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Magnetic Flux vs. Magnetic Flux Density — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 8, 2024
Magnetic Flux represents the total magnetic field through a surface, while Magnetic Flux Density describes how much magnetic field passes through a specific area.
Magnetic Flux vs. Magnetic Flux Density — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density


Key Differences

Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density are both essential concepts in the realm of electromagnetism, though they describe different phenomena. Magnetic Flux is a measure that represents the total magnetic field passing through a given surface. It's an accumulation of the magnetic field lines over a specific area. On the other hand, Magnetic Flux Density denotes the amount of magnetic field passing through a specific area, effectively showing the concentration of the magnetic field.
To visualize the difference between Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density, consider a water flow analogy. Imagine water flowing through different sections of a pipe system. Magnetic Flux would be like measuring the total water flow across a specific section, regardless of the pipe's width. Meanwhile, Magnetic Flux Density would be similar to assessing how much water flows through a unit area of the pipe, giving a sense of the water's concentration or intensity.
In mathematical terms, Magnetic Flux is generally denoted by the Greek letter Phi (Φ) and is calculated by integrating the Magnetic Flux Density (often represented by the symbol B) over an area. This means that Magnetic Flux is the product of Magnetic Flux Density and the area through which it passes. Thus, if you know the Magnetic Flux Density across an entire surface, you can determine the Magnetic Flux by summing up all the contributions across that surface.
One can think of Magnetic Flux as a more "global" measure, considering the total magnetic field contribution across a surface. In contrast, Magnetic Flux Density provides a more "local" perspective, indicating the strength or concentration of the magnetic field at a specific point. While both quantities relate to magnetic fields, their distinction helps scientists and engineers understand and design magnetic systems more effectively.
Both Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density are pivotal in various applications, especially in electrical engineering and physics. Devices like transformers, motors, and generators rely on these principles. Understanding the relationship and difference between Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density aids in optimizing these devices' functionality and efficiency.

Comparison Chart


Total magnetic field passing through a given surface
Amount of magnetic field through a specific area


Often denoted by the Greek letter Phi (Φ)
Often represented by the symbol B


Weber (Wb)
Tesla (T) or (Wb/m^2)


Total water flowing through a pipe section
Water flow concentration in a unit area of the pipe

Mathematical Relation

Magnetic Flux is the integration of Magnetic Flux Density over an area
Magnetic Flux Density is Magnetic Flux divided by area

Compare with Definitions

Magnetic Flux

Magnetic Flux is the product of Magnetic Flux Density and the area it covers.
When either the Magnetic Flux Density or the area increases, so does the Magnetic Flux.

Magnetic Flux Density

Magnetic Flux Density provides a localized perspective of the magnetic field's strength.
Measurements showed a peak in Magnetic Flux Density at the center of the coil.

Magnetic Flux

Magnetic Flux quantifies the entirety of the magnetic field over an area.
When the loop orientation changed, the Magnetic Flux through it was affected.

Magnetic Flux Density

Magnetic Flux Density, in Tesla, describes the strength of the magnetic field.
High Magnetic Flux Density areas in MRI machines help produce clearer images.

Magnetic Flux

Magnetic Flux is central to electromagnetic principles and devices.
In transformers, changes in Magnetic Flux induce a voltage.

Magnetic Flux Density

Magnetic Flux Density is essential for understanding and designing magnetic systems.
To improve the motor's efficiency, its Magnetic Flux Density was optimized.

Magnetic Flux

Magnetic Flux is the total magnetic field that passes through a specific surface.
The Magnetic Flux through the coil increased as the magnet neared it.

Magnetic Flux Density

Magnetic Flux Density measures the concentration of the magnetic field at a specific point.
Near the magnet's pole, the Magnetic Flux Density was significantly higher.

Magnetic Flux

Magnetic Flux is an accumulation of magnetic field lines through a surface.
As more field lines passed through the surface, the Magnetic Flux increased.

Magnetic Flux Density

Magnetic Flux Density indicates how much magnetic field passes through a unit area.
The Magnetic Flux Density was uniform across the metal plate.

Common Curiosities

How does Magnetic Flux Density differ from Magnetic Flux?

Magnetic Flux Density measures the concentration or strength of the magnetic field at a particular point, whereas Magnetic Flux considers the entire magnetic field across a surface.

What unit measures Magnetic Flux Density?

Magnetic Flux Density is measured in Tesla (T) or Weber per square meter (Wb/m^2).

How do changes in Magnetic Flux Density affect Magnetic Flux?

If Magnetic Flux Density changes across an area, the Magnetic Flux will also change accordingly.

Does Magnetic Flux always depend on Magnetic Flux Density?

Yes, Magnetic Flux is directly related to Magnetic Flux Density and the area it encompasses.

How are Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density related mathematically?

Magnetic Flux is the product of Magnetic Flux Density and the area through which it passes.

What is Magnetic Flux?

Magnetic Flux represents the total magnetic field passing through a specific surface.

Can Magnetic Flux be negative?

Yes, Magnetic Flux can be negative, indicating a reversal in the direction of the magnetic field.

What happens to Magnetic Flux if the area is zero?

If the area is zero, the Magnetic Flux will also be zero regardless of the Magnetic Flux Density.

Why is understanding Magnetic Flux important?

Magnetic Flux is crucial for many electromagnetic applications, including transformers and motors.

Is Magnetic Flux scalar or vector?

Magnetic Flux is a scalar quantity, indicating magnitude but not direction.

In which device is the relationship between Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density most evident?

In transformers, the relationship between Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density plays a pivotal role in inducing voltage.

What about Magnetic Flux Density, scalar or vector?

Magnetic Flux Density is a vector quantity, indicating both magnitude and direction.

How can one increase Magnetic Flux?

Increasing the Magnetic Flux Density or the area through which it passes can increase Magnetic Flux.

Where is Magnetic Flux Density most commonly used?

Magnetic Flux Density is crucial in applications like MRI machines and electric motors.

Can Magnetic Flux Density exist without Magnetic Flux?

Magnetic Flux Density can exist at a point even if the total Magnetic Flux through a surface is zero, depending on the distribution of the magnetic field.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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