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London vs. The City of London — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 11, 2023
London is the capital city of England and the UK, encompassing 32 boroughs. The City of London, often called "The Square Mile", is a historic financial district within Greater London.
London vs. The City of London — What's the Difference?

Difference Between London and The City of London


Key Differences

London stands as a sprawling metropolis, known as the capital of both England and the United Kingdom. In contrast, The City of London is a distinct entity, occupying a small portion of the larger London expanse, renowned for its historical significance and financial prowess.
While London encompasses 32 boroughs, each with its unique character and vibrancy, The City of London remains one of these boroughs, albeit with special privileges and its own governance, notably the Lord Mayor of London.
The vastness of London offers a mix of cultures, historic landmarks, and modern attractions. Conversely, The City of London, though modern in its business undertakings, remains deeply rooted in history, with Roman walls and ancient buildings marking its landscape.
London serves as the political, cultural, and economic hub of the UK, drawing millions of tourists each year. The City of London, while part of the larger metropolis, functions predominantly as a financial district, housing major banks and the London Stock Exchange.
Despite being within London, The City of London maintains a distinct identity, often seen in its preservation of traditions and ceremonies. Whereas London as a whole is a melting pot of traditions, cultures, and innovations from around the world.

Comparison Chart

Geographical Size

Encompasses 32 boroughs in a large area.
A single borough, often called "The Square Mile".


Capital city, cultural and political hub.
Predominantly a financial district.


Governed by the Mayor of London.
Has its own governance, led by the Lord Mayor.


Mix of historic and modern, diverse cultures.
Historic core with major financial institutions.


Evolved from Roman times, expanding over time.
Ancient heart of the city, with Roman origins.

Compare with Definitions


The capital city of England and the UK.
I visited the iconic landmarks of London during my summer vacation.

The City of London

The historic financial district within Greater London.
The City of London houses the headquarters of numerous major banks.


A diverse cultural hub in the southeastern part of England.
London's neighborhoods offer a unique blend of history and modernity.

The City of London

A borough with its own local authority and traditions.
The Lord Mayor's Show is a historic parade held in The City of London annually.


Home to historic landmarks like Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London.
We took a tour of London to explore its rich history and architecture.

The City of London

Often referred to as "The Square Mile" due to its size.
Though small in size, The City of London holds significant economic power.


A global city known for its influence in arts, commerce, and finance.
London's West End is famous for its world-class theatrical productions.

The City of London

The original Roman settlement from which modern London grew.
The City of London's boundaries can still be seen in the remnants of its Roman walls.


The largest city in the UK by both area and population.
The hustle and bustle of London is unlike any other city in the country.

The City of London

An area distinct from the rest of London due to its unique governance.
While the rest of London is governed by the Mayor, The City of London has the Lord Mayor.


The capital city of England.


The capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center


United States writer of novels based on experiences in the Klondike gold rush (1876-1916)

Common Curiosities

What is the primary function of The City of London?

The City of London mainly functions as a major financial district.

Are the governance structures of London and The City of London the same?

No, London is governed by the Mayor of London, while The City of London has its own governance with the Lord Mayor.

Is The City of London a separate city from London?

No, The City of London is a borough within the larger metropolis of London.

Are the boundaries of The City of London still the same as in Roman times?

Largely, yes. The City's boundaries have changed little since medieval times and are marked by remnants of Roman walls.

Is London Bridge in The City of London?

Yes, London Bridge connects the boroughs of Southwark and The City of London.

How big is The City of London compared to London?

London is vast, with 32 boroughs, while The City of London is just one of these, often referred to as "The Square Mile".

Why is The City of London called "The Square Mile"?

It's a reference to its small size, roughly equivalent to a square mile.

How do the cultures of London and The City of London differ?

London is a mix of diverse cultures and traditions, while The City of London is more homogenous, centered around finance and business.

Are there any unique traditions specific to The City of London?

Yes, The City of London has several traditional events like the Lord Mayor's Show and the annual Sheep Drive.

Is the London Eye in The City of London?

No, the London Eye is located in the London Borough of Lambeth, not in The City of London.

How does the population of London compare to The City of London?

London has a population of over 8 million, while The City of London's residential population is under 10,000 but its working population is much higher.

Can one walk from London to The City of London?

Yes, The City of London is centrally located within the larger city, so it's accessible by foot from many parts of London.

Is the financial importance of The City of London on par with the rest of London?

While London as a whole is economically vital, The City of London is particularly significant as a global financial hub.

Is the term "London" ever used to refer specifically to The City of London?

Rarely in modern times. Typically, "The City" or "The City of London" is used to avoid confusion.

Are there any notable landmarks in The City of London?

Yes, including St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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