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Manager vs. Manageress — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 18, 2024
A manager oversees organizational or team operations, while a manageress specifically refers to a female manager, though the term is now outdated and less used.
Manager vs. Manageress — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Manager and Manageress


Key Differences

A manager holds a pivotal role in directing and organizing the affairs of a business, team, or department. On the other hand, a manageress, historically, performed similar tasks but the term specifically denoted the gender, being a female manager.
In modern usage, "manager" is a gender-neutral term that encompasses all individuals in management roles, regardless of gender. In contrast, the term "manageress" has fallen out of favor as society moves towards more inclusive language.
The use of "manager" across industries reflects a universal standard for job titles that emphasize function over gender. Meanwhile, "manageress" was more common when job titles were often gender-specific.
Employers today are more likely to use the term "manager" in job descriptions and titles to ensure equality and avoid gender bias. Whereas, using "manageress" might be seen as archaic and potentially discriminatory.
Professional training and qualifications for managers are gender-neutral, focusing on leadership, strategic thinking, and operational skills. However, historically, a manageress might have been expected to fulfill these roles within more stereotypically feminine contexts or industries.

Comparison Chart


Oversees and coordinates management tasks regardless of gender.
Female-specific term for a manager, now less common.


Widely used in modern contexts.
Rarely used, considered outdated.


Gender-neutral and professional.
Gender-specific, potentially discriminatory.

Relevance in Modern Job Market

Highly relevant across all sectors.
Largely irrelevant and avoided in professional settings.

Societal Implications

Reflects modern standards of equality and inclusivity.
Reflects outdated gender norms and roles.

Compare with Definitions


A job title that can pertain to various levels of authority and responsibility within an organization.
The project manager coordinates all phases of the development process.


Historically, a female who manages an office, shop, team, or organization.
The manageress of the boutique displayed excellent customer service skills.


Someone who makes decisions about the use of resources, including personnel, finances, and equipment.
As manager, he scheduled meetings to discuss the budget cuts.


Often associated with industries like hospitality and retail, particularly in historical contexts.
The hotel manageress personally greeted all the guests.


A role that involves leading teams and overseeing projects to meet organizational goals.
She excels as a manager because of her exceptional leadership skills.


Reflects old employment practices where job titles were gender-specific.
She was the first manageress at the company during the 1950s.


A person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff.
The manager implemented a new strategy to increase productivity.


Now considered an outdated term that is avoided in modern professional language.
The term manageress has been replaced by manager in her company to promote gender neutrality.


Individuals in managerial positions often possess skills in communication, problem-solving, and decision-making.
The manager resolved the dispute by facilitating a productive dialogue among the team members.


A term used in past decades to refer to a woman in a managerial position.
The manageress was known for her strict yet fair management style.


One who directs a business or other enterprise.


A female manager.


One who controls resources and expenditures, as of a household.


A woman manager.


One who is in charge of the business affairs of an entertainer.


A woman manager


One who is in charge of the training and performance of an athlete or team.


A student who is in charge of the equipment and records of a school or college team.


(management) A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team.


The head coach.


(music) An administrator, for a singer or group. en


(software) A window or application whose purpose is to give the user the control over some aspect of the system.


One who manages; a conductor or director; as, the manager of a theater.
A skillful manager of the rabble.


A person who conducts business or household affairs with economy and frugality; a good economist.
A prince of great aspiring thoughts; in the main, a manager of his treasure.


A contriver; an intriguer.


Someone who controls resources and expenditures


(sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team

Common Curiosities

What industries commonly employed the term manageress?

The term was more prevalent in retail, hospitality, and other service-oriented industries.

How has the shift from manageress to manager impacted workplace equality?

The shift to gender-neutral language in job titles, like manager, helps promote gender equality and reduce bias in the workplace.

What educational qualifications are typically required for a manager?

Managers often hold a bachelor’s degree in business administration, management, or a related field, supplemented by experience and sometimes an MBA.

What are some alternatives to using gender-specific job titles like manageress?

Alternatives include using gender-neutral terms such as manager, supervisor, and administrator.

Are there any legal implications of using outdated terms like manageress in job postings?

Using gender-specific titles like manageress can be viewed as discriminatory and may lead to legal challenges under employment equality laws.

How do managerial responsibilities in small businesses compare to those in large corporations?

In small businesses, managers often wear multiple hats and handle a broader range of duties, while in larger corporations, roles are more specialized and segmented.

What digital tools are essential for modern managers?

Modern managers frequently use digital tools like project management software, communication platforms, and data analytics tools to enhance efficiency.

How can a manager effectively motivate their team?

A manager can motivate their team by setting clear goals, providing regular feedback, recognizing achievements, and fostering a supportive team environment.

Can a man be referred to as a manageress?

No, the term manageress was historically used exclusively for women; men in similar positions were simply referred to as managers.

How does the role of a manager evolve with technological advancements?

Technological advancements necessitate that managers stay updated with new tools and methodologies, impacting how they manage operations and teams.

What is the future outlook for the role of managers in businesses?

The role of managers is evolving to include more focus on innovation, employee engagement, and adaptability to rapid changes in the business environment.

How does one transition from a team member to a manager?

Transitioning to a manager typically involves gaining experience, demonstrating leadership skills, and often receiving formal training in management.

What personal qualities are most beneficial for a manager?

Effective managers often possess qualities such as strong communication, empathy, decisiveness, adaptability, and integrity.

What impact does a manager have on employee morale?

A manager plays a critical role in shaping workplace culture and can significantly impact employee morale through their leadership style and management practices.

What are common challenges faced by managers?

Common challenges include managing diverse teams, handling conflict, achieving targets under pressure, and maintaining work-life balance.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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