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Moissanite vs. Diamond — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 24, 2024
Moissanite shines with a rainbow sparkle, while diamonds are renowned for their unmatched hardness and classic brilliance.
Moissanite vs. Diamond — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Moissanite and Diamond


Key Differences

Moissanite, a silicon carbide, offers exceptional brilliance and fire, reflecting a rainbow spectrum of light. Diamonds, formed from carbon under high pressure, are prized for their timeless beauty and unmatched hardness, making them ideal for jewelry that lasts a lifetime.
While moissanite ranks at 9.25 on the Mohs scale of hardness, diamonds lead with a perfect 10, marking them as the hardest known mineral. This difference makes diamonds more resistant to scratching and daily wear.
Moissanite is known for its affordability, providing a cost-effective alternative to diamonds. On the other hand, diamonds can vary significantly in price, influenced by their cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.
Environmental and ethical considerations often favor moissanite, as it is lab-created, reducing the impact of mining. Meanwhile, diamonds, though available as lab-created options, have historically been mined, raising concerns about ethical sourcing.
Both stones have their unique appeal; moissanite for its colorful fire and affordability, whereas diamonds are sought after for their durability, investment value, and traditional significance in milestones like engagements.

Comparison Chart


Silicon carbide

Hardness (Mohs Scale)


Brilliance/Refractive Index

Higher (rainbow-like sparkle)
Lower (bright, white sparkle)


More affordable
More expensive, varies by quality

Ethical and Environmental Impact

Generally lower, lab-created
Higher for mined, varies for lab-created

Compare with Definitions


Lab-created gemstone known for its brilliant fire and affordability.
They chose moissanite for their engagement ring to stay within budget.


A precious, naturally occurring mineral, the hardest known, used especially in jewelry.
The diamond's brilliance was unmatched in the sunlight.


A silicon carbide crystal, popular as a diamond alternative.
Moissanite’s hardness makes it suitable for everyday wear.


Symbolic of eternity and strength, often featured in engagement and wedding rings.
Their diamond engagement ring was a family heirloom.


A rare mineral resembling diamond, used in jewelry for its sparkling clarity and durability.
The moissanite ring caught everyone's attention with its rainbow sparkle.


Can be lab-created, offering a more ethical and affordable option.
They opted for a lab-created diamond to ensure ethical sourcing.


Valued for its ethical production, as it does not require mining.
They preferred moissanite for its minimal environmental impact.


Prized for its investment value and timeless appeal.
The diamond necklace was considered a valuable family investment.


Noted for its higher refractive index than diamond, resulting in more colorful fire.
The moissanite necklace shimmered with all colors of the spectrum.


Graded based on cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.
The diamond was appraised highly due to its flawless clarity.


Moissanite is naturally occurring silicon carbide and its various crystalline polymorphs. It has the chemical formula SiC and is a rare mineral, discovered by the French chemist Henri Moissan in 1893.


Diamond is a form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structure called diamond cubic. At room temperature and pressure, another solid form of carbon known as graphite is the chemically stable form of carbon, but diamond almost never converts to it.


(mineral) Naturally-occurring silicon carbide, having various crystalline polymorphs.


A precious stone consisting of a clear and colourless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance
A diamond ring


A figure with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles; a rhombus
A sweater with a pale-blue diamond pattern


An extremely hard, highly refractive crystalline form of carbon that is usually colorless and is used as a gemstone and in abrasives, cutting tools, and other applications.


A piece of jewelry containing such a gemstone.


A rhombus, particularly when oriented so that one diagonal extends from left to right and the other diagonal extends from top to bottom.


A red, lozenge-shaped figure on certain playing cards.


A playing card with this figure.


Diamonds (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The suit of cards represented by this figure.


The infield.


The whole playing field.


Of or relating to a 60th or 75th anniversary.


To adorn with diamonds.


(uncountable) A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded by four others in the form of a tetrahedron. Category:en:Carbon
The saw is coated with diamond.


A gemstone made from this mineral.
The dozen loose diamonds sparkled in the light.


A ring containing a diamond.
What a beautiful engagement diamond.


A very pale blue color.


Something that resembles a diamond.


(geometry) A rhombus, especially when oriented so that its longer axis is vertical.


(geometry) The polyiamond made up of two triangles.


(baseball) The entire field of play used in the game.


(baseball) The infield of a baseball field.
The teams met on the diamond.


(card games) A card of the diamonds suit.
I have only one diamond in my hand.


A size of type, standardised as 2 point.


The size of type between brilliant and pearl, standardized as 2-point.


Made of, or containing diamond, a diamond or diamonds.
He gave her diamond earrings.


Of, relating to, or being a sixtieth anniversary.
Today is their diamond wedding anniversary.


Of, relating to, or being a seventy-fifth anniversary.
Today is their diamond wedding anniversary.


(slang) First-rate; excellent.
He's a diamond geezer.


To adorn with or as if with diamonds


A precious stone or gem excelling in brilliancy and beautiful play of prismatic colors, and remarkable for extreme hardness.


A geometrical figure, consisting of four equal straight lines, and having two of the interior angles acute and two obtuse; a rhombus; a lozenge.


One of a suit of playing cards, stamped with the figure of a diamond.


A pointed projection, like a four-sided pyramid, used for ornament in lines or groups.


The infield; the square space, 90 feet on a side, having the bases at its angles.


The smallest kind of type in English printing, except that called brilliant, which is seldom seen.


Resembling a diamond; made of, or abounding in, diamonds; as, a diamond chain; a diamond field.


A transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem


Very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem


A playing card in the minor suit of diamonds


The area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate


The baseball playing field

Common Curiosities

Can you tell the difference between moissanite and diamond with the naked eye?

To the untrained eye, moissanite and diamond may appear similar, but differences in brilliance and fire are noticeable upon closer inspection.

How does the hardness of moissanite compare to diamond?

Moissanite has a hardness of 9.25 on the Mohs scale, while diamond scores a perfect 10.

Are there ethical concerns associated with diamond mining?

Yes, diamond mining has faced ethical concerns, including labor practices and environmental impact.

Can moissanite withstand daily wear?

Yes, with a hardness of 9.25, moissanite is suitable for everyday wear.

Is moissanite considered a fake diamond?

No, moissanite is a distinct gemstone with its own unique properties, not a counterfeit diamond.

What impacts the price of a diamond?

Diamond prices are influenced by the four Cs: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.

Why might someone choose moissanite over diamond?

Reasons include affordability, ethical considerations, and the unique colorful sparkle of moissanite.

How does the fire of moissanite compare to diamond?

Moissanite has a higher refractive index, resulting in more colorful fire compared to diamond's white sparkle.

What is moissanite made of?

Moissanite is composed of silicon carbide.

Why are diamonds considered more valuable than moissanite?

Diamonds are valued for their rarity, natural occurrence, and historical significance in jewelry.

What is the environmental impact of moissanite?

Moissanite has a lower environmental impact compared to mined gemstones, as it is lab-created.

What factors should be considered when choosing between moissanite and diamond for jewelry?

Considerations include budget, ethical concerns, durability, and personal preference for sparkle and fire.

How are lab-created diamonds different from natural diamonds?

Lab-created diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds but are ethically produced in a controlled environment.

Do both moissanite and diamond come in different shapes and sizes?

Yes, both gemstones are available in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit different jewelry designs.

Are moissanite and diamond suitable for all types of jewelry?

Yes, both stones are hard enough for daily wear, making them suitable for a wide range of jewelry types.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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