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Lovesick vs. Lovelorn — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 5, 2024
Lovesick implies suffering due to love, often with hope, while lovelorn suggests being forsaken in love.
Lovesick vs. Lovelorn — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Lovesick and Lovelorn


Key Differences

Lovesick typically describes a state of being emotionally distressed or physically ill because of intense feelings of love, often holding onto hope of reciprocation. Lovelorn, in contrast, conveys a sense of abandonment or unrequited love, with an emphasis on loss and despair without much hope for return.
The term lovesick can imply a temporary condition, where the individual pines for someone’s affection, potentially with the hope or expectation of future romantic fulfillment. Lovelorn, however, suggests a more permanent state of sorrow, focused on the absence or loss of love rather than the anticipation of its fulfillment.
Lovesick individuals might still engage in activities or harbor fantasies that they believe could lead to winning their loved one's affection, driven by a mix of hope and despair. On the other hand, someone who is lovelorn might withdraw, mourning the love they had or desired but believing it to be irrevocably lost.
The portrayal of lovesickness often includes physical symptoms like loss of appetite or insomnia, mirroring the emotional turmoil of unrequited or challenging love situations. In contrast, the lovelorn might be characterized more by a deep emotional pain and the longing for a past relationship or unreciprocated love, with less emphasis on physical symptoms.
In literature and art, lovesickness is often depicted as a dramatic, yet somewhat romantic and hopeful condition, suggesting that love, no matter how painful, is worth the suffering. Lovelorn characters, however, are typically shown in a more tragic light, focusing on the despair and loneliness that comes from love that has been lost or never returned.

Comparison Chart


Suffering from unrequited love or the absence of love, but often with hope.
Suffering from lost or unrequited love, with an emphasis on despair.

Key Emotions

Hope, despair, longing.
Despair, longing, loss.

Physical Symptoms

Loss of appetite, insomnia, general malaise.
Less emphasis on physical symptoms, more on emotional pain.

Expectation of Reciprocation

Possible hope for love's return or reciprocation.
Little to no expectation of reciprocation.

Characterization in Art

Romantic, dramatic, hopeful.
Tragic, lonely, resigned.


Potential for love fulfillment.
Focus on coping with loss and absence of love.

Compare with Definitions


Emotionally distressed because of love.
The poet described himself as lovesick, unable to think of anything but his beloved.


Desolate or sad because of unrequited love.
The lovelorn widow visited the sea every day, missing her departed husband.


Physically ill from the emotional turmoil of love.
He was so lovesick that he couldn't eat or sleep properly.


Carrying a sense of unfulfilled romantic desires.
The lovelorn lyrics spoke of a love that was never meant to be.


Suffering but hopeful in love.
Despite the distance, his lovesick letters kept their romance alive.


Forsaken or deprived of love.
Lovelorn and defeated, he moved to a new city to start over.


Characterized by longing and desire.
Lovesick songs filled her playlist, echoing her own unrequited feelings.


Expressing sorrow for lost love.
Her lovelorn poems resonated with those who had experienced heartbreak.


Infatuated or obsessed with someone.
She was lovesick over her high school crush, doodling his name in her notebooks.


Focused on the absence of love.
The lovelorn man threw himself into work, trying to forget his lost love.


Unable to act normally as a result of being in love.


Bereft of love or one's lover.


Behaving oddly, or as though in distress, due to being overcome by feelings of love.


Abandoned or forsaken by one's lover; having constant bad luck in romance; desperate for love.


Having an aching desire for one's beloved.


Unloved, bereft of love.


Languishing because of love;
Strong men behaving like lovesick boys


A person who is lovelorn.


Forsaken by one's love.
The lovelorn nightingale.


Unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love

Common Curiosities

What is the primary difference between lovesick and lovelorn?

The primary difference lies in the presence of hope; lovesick individuals often hold onto hope, whereas lovelorn individuals focus on their loss.

Is being lovesick a modern phenomenon?

No, being lovesick has been described throughout history in literature, music, and art, indicating it's a long-standing human experience.

Is it possible to transition from lovesick to lovelorn?

Yes, someone might transition from being lovesick, hopeful for love, to lovelorn, if they come to terms with the love not being reciprocated.

Can lovesickness be cured?

Lovesickness often lessens with time, especially if the individual finds love or redirects their emotional energy.

What helps lovelorn individuals move on?

Time, self-reflection, creating new experiences, and sometimes professional counseling can help lovelorn individuals move on.

Are there any famous lovelorn figures in history or literature?

History and literature are replete with lovelorn figures, such as the tragic heroines in Shakespeare's plays or historical figures like Queen Victoria, who mourned her husband for decades.

How do lovesick individuals cope?

Lovesick individuals might cope by seeking social support, engaging in hobbies, or expressing their feelings through art or writing.

Can lovesickness affect physical health?

Yes, lovesickness can manifest in physical symptoms like insomnia, loss of appetite, and general malaise, affecting one's physical health.

Can one be lovesick for something non-romantic?

Though typically associated with romantic love, the term "lovesick" can be used metaphorically to describe a deep longing or obsession for non-romantic interests or passions.

Can lovelorn individuals find love again?

Yes, lovelorn individuals can find love again, though they may initially struggle with the emotional residue of their past experiences.

How does society view lovesick versus lovelorn individuals?

Society may view lovesick individuals with a mix of empathy and romanticism, whereas lovelorn individuals might elicit deeper sympathy due to their focus on loss.

How is lovelorn depicted in literature?

In literature, lovelorn characters are often depicted as tragic figures, dealing with the despair and solitude resulting from lost or unrequited love.

Is there a cure for being lovelorn?

While there's no instant cure for being lovelorn, healing often involves time, self-care, and occasionally professional help.

Do lovesick and lovelorn individuals always need to seek help?

Not always, but seeking help can be beneficial, especially if the feelings significantly impact one’s daily life or mental health.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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