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Label vs. Mark — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 5, 2024
A label is an identifier that provides information about an object, often as a tag or sticker, while a mark is a symbol or sign used to indicate identity, ownership, or quality, and can be a physical imprint or a less tangible indicator.
Label vs. Mark — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Label and Mark


Key Differences

A label is typically a piece of paper, sticker, or metal affixed to an object that provides details such as name, contents, and instructions, frequently found on products or files for identification and organization. In contrast, a mark can be any kind of symbol, line, or sign made on an object or document to signify some form of information like ownership, approval, or identity, but it is not necessarily as formal or informative as a label.
Labels are used extensively in commercial products to provide consumers with information such as ingredients, manufacturer details, and usage instructions. On the other hand, marks are used in a broader context which can include simple check marks on a list, quality marks on products, or even trademarks.
In the context of documentation, labels help in categorizing and sorting information, making it easily accessible. Marks in documents, such as signatures or stamp marks, serve as forms of authentication and approval.
The use of labels is crucial in logistics and retail for tracking and managing inventory through barcodes or RFID labels. Whereas marks such as inscriptions or engravings are often used for personalization, identification, or as a demonstration of craftsmanship in items like jewelry or tools.
While labels can be removed or replaced without affecting the item itself, marks are sometimes permanent modifications to an object, like engravings or tattoos on skin, which are meant to last and signify longer-term implications or commitments.

Comparison Chart


An identifier attached to an object that describes its nature, origin, or ownership.
A sign, symbol, or inscription made on or attached to objects as a token of identification or quality.


Information sharing, product identification, instructions.
Identification, ownership claims, quality assurance.


Often a tag, sticker, or digital code.
Can be a physical imprint, a drawn symbol, or an abstract representation.


Can be temporary or permanent, usually externally affixed.
Often permanent, can be an integral part of the object.


Barcode labels, name tags, nutritional information on food packages.
Trademarks, quality stamps, graffiti tags, scars.

Compare with Definitions


To assign a category or describe something.
The medication bottles were carefully labeled to prevent confusion.


To make an impression or outline on a surface.
She marked her name on the wall of the cabin.


A piece of paper, metal, or other material that is attached to something and gives information about it.
Each box in the warehouse had a label with its contents listed.


A visible impression or symbol made on a surface.
The artist put his mark on the sculpture to signify his completion.


A word or phrase used to describe the characteristics or qualities of people or things.
He disliked the label of 'expert' that others had given him.


A characteristic or trait that distinguishes someone or something.
His kindness left a mark on everyone he met.


A company that produces music, films, or other products.
She signed a contract with a famous record label.


A grade or score given in a test or examination.
He got high marks in his final exams.


A graphic or electronic tag that identifies product details.
The label on the wine bottle told the region it was from and the year it was made.


A sign or symbol used to represent something.
The document was stamped with a mark indicating it was classified.


A label (as distinct from signage) is a piece of paper, plastic film, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a container or product, on which is written or printed information or symbols about the product or item. Information printed directly on a container or article can also be considered labelling.


A small area on a surface having a different colour from its surroundings, typically one caused by damage or dirt
The blow left a red mark down one side of her face


An item used to identify something or someone, as a small piece of paper or cloth attached to an article to designate its origin, owner, contents, use, or destination.


A line, figure, or symbol made as an indication or record of something
The first syllable has a stress mark


A descriptive term; an epithet.


A point awarded for a correct answer or for proficiency in an examination or competition
Many candidates lose marks because they don't read the questions carefully
Full marks to them for highlighting the threat to the rainforest


A distinctive name or trademark identifying a product or manufacturer, especially a recording company.


(followed by a numeral) a particular model or type of a vehicle or machine
A Mark 10 Jaguar


(Architecture) A molding over a door or window; a dripstone.


A target
Few bullets could have missed their mark


(Heraldry) A figure in a field consisting of a narrow horizontal bar with several pendants.


The act of cleanly catching the ball direct from a kick, knock-on, or forward throw by an opponent, on or behind one's own 22-metre line, and exclaiming ‘Mark’, after which a free kick can be taken by the catcher.


(Chemistry) See tracer.


(until the introduction of the euro in 2002) the basic monetary unit of Germany, equal to 100 pfennig; a Deutschmark
Germany spent billions of marks to save the French franc from speculators


To attach a label to
Labeled the jars before storing them.


A former English and Scottish money of account, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence in the currency of the day
Sir William left 500 marks for repairing the road to Cambridge


To identify or designate with a descriptive term; describe or classify
"He missed two crucial penalty kicks ... and was labeled a loser by the previously loyal British press" (Phil Ball).


The basic monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, equal to 100 fening.


(Chemistry) To add a tracer to (a compound).


Make a visible impression or stain on
He fingered the photograph gently, careful not to mark it


A small ticket or sign giving information about something to which it is attached or intended to be attached.
We laughed at her because the label was still on her new sweater.
The label says this silk scarf should not be washed in the washing machine.
Although the label priced this poster at three pounds, I got it for two.


Write a word or symbol on (an object) in order to give information
She marked all her possessions with her name


A name given to something or someone to categorise them as part of a particular social group.
Ever since he started going to the rock club, he's been given the label "waster".


Indicate the position of
The top of the pass marks the border between Alaska and the Yukon


(music) A company that sells records.
The label signed the band after hearing a demo tape.


(of a teacher or examiner) assess the standard of (written work) by assigning points for proficiency or correct answers
The examiner may have hundreds of scripts to mark


(computing) A user-defined alias for a numerical designation, the reverse of an enumeration.
Storage devices can be given by label or ID.


Notice or pay careful attention to
He'll leave you, you mark my words!


(computing) A named place in source code that can be jumped to using a GOTO or equivalent construct.


(of a player in a team game) stay close to (an opponent) in order to prevent them getting or passing the ball
Each central defender marks one attacker


(heraldry) A charge resembling the strap crossing the horse’s chest from which pendants are hung.


See Table at Bible.


(obsolete) A tassel.


A visible trace or impression, such as a line or spot
A spill that left a mark on the rug.
A mark next to each purchased item on the list.


A small strip, especially of paper or parchment (or of some material attached to parchment to carry the seal), but also of iron, brass, land, etc.


A name, logo, or other indicator used to indicate ownership, origin, or level of quality.


A piece of writing added to something, such as a codicil appended to a will.


A notch made in an animal's ear or hide to indicate ownership.


(historical) A brass rule with sights, formerly used with a circumferentor to take altitudes.


A sign, such as a cross, made in lieu of a signature.


(architecture) The projecting moulding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediaeval architecture.


A written or printed symbol used for punctuation; a punctuation mark.


In mediaeval and later art, a representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription.


A number, letter, or symbol used to indicate various grades of academic achievement
Got a mark of 95 instead of 100.


(graphical user interface) A non-interactive control or widget displaying text, often used to describe the purpose of another control.


Often marks An appraisal; a rating
Earned high marks from her superiors.


(transitive) To put a label (a ticket or sign) on (something).
The shop assistant labeled all the products in the shop.


A knot or piece of material placed at various measured lengths on a sounding line to indicate the depth of the water.


(ditransitive) To give a label to (someone or something) in order to categorise that person or thing.
He's been unfairly labeled as a cheat, although he's only ever cheated once.


A Plimsoll mark.


(biochemistry) To replace specific atoms by their isotope in order to track the presence or movement of this isotope through a reaction, metabolic pathway or cell.


A distinctive trait or property
Good manners are the mark of a civilized person.


(biochemistry) To add a detectable substance, either transiently or permanently, to a biological substance in order to track the presence of the label-substance combination either in situ or in vitro


A recognized standard of quality
Schoolwork that is not up to the mark.


A tassel.


A lasting effect
The experience had left its mark on all of us.


A slip of silk, paper, parchment, etc., affixed to anything, and indicating, usually by an inscription, the contents, ownership, destination, etc.; as, the label of a bottle or a package.


A specific model, type, or iteration, as of a product or machine, especially when part of a series. Usually used with a number
The mark IV model of this car.


A slip of ribbon, parchment, etc., attached to a document to hold the appended seal; also, the seal.


Importance; prominence
"a fellow of no mark nor likelihood" (Shakespeare).


A writing annexed by way of addition, as a codicil added to a will.


Notice; attention
A matter unworthy of mark.


A barrulet, or, rarely, a bendlet, with pendants, or points, usually three, especially used as a mark of cadency to distinguish an eldest or only son while his father is still living.


A target
"A mounted officer would be a conspicuous mark" (Ambrose Bierce).


A brass rule with sights, formerly used, in connection with a circumferentor, to take altitudes.


Something that one wishes to achieve; a goal.


The name now generally given to the projecting molding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediæval architecture. It always has a square form, as in the illustration.


An object or point that serves as a guide.


In mediæval art, the representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription.


(Slang) A person who is the intended victim of a swindler; a dupe.


To affix a label to; to mark with a name, etc.; as, to label a bottle or a package.


(Sports) The place from which racers begin and sometimes end their contest.


To affix in or on a label.


A point reached or gained
The halfway mark of the race.


A brief description given for purposes of identification;
The label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture


A record
Set a new mark in the long jump.


Trade name of a company that produces musical recordings;
The artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent


A strike or spare in bowling.


A radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction


A stationary ball in lawn bowling; a jack.


An identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object


A boundary between countries.


Assign a label to; designate with a label;
These students were labelled `learning disabled'


A tract of land in medieval England and Germany held in common by a community.


Attach a tag or label to;
Label these bottles


(Computers) A character or feature in a file, record, or data stream used to locate a specific point or condition.


Pronounce judgment on;
They labeled him unfit to work here


In Arthurian legend, a king of Cornwall who was the husband of Iseult and the uncle of her lover Tristan.


Distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom


An English and Scottish unit of currency that was equal to 13 shillings and 4 pence.


Distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions


Any of several European units of weight that were equal to about 8 ounces (227 grams), used especially for weighing gold and silver.


A deutsche mark.


A markka.


To make a visible trace or impression on, as with a spot, line, or dent
Marked the wall with a crayon.


To form, make, or depict by making a mark
Marked a square on the board.


To supply with natural markings
Gray fur that is marked with stripes.


To single out or indicate by or as if by a mark
Marked the spot where the treasure was buried.
A career marked for glory.


To distinguish or characterize
The exuberance that marks her writings.
Marked the occasion with celebrations.


To make conspicuous
A concert marking the composer's 60th birthday.


To set off or separate by or as if by a line or boundary
Marked off the limits of our property.


To attach or affix identification, such as a price tag or maker's label, to.


To evaluate (academic work) according to a scale of letters or numbers; grade.


To give attention to; notice
Mark her expression of discontent. Mark my words.


To take note of in writing; write down
Marked the appointment on my calendar.


Sports & Games To record (the score) in various games.


(Sports) To guard (an opponent), as in soccer.


To make a visible impression
This pen will mark under water.


To receive a visible impression
The floor marks easily.


Sports & Games To keep score.


To determine academic grades
A teacher who marks strictly.


(heading) Boundary, land within a boundary.


(obsolete) A boundary; a border or frontier.


(obsolete) A boundary-post or fence.


A stone or post used to indicate position and guide travellers.


(archaic) A type of small region or principality.


(historical) A common, or area of common land, especially among early Germanic peoples.


(heading) Characteristic, sign, visible impression.


An omen; a symptomatic indicator of something.


A characteristic feature.
A good sense of manners is the mark of a true gentleman.


A visible impression or sign; a blemish, scratch, or stain, whether accidental or intentional.


A sign or brand on a person.


A written character or sign.
The font wasn't able to render all the diacritical marks properly.


A stamp or other indication of provenance, quality etc.
With eggs, you need to check for the quality mark before you buy.


(obsolete) Resemblance, likeness, image.


A particular design or make of an item now usually with following numeral.
I am proud to present my patented travelator, mark two.


A score for finding the correct answer, or other academic achievement; the sum of such points gained as out of a possible total.
What mark did you get in your history test?


(heading) Indicator of position, objective etc.


A target for shooting at with a projectile.


An indication or sign used for reference or measurement.
I filled the bottle up to the 500ml mark.


The target or intended victim of a swindle, fixed game or con game.


(obsolete) The female genitals.


(Rugby football, Australian rules football) A catch of the ball directly from a kick of 10 metres or more without having been touched in transit, resulting in a free kick.


(sports) The line indicating an athlete's starting-point.


A score for a sporting achievement.


An official note that is added to a record kept about someone's behavior or performance.


(cooking) A specified level on a scale denoting gas-powered oven temperatures.
Now put the pastry in at 450 degrees, or mark 8.


(product design/engineering) The model number of a device; a device model.
The Mark I system had poor radar, and the Mark II was too expensive; regardless, most antiaircraft direction remained the responsibility of the Mark I Eyeball (as the jocular phrase calls it): that is, the operator's eye.


Limit or standard of action or fact.
To be within the mark
To come up to the mark


Badge or sign of honour, rank, or official station.


(archaic) Preeminence; high position.
Patricians of mark
A fellow of no mark


(logic) A characteristic or essential attribute; a differential.


(nautical) One of the bits of leather or coloured bunting placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms. (The unmarked fathoms are called "deeps".)


(heading) Attention.


(archaic) Attention, notice.
His last comment is particularly worthy of mark.


Importance, noteworthiness. Generally in postmodifier “of mark”.


(obsolete) Regard; respect.


A measure of weight (especially for gold and silver), once used throughout Europe, equivalent to 8 oz.


An English and Scottish unit of currency (originally valued at one mark weight of silver), equivalent to 13 shillings and fourpence.


Any of various European monetary units, especially the base unit of currency of (West) Germany between 1948 and 2002, equal to 100 pfennigs.


A coin worth one mark.


To put a mark on (something); to make (something) recognizable by a mark; to label or write on (something).
To mark a box or bale of merchandise
To mark clothing with one's name


(figurative) To have a long-lasting negative impact on (someone or something).


To create an indication of (a location).
She folded over the corner of the page to mark where she left off reading.
Some animals mark their territory by urinating.


To be an indication of (something); to show where (something) is located.
This monument marks the spot where Wolfe died.
A bell marked the end of visiting hours.


To indicate (something) in writing or by other symbols.
Prices are marked on individual items.
In her Bible, the words of Christ were marked in red.


To create (a mark) on a surface.


To celebrate or acknowledge (an event) through an action of some kind.
The national holiday is marked by fireworks.


(of things) To identify (someone as a particular type of person or as having a particular role).
His courage and energy marked him as a leader.


(of people) To assign (someone) to a particular category or class.


(of people) To choose or intend (someone) for a particular end or purpose.


To be a point in time or space at which something takes place; to accompany or be accompanied by (an event, action, etc.); to coincide with.
The creek marks the boundary between the two farms.
That summer marked the beginning of her obsession with cycling.


To be typical or characteristic of (something).


To distinguish (one person or thing from another).


To focus one's attention on (something or someone); to pay attention to, to take note of.
Mark my words: that boy’s up to no good.


(dated) To become aware of (something) through the physical senses.


To hold (someone) in one's line of sight.


To indicate the correctness of and give a score to (a school assignment, exam answers, etc.).
The teacher had to spend her weekend marking all the tests.


To record that (someone) has a particular status.
To mark a student absent.


To keep account of; to enumerate and register; to keep score.
To mark the points in a game of billiards or a card game


(sports) To follow a player not in possession of the ball when defending, to prevent them receiving a pass easily.


(Australian rules football) To catch the ball directly from a kick of 15 metres or more without having been touched in transit, resulting in a free kick.


(golf) To put a marker in the place of one's ball.


(singing) To sing softly, sometimes an octave lower than usual, in order to protect one's voice during a rehearsal.


Alternative form of march.
Mark time, mark!
Forward, mark!


A license of reprisals. See Marque.


An old weight and coin. See Marc.


The unit of monetary account of the German Empire, equal to 23.8 cents of United States money (1913); the equivalent of one hundred pfennigs. Also, a silver coin of this value. The unit was retained by subsequent German states up to the time of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1995, the value was approximately 65 cents American. In 1999 it began to be superseded by the Euro as a unit of currency in Germany and throughout much of the European union.


A visible sign or impression made or left upon anything; esp., a line, point, stamp, figure, or the like, drawn or impressed, so as to attract the attention and convey some information or intimation; a token; a trace.
The Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.


A character or device put on an article of merchandise by the maker to show by whom it was made; a trade-mark.
The mark of the artisan is found upon the most ancient fabrics that have come to light.


A fixed object serving for guidance, as of a ship, a traveler, a surveyor, etc.; as, a seamark, a landmark.


A trace, dot, line, imprint, or discoloration, although not regarded as a token or sign; a scratch, scar, stain, etc.; as, this pencil makes a fine mark.
I have some marks of yours upon my pate.


An evidence of presence, agency, or influence; a significative token; a symptom; a trace; specifically, a permanent impression of one's activity or character.
The confusion of tongues was a mark of separation.


That toward which a missile is directed; a thing aimed at; what one seeks to hit or reach.
France was a fairer mark to shoot at than Ireland.
Whate'er the motive, pleasure is the mark.


Attention, regard, or respect.
As much in mock as mark.


Limit or standard of action or fact; as, to be within the mark; to come up to the mark.


Badge or sign of honor, rank, or official station.
In the official marks invested, youAnon do meet the Senate.


Preëminence; high position; as, patricians of mark; a fellow of no mark.


A characteristic or essential attribute; a differential.


A number or other character used in registering; as, examination marks; a mark for tardiness.


Image; likeness; hence, those formed in one's image; children; descendants.


One of the bits of leather or colored bunting which are placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms. The unmarked fathoms are called "deeps."


To put a mark upon; to affix a significant mark to; to make recognizable by a mark; as, to mark a box or bale of merchandise; to mark clothing.


To be a mark upon; to designate; to indicate; - used literally and figuratively; as, this monument marks the spot where Wolfe died; his courage and energy marked him for a leader.


To leave a trace, scratch, scar, or other mark, upon, or any evidence of action; as, a pencil marks paper; his hobnails marked the floor.


To keep account of; to enumerate and register; as, to mark the points in a game of billiards or cards.


To notice or observe; to give attention to; to take note of; to remark; to heed; to regard; as, mark my words.


To take particular notice; to observe critically; to note; to remark.
Mark, I pray you, and see how this man seeketh mischief.


A number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance);
She made good marks in algebra
Grade A milk
What was your score on your homework?


A distinguishing symbol;
The owner's mark was on all the sheep


A reference point to shoot at;
His arrow hit the mark


A visible indication made on a surface;
Some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks
Paw prints were everywhere


The impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember;
It was in London that he made his mark
He left an indelible mark on the American theater


A symbol of disgrace or infamy;
And the Lord set a mark upon Cain


Formerly the basic unit of money in Germany


Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel


A person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of


A written or printed symbol (as for punctuation);
His answer was just a punctuation mark


A perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened);
He showed signs of strain
They welcomed the signs of spring


The shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament


An indication of damage


Marking consisting of crossing lines


Something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal;
The new advertising campaign was a bell ringer
Scored a bull's eye
Hit the mark
The president's speech was a home run


Attach a tag or label to;
Label these bottles


Designate as if by a mark;
This sign marks the border
He indicated where the border ended


Be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense;
His modesty distinguishes him form his peers


Make or leave a mark on;
Mark the trail so that we can find our way back


To accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful;
He denounced the government action
She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock


Notice or perceive;
She noted that someone was following her
Mark my words


Mark with a scar;
The skin disease scarred his face permanently


Make small marks into the surface of;
Score the clay before firing it


Establish as the highest level or best performance;
Set a record


Make underscoring marks


Remove from a list;
Cross the name of the dead person off the list


Put a check mark on or next to;
Please check each name on the list
Tick off the items


Assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation;
Grade tests
Score the SAT essays
Mark homework


Insert punctuation marks into

Common Curiosities

What is the main difference between a label and a mark?

A label provides specific information and is usually affixed to an item, whereas a mark is a broader symbol for identification or quality that can be more abstract.

Can marks have legal implications?

Yes, marks like trademarks and copyrights have legal implications regarding the ownership and unauthorized use of marked items.

Can a label function as a mark?

Yes, labels can function as marks when they are used to signify ownership or origin, such as a designer label on clothing.

Why are labels important in retail?

Labels provide essential information to consumers about products, including ingredients, manufacturer, and usage instructions, aiding in informed purchasing decisions.

What types of materials can be used for labels?

Labels can be made from paper, plastic, metal, or fabric, depending on the durability needed and the nature of the product.

Is a mark always physical?

No, marks can also be abstract or digital, such as watermarks on photographs or digital signatures.

How do marks contribute to product authenticity?

Marks such as hallmarks on silver and trademarks on goods help authenticate products and indicate their quality and origin.

Why might an organization use both labels and marks?

Organizations use labels for detailed information and compliance with regulations, while marks are used for branding and quality assurance.

What role do labels play in safety?

Labels on products like chemicals and machinery provide safety information and instructions that are crucial for preventing accidents and ensuring safe usage.

How can a mark affect the value of an object?

Marks that indicate quality, brand, or historical significance can significantly increase an object's value.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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