sports Events
Political Analysis, Progressive Perspective


Local Stations Nationwide
Single, Nationwide Channel

Compare with Definitions


Operates local affiliate stations across the U.S.
My local NBC station provides community news.


Launched as a joint venture between NBC and Microsoft.
MSNBC started in 1996 as a collaboration between NBC and Microsoft.


A major American broadcast television network.
I watched the Olympics on NBC.


Requires a cable or satellite subscription for access.
I subscribed to a package that includes MSNBC.


Offers a variety of programming, including entertainment and news.
NBC's evening news covers a wide range of topics.


Known for a progressive perspective in its programming.
MSNBC often features progressive viewpoints.


Accessible over-the-air in many areas.
I can watch NBC with just my antenna.


A cable news channel focusing on news and political commentary.
I follow election coverage on MSNBC.


Known for broadcasting major sports events.
The Super Bowl will be aired on NBC this year.


Does not have local affiliates but is available nationwide.
MSNBC provides national news coverage to its viewers.

Common Curiosities

How can I access NBC?

NBC is accessible over-the-air in many regions and through cable/satellite providers.

What is NBC?

NBC is a major American broadcast television network offering diverse programming.

Do I need a cable subscription for MSNBC?

Yes, MSNBC requires a cable or satellite subscription.

What is MSNBC?

MSNBC is a cable news channel primarily focusing on news and political commentary.

What is the focus of MSNBC's programming?

MSNBC focuses on news, especially political news and commentary.

Are NBC and MSNBC part of the same company?

Yes, MSNBC is a division of NBCUniversal.

Does NBC broadcast sports events?

Yes, NBC broadcasts major sports events like the Olympics and the NFL.

What type of political perspective does MSNBC typically represent?

MSNBC is known for a progressive or liberal perspective in its political commentary.

What kind of shows does NBC air?

NBC airs a variety of shows, including news, sports, entertainment, and sitcoms.

Can I watch local news on MSNBC?

No, MSNBC does not offer local news; it provides national and international coverage.

Is MSNBC a 24-hour news channel?

Yes, MSNBC primarily provides 24-hour news coverage.

How does MSNBC's coverage differ from NBC's news coverage?

MSNBC offers more in-depth and focused coverage on politics and current events, while NBC provides a broader range of news topics.

Does NBC offer streaming services?

NBC offers streaming through platforms like Peacock and its website.

Is MSNBC available internationally?

MSNBC's availability varies by country and typically requires a subscription through local providers.

Does NBC have a news-focused channel similar to MSNBC?

NBC's primary focus is broader, but it includes significant news programming; however, it doesn't have a separate 24-hour news channel like MSNBC.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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