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Matrilineal vs. Matriarchal — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 17, 2024
"Matrilineal" refers to lineage or inheritance through the mother's line, while "matriarchal" describes a social system where women hold primary power and authority.
Matrilineal vs. Matriarchal — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Matrilineal and Matriarchal


Key Differences

"Matrilineal" refers to a system where lineage, inheritance, or descent is traced through the mother's line. In matrilineal societies, individuals belong to their mother's clan or family group, and property and titles are often passed down from mother to daughter. "Matriarchal" denotes a social system where women, especially mothers, have significant authority and control over political, economic, and social structures. In matriarchal societies, leadership roles and decision-making power are typically held by women.
Matrilineal inheritance does not necessarily imply that women hold societal power. It specifically relates to the way lineage and property are traced and inherited. Men can still hold significant roles within a matrilineal society. Matriarchal systems are broader and encompass various aspects of societal structure, including governance, leadership, and family dynamics. Women in matriarchal societies often occupy key positions of power and influence.
In matrilineal societies, the mother's lineage is emphasized for identity and heritage purposes, but this does not automatically grant women higher authority. In contrast, matriarchal societies structurally place women in leadership and authoritative positions.
The concepts are distinct but can coexist. A society can be both matrilineal and matriarchal, though this is not always the case. Matrilineal focuses on descent and inheritance, whereas matriarchal focuses on societal power dynamics.

Comparison Chart


Lineage/inheritance through mother's line
Women hold primary power and authority


Property and titles passed through women
Governance and leadership roles held by women

Societal Power

Does not imply women hold societal power
Women control political, economic, and social structures

Family Structure

Identity and heritage traced through mother
Family dynamics dominated by female authority


Can exist without matriarchy
Can include matrilineal inheritance

Compare with Definitions


Inheritance passed down through mothers.
The family's estate was matrilineally inherited by the daughters.


A social system where women hold primary power.
The village was matriarchal, with women making all key decisions.


Maternal lineage determining family membership.
In their matrilineal society, he was considered part of his mother's family.


Women controlling economic and social institutions.
Their matriarchal society ensured women managed the marketplace.


Clan membership based on maternal connections.
The matrilineal clan structure shaped their social organization.


Female leadership in governance and society.
The matriarchal council governed the community affairs.


Relating to lineage traced through the maternal line.
The tribe's matrilineal system meant her children belonged to her clan.


Authority and leadership roles predominantly held by women.
In the matriarchal culture, the oldest woman was the head of the family.


Descent recognized through the mother's ancestry.
The matrilineal heritage connected them to a long line of ancestors.


Social structure where women have primary influence and control.
The matriarchal traditions emphasized women's roles in rituals and ceremonies.


Of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line
A society founded on the matrilineal kinship principle


A woman who rules a family, clan, or tribe.


Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the maternal line.


A woman who dominates a group or an activity.


(anthropology) Tracing descent only through female ancestors.
Kerala traditionally has matrilineal inheritance.


A highly respected woman who is a mother.


Tracing descent through the female line.


Governed by (or as if by) a matriarch.


Based on or tracing descent through the female line;
Matrilineal inheritance


Governed by females, rather than by males.


Of or pertaining to a matriarch; governed by a matriarch or matriarchs; as, a matriarchal society.


Characteristic of a matriarchy

Common Curiosities

What does "matrilineal" mean?

It means lineage or inheritance is traced through the mother's line.

Can a society be both matrilineal and matriarchal?

Yes, but they are not necessarily interconnected.

How does inheritance work in matrilineal societies?

Property and titles are passed down through the mother's line.

Is matrilineal inheritance common?

It is found in various cultures but is less common globally than patrilineal systems.

What is an example of a matriarchal society?

The Minangkabau in Indonesia are often cited as a matriarchal society.

Do matriarchal societies exist today?

Yes, though they are rare, some indigenous and small-scale societies are matriarchal.

What is an example of a matrilineal society?

The Navajo and the Mosuo of China are examples of matrilineal societies.

Can men hold power in matrilineal societies?

Yes, men can hold significant roles despite matrilineal descent.

What does "matriarchal" mean?

It refers to a social system where women hold primary power and authority.

Does matrilineal mean women have power?

Not necessarily; it specifically refers to lineage and inheritance.

What are the benefits of matriarchal systems?

They can promote gender equality and empower women in leadership roles.

Do matrilineal societies favor daughters?

Inheritance and lineage are traced through daughters, but societal roles can vary.

Is matrilineal the same as matriarchal?

No, matrilineal relates to lineage, while matriarchal relates to social power.

How are leaders chosen in matriarchal societies?

Leaders are typically women, chosen based on their role and influence.

Are matriarchal societies egalitarian?

They often emphasize female authority but can be egalitarian in other respects.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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