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Jumpsuit vs. Bodysuit — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on August 22, 2023
A jumpsuit is a one-piece garment covering the body and legs; a bodysuit is a skin-tight garment that covers the torso, often with closures at the crotch.
Jumpsuit vs. Bodysuit — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Jumpsuit and Bodysuit


Key Differences

A jumpsuit is typically known as a one-piece garment that covers both the body and legs, offering a stylish solution for both casual and formal occasions. Conversely, a bodysuit is more form-fitting, designed to snugly cover the torso, and sometimes extends to the limbs, but always stops at the hips.
Jumpsuits often come in a variety of materials, ranging from lightweight fabrics like cotton for summer to heavier materials for winter. Bodysuits, on the other hand, are often made of stretchy materials, such as spandex or lycra, allowing them to hug the body closely.
In terms of functionality, jumpsuits might come with pockets, belts, or zippers, offering a utilitarian appeal. Bodysuits are generally simpler in design, focusing more on providing a sleek silhouette, often with snap closures at the crotch for ease of wear.
From a fashion perspective, jumpsuits can be a standalone outfit, accessorized with jewelry, belts, or jackets. Bodysuits are usually layered under skirts, pants, or shorts, acting as a base layer that provides a seamless look.
In the realm of occasions, jumpsuits can be tailored for work, parties, or even red carpet events. Bodysuits, being more versatile, can be both casual wear at home or dressed up for a night out, depending on how they are styled.

Comparison Chart


Covers body and legs.
Covers only the torso.

Material Variety

Ranges from light to heavy materials.
Usually made of stretchy materials.

Design Features

Can have pockets, belts, zippers.
Often has snap closures at the crotch.

Standalone Wear

Can be a complete outfit on its own.
Usually layered with other garments.

Occasion Suitability

Versatile; from casual to formal events.
More flexible; from lounging to outings.

Compare with Definitions


A fashionable one-piece garment worn for casual or formal events.
Her velvet jumpsuit was the highlight of the evening's fashion show.


A skin-tight one-piece garment covering the torso.
She wore a lace bodysuit under her sheer blouse.


An outfit resembling a uniform, especially in being simple and functional.
For her art project, she wore a white jumpsuit to contrast the colorful paints.


A stretchable garment used as a layering piece in fashion.
Her bodysuit ensured there were no visible lines under her pencil skirt.


A one-piece garment combining a top with pants.
She wore a floral jumpsuit to the summer party.


A one-piece outfit often used in dance or gymnastics.
The gymnast's sequined bodysuit shimmered under the spotlight.


A utilitarian outfit worn by parachutists or mechanics.
The pilot's jumpsuit was filled with patches from his many missions.


A garment resembling a leotard but often having snap closures at the crotch.
The singer wore a shiny bodysuit for her stage performance.


A jumpsuit is a one-piece garment with sleeves and legs and typically without integral coverings for feet, hands or head. The original jump suit is the functional one-piece garment used by parachuters.


A base garment that offers a seamless look when layered.
For her outfit, she chose a bodysuit to avoid any bunching of fabric.


A garment incorporating trousers and a sleeved top in one piece, worn as a fashion item, protective garment, or uniform
She wore a tight silver jumpsuit


A bodysuit is a one-piece form-fitting or skin-tight garment that covers the torso and the crotch, and sometimes the legs, hands, and feet, and cannot be used as a swimsuit. The style of a basic bodysuit is similar to a one-piece swimsuit and a leotard, though the materials may vary.


A parachutist's uniform.


A tight-fitting one-piece garment for the torso.


A one-piece garment consisting of a blouse or shirt with attached slacks or sometimes shorts. Also called jumper.


A similar garment that covers all or most of the body.


A one-piece item of clothing originally used by parachutists


A one-piece, skin-tight garment rather like a leotard.


A similar item of clothing used for outdoor sports such as skiing


One-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform


A coverall worn to protect clothing underneath.
He put on a jumpsuit before starting his work in the garage.

Common Curiosities

Is a jumpsuit a full outfit?

Yes, a jumpsuit can be a standalone outfit covering both the body and legs, suitable for a variety of occasions.

Are jumpsuits considered stylish?

Yes, jumpsuits have been a recurring trend in fashion and are considered a chic choice for many occasions.

What is the main purpose of a bodysuit?

A bodysuit is primarily designed to snugly cover the torso, often acting as a base layer under other garments to provide a seamless look.

Can jumpsuits be formal?

Absolutely, jumpsuits can be tailored and styled for a range of settings, including formal events.

Do all bodysuits have closures at the crotch?

Most bodysuits have snap closures at the crotch for ease of wear, but designs can vary.

Is it easy to wear and remove a jumpsuit?

Depending on the design and closures, some jumpsuits can be easier to wear and remove than others.

How do I style a bodysuit?

Bodysuits can be layered under skirts, pants, or shorts, and accessorized accordingly to either dress up or maintain a casual look.

Why are bodysuits popular in dance or gymnastics?

Bodysuits offer flexibility and a close fit, making them ideal for activities that require a wide range of motion without clothing interference.

Are there different types of jumpsuits?

Yes, jumpsuits come in various styles, materials, and designs, from casual rompers to sophisticated evening wear.

How do bodysuits differ from leotards?

While both are form-fitting, bodysuits often come with snap closures at the crotch and are more commonly used as fashion pieces, whereas leotards are primarily associated with dance or gymnastics.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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