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Mighty vs. Almighty — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 7, 2024
Mighty describes great strength or power, mainly in a physical or figurative sense, whereas almighty refers to unlimited power, often used in a spiritual or divine context.
Mighty vs. Almighty — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Mighty and Almighty


Key Differences

"Mighty" is often used to describe someone or something possessing great physical strength or influence, emphasizing impressive capabilities. In contrast, "almighty" is predominantly used to denote supreme, all-encompassing power, typically in a religious or metaphysical context.
Mighty can be applied to various entities, such as mighty warriors or mighty winds, suggesting a high degree of power or force. On the other hand, almighty is most commonly associated with an omnipotent being, especially in monotheistic religions referring to God.
In literature, mighty is used to enhance the characteristics of characters, objects, or forces, giving a sense of grandeur or imposing form. Whereas almighty is used to convey an absolute, unchallengeable authority or power that goes beyond mere physical capabilities.
The term mighty can also appear in everyday language to describe something exceptionally good or powerful in a specific context, like a mighty effort in sports. However, almighty, because of its spiritual implications, is less commonly used in casual contexts and retains a more solemn tone.
Usage of mighty has broader applications and can be adapted into various contexts to emphasize strength or excellence, without any spiritual undertones. Almighty, however, carries a heavier connotation, implying a power that is invincible and all-encompassing, often beyond human reach.

Comparison Chart


Possessing great strength or power.
Having complete power; omnipotent.

Usage Context

Can be physical, figurative, or descriptive in nature.
Predominantly spiritual or religious.

Common Phrases

Mighty warrior, mighty wind
Almighty God, the Almighty


Impressive capability, can be earthly or metaphorical.
Divine power, beyond earthly realms.

Linguistic Flexibility

Broader, used in various contexts.
More restricted, often in a solemn or devout context.

Compare with Definitions


Impressive or formidable in nature.
The mighty oak stood for centuries.


Informally, used for emphasizing.
That was an almighty mess they made.


Possessing great strength.
The mighty warrior defeated all his foes.


Used to denote the highest power in monotheistic faiths.
Prayers are offered to the Almighty.


Colloquially, very; extremely.
He was mighty pleased with the results.


Overwhelming or formidable power.
The storm demonstrated nature's almighty force.


Exceptionally strong in a particular aspect.
The team put forth a mighty defense.


Having complete control or authority.
The dictator ruled with an almighty hand.


Having great power or influence.
A mighty ruler controls the empire.


All-powerful; having unlimited power.
Followers believe in an Almighty creator.


Having or showing great power, skill, strength, or force
A mighty orator.
A mighty blow.


Having absolute power; all-powerful
Almighty God.


Imposing or awesome in size, degree, or extent
A mighty stone fortress.


(Informal) Great; extreme
An almighty din.


To a great degree; extremely. Used as an intensive
Mighty fine.
Mighty tired. See Note at powerful.


Used as an intensive
Almighty scared.


A warrior of great strength and courage.


God. Used with the.


Very strong; possessing might.
He's a mighty wrestler, but you are faster than him.


Unlimited in might; omnipotent; all-powerful
God almighty


Very heavy and powerful.
Thor swung his mighty hammer.
He gave the ball a mighty hit.


(slang) Great; extreme; terrible.
I heard an almighty crash and ran into the kitchen to see what had happened.


(colloquial) Very large; hefty.


(by extension) Having very great power, influence, etc.
The almighty press condemned him without trial.


Accomplished by might; hence, extraordinary; wonderful.


Extremely; thoroughly.


(informal) Excellent, extremely good.
Tonight's a mighty opportunity to have a party.
She's a mighty cook.


Unlimited in might; omnipotent; all-powerful; irresistible.
I am the Almighty God.


Very; to a high degree.
You can leave that food in your locker for the weekend, but it's going to smell mighty bad when you come back on Monday.
Pork chops boiled with turnip greens makes a mighty fine meal.


Great; extreme; terrible.
Poor Aroar can not live, and can not die, - so that he is in an almighty fix.


Possessing might; having great power or authority.
Wise in heart, and mighty in strength.


Terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God


Accomplished by might; hence, extraordinary; wonderful.


Having unlimited power


Denoting an extraordinary degree or quality in respect of size, character, importance, consequences, etc.
Mighty was their fuss about little matters.


A warrior of great force and courage.


In a great degree; very.
We have a mighty pleasant garden.


Having or showing great strength or force or intensity;
Struck a mighty blow
The mighty logger Paul Bunyan
The pen is mightier than the sword


(Southern regional intensive) very;
The baby is mighty cute
He's mighty tired
It is powerful humid
That boy is powerful big now
They have a right nice place

Common Curiosities

What types of figures or entities are described as mighty?

Historical warriors, powerful leaders, or significant natural forces like winds and oceans are often described as mighty.

What is a common synonym for mighty?

Powerful, strong, and formidable are common synonyms for mighty.

Can the word mighty have a negative connotation?

Generally, mighty carries a positive connotation, but it can be perceived negatively if associated with oppressive or tyrannical figures.

What is the etymology of the word almighty?

The word "almighty" originates from the Old English term ælmihtig, which means "all-powerful" or "omnipotent."

Can mighty refer to mental strength, or is it limited to physical strength?

Mighty can refer to both mental and physical strength, often used metaphorically to describe intellectual prowess or emotional resilience.

Is almighty ever used in a non-spiritual sense?

Rarely, but it can be used hyperbolically in expressions like "almighty fuss" to denote something overwhelming or excessive.

What is a common synonym for almighty?

Omnipotent, supreme, and all-powerful are synonyms that capture the essence of almighty.

What are the implications of using almighty in everyday conversation?

Using almighty in everyday conversation can convey extreme seriousness or an exaggerated sense of power, often in a humorous or emphatic context.

What is the historical significance of mighty in military contexts?

Historically, mighty has been used to describe powerful armies, formidable fortresses, and influential military leaders.

How do modern translations of religious texts handle the word almighty?

Modern translations tend to preserve the word almighty when referring to God, ensuring consistency with the original meanings and reverence conveyed by the text.

How do children’s literature and fairy tales use the word mighty?

In children’s literature and fairy tales, mighty is often used to describe heroes or magical entities with great power or valor.

How does the usage of almighty reflect cultural or religious values?

The usage of almighty reflects values of reverence, respect, and awe, particularly within contexts that honor divine authority or supreme power.

How does media (films, TV) typically use the term mighty?

Media often uses the term mighty to describe characters with superhuman abilities, great heroes, or significant forces in action and adventure genres.

Are there idioms or phrases that combine both mighty and almighty?

There are no common idioms that combine both, as their contexts of use are generally quite distinct—one being more earthly and the other divine.

Does the word almighty carry different meanings in different religious contexts?

While the core concept of supreme power remains, different religions may emphasize various aspects of this power, such as mercy, creation, or judgment.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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