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Jug vs. Pitcher — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 14, 2024
A jug is a container with a spout for pouring liquids, often with a handle, used for storage and serving, while a pitcher is a large container with a spout and handle, specifically designed for serving liquids.
Jug vs. Pitcher — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Jug and Pitcher


Key Differences

Jugs and pitchers are both containers used for holding and pouring liquids, but they serve slightly different purposes and come in various designs. On the other hand, a pitcher is specifically designed for serving liquids at the table, featuring a spout for easy pouring and a handle for better grip.
A jug is typically more versatile, used for storing, serving, and sometimes even for the production of liquids like wine or milk. Pitchers are commonly used for cold beverages, such as water, iced tea, or lemonade, and are a staple in dining and hospitality settings.
While jugs can sometimes have a more functional and utilitarian design, focusing on storage or transport of liquids, pitchers are often designed with both function and style in mind, aiming to complement table settings. The design of a jug may prioritize durability and the ability to seal or close it, whereas pitchers are open and focus on the ease of pouring.
In terms of usage, jugs might be found in a variety of settings, from industrial and agricultural to household, serving a broader range of purposes beyond just serving drinks. Pitchers, however, are primarily found in dining settings, whether at home or in restaurants, and are used exclusively for serving beverages to guests.
Despite their differences, the terms jug and pitcher are sometimes used interchangeably, especially in casual settings, where the distinction may not be as important. However, when considering purchasing or using one, the key differences in design, purpose, and aesthetics should guide the choice between a jug and a pitcher.

Comparison Chart

Primary Use

Storing, serving, and production of liquids.
Serving liquids, especially in dining settings.


May have a wide mouth, can be without a spout.
Typically has a spout and handle for easy pouring.


Glass, plastic, ceramic, more.
Glass, ceramic, plastic, often with decorative elements.


Versatile for cold and hot liquids, depending on material.
Primarily for cold beverages, focusing on ease of serving.


Functional, utilitarian; can be decorative.
Often designed to be aesthetically pleasing for tableware.

Compare with Definitions


A container for liquids, possibly with a handle and spout.
She filled the jug with water to serve at dinner.


A container for liquids, possibly with a handle and spout.
She filled the jug with water to serve at dinner.


May or may not have a spout.
The jug has a simple design without a spout.


May or may not have a spout.
The jug has a simple design without a spout.


Often has a wide mouth for easy filling.
The wide-mouthed jug is perfect for mixing lemonade.


Can be used for storage and production of liquids.
The farmer uses jugs to store fresh milk.


Versatile in material and use.
A ceramic jug can keep tea hot for hours.


Versatile in material and use.
A ceramic jug can keep tea hot for hours.


Can be used for storage and production of liquids.
The farmer uses jugs to store fresh milk.


Often has a wide mouth for easy filling.
The wide-mouthed jug is perfect for mixing lemonade.


A jug is a type of container commonly used to hold liquids. It has an opening, sometimes narrow, from which to pour or drink, and has a handle, and often a pouring lip.


In baseball, the pitcher is the player who pitches the baseball from the pitcher's mound toward the catcher to begin each play, with the goal of retiring a batter, who attempts to either make contact with the pitched ball or draw a walk. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the pitcher is assigned the number 1.


A large, often rounded vessel of earthenware, glass, or metal with a small mouth, a handle, and usually a stopper or cap.


One that pitches.


The amount that a jug can hold.


(Baseball) The player who throws the ball from the mound to the batter.


A small pitcher.


(Sports) A seven iron used in golf.


(Slang) A jail.


A container for liquids, usually having a handle and a lip or spout for pouring.


To stew (a hare, for example) in an earthenware jug or jar.


(Botany) A pitcherlike part, such as the leaf of a pitcher plant.


(Slang) To put into jail.


One who pitches anything, as hay, quoits, a ball, etc.


A serving vessel or container, typically circular in cross-section and typically higher than it is wide, with a relatively small mouth or spout, an ear handle and often a stopper or top.


The player who delivers the ball to the batter.


The amount that a jug can hold.


(slang) A drug dealer.


(slang) Jail.


One who puts counterfeit money into circulation.


(New Zealand) An upright electric kettle.


(obsolete) A sort of crowbar for digging.


A kind of large, high-powered vacuum tube.


A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids, with a spout or protruding lip and a handle; a water jug or jar with a large ear or handle.


(climbing) A hold large enough for both hands


(botany) A tubular or cuplike appendage or expansion of the leaves of certain plants. See pitcher plant.


A small mixed breed of dog created by mating a Jack Russell terrier and a pug.


One who pitches anything, as hay, quoits, a ball, etc.; specifically (Baseball), the player who delivers the ball to the batsman.


After-school student punishment


A sort of crowbar for digging.


(transitive) To stew in an earthenware jug etc.
Jugged hare


A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids, with a spout or protruding lip and a handle; a water jug or jar with a large ear or handle.


To put into jail.


A tubular or cuplike appendage or expansion of the leaves of certain plants.


(intransitive) To utter a sound like "jug", as certain birds do, especially the nightingale.


(baseball) the person who does the pitching;
Our pitcher has a sore arm


To nestle or collect together in a covey.


An open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring


To issue a detention (to a student)


The quantity contained in a pitcher


A vessel, usually of coarse earthenware, with a swelling belly and narrow mouth, and having a handle on one side.


The position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit;
He has played every position except pitcher
They have a southpaw on the mound


A pitcher; a ewer.


A prison; a jail; a lockup.


To seethe or stew, as in a jug or jar placed in boiling water; as, to jug a hare.


To commit to jail; to imprison.


To utter a sound resembling this word, as certain birds do, especially the nightingale.


To nestle or collect together in a covey; - said of quails and partridges.


A large bottle with a narrow mouth


The quantity contained in a jug


Lock up or confine, in or as in a jail;
The suspects were imprisoned without trial
The murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life


Stew in an earthenware jug;
Jug the rabbit

Common Curiosities

What is the main difference between a jug and a pitcher?

The main difference lies in their primary use: jugs are more versatile, used for storage, serving, and sometimes production of liquids, while pitchers are specifically designed for serving beverages.

Are there materials better suited for jugs than pitchers, or vice versa?

The choice of material depends on the intended use; for example, glass or ceramic is preferred for pitchers due to aesthetics, while plastic or metal might be chosen for jugs for durability and versatility.

Can a jug be used to serve hot liquids?

Yes, depending on its material, a jug can be used to serve both hot and cold liquids.

How do you decide between a jug and a pitcher for a specific occasion?

Consider the nature of the occasion, the type of beverages being served, and whether the container's appearance is important for the table setting.

Can the terms jug and pitcher be used interchangeably?

While sometimes used interchangeably in casual settings, the terms have distinct differences in design and purpose that are worth noting for accurate usage.

Do all jugs have handles?

Most jugs have handles for easy carrying and pouring, but it is not a universal feature, especially in simpler or traditional designs.

Are pitchers always decorative?

Not always, but pitchers are often designed with aesthetics in mind to complement table settings, unlike jugs, which may prioritize functionality.

Can you store liquids in a pitcher?

While possible, pitchers are primarily intended for serving rather than long-term storage, unlike jugs, which can be sealed and stored.

Is it correct to use a jug for serving beverages at a formal dinner?

While jugs can serve beverages, a pitcher might be more suitable for formal settings due to its design and decorative elements.

Why choose a pitcher over a jug for serving drinks?

A pitcher might be preferred for its ease of pouring, aesthetic appeal, and design specifically for serving beverages, especially in social or dining settings.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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