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Internship vs. Residency — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 9, 2024
An internship is a short-term, often educational job experience in various fields, providing practical knowledge. A residency, however, specifically pertains to medical graduates, offering intensive training in a particular medical specialty.
Internship vs. Residency — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Internship and Residency


Key Differences

Internships can occur in a wide range of industries, including business, technology, journalism, and more, typically lasting a few months to a year. Residencies are exclusive to the medical field, extending over several years and focusing on specialized clinical training.
An internship may be paid or unpaid and often provides foundational skills and work experience that can lead to entry-level positions. Residencies, on the other hand, are paid positions where medical residents practice under supervision to become eligible for medical board certification.
Internships are designed to be learning experiences that combine work with mentorship but do not always lead to a job. Residencies are rigorous training programs that are essential for career progression in medicine, leading directly to further job opportunities within the healthcare sector.
In terms of structure, internships can be flexible, part-time, or full-time and may or may not be part of an educational curriculum. Residency programs are highly structured, requiring long hours and are typically mandated by national medical education standards.
Interns may or may not have completed their studies and often use internships to determine their interest in a particular career field. Residents are licensed doctors who have completed medical school and are undertaking residency to specialize in a field such as surgery, pediatrics, or psychiatry.

Comparison Chart


Various industries (business, tech, etc.)
Medical only


Typically a few months to a year
Several years (usually 3-7 years)


Educational and professional experience
Specialized clinical training


May be paid or unpaid
Paid positions


May lead to employment
Leads to board certification and employment in medicine

Compare with Definitions


A temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment.
She completed a summer internship at a tech startup.


A postgraduate training program in medicine that a doctor must complete to specialize in a field.
She began her residency in dermatology this year.


Often includes tasks that assist the interns in learning a specific trade or profession.
His internship involved shadowing a senior editor to learn about publishing.


Involves working under supervision in a hospital or clinic.
During his residency, he spent two years rotating through different departments.


Helps in gaining experience and understanding of a particular field.
The internship gave him valuable insight into the field of digital marketing.


Leads to eligibility for board certification in a medical specialty.
Completing her residency was the final step before taking the board certification exam in family medicine.


May provide networking opportunities that lead to future job offers.
Networking during her internship led to a full-time job offer after graduation.


Crucial for gaining the experience necessary to practice independently.
Her residency in pediatric surgery provided essential hands-on experience.


Can be a requirement for graduation in some educational programs.
Her degree program required completing an internship to graduate.


Often involves long hours and rigorous training schedules.
His residency schedule includes 80-hour workweeks.


An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. Once confined to medical graduates, internship is used for a wide range of placements in businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies.


The fact of living in a place
A government ruling confirmed the returning refugees' right to residency


A student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training.


The official residence of the Governor General's representative or other government agent, especially at the court of an Indian state.


A physician who has recently graduated from medical school and is learning medical practice in a hospital under supervision, prior to beginning a residency program.


An organization of intelligence agents in a foreign country
He made contact with the KGB residency in Aden


One who is interned; an internee.


A musician's regular engagement at a club or other venue
He saw me at a folk club where I was doing the residency one Sunday night


To train or serve as an intern.


A period of specialized medical training in a hospital; the position of a resident.


To confine, especially in wartime.


The position or term of a medical resident.


A job taken by a student in order to learn a profession or trade.


The house of a colonial resident.


The state of being an intern; the position of an intern.


The sphere of authority of a colonial resident.


The period of time during which a person is an intern; as, she served her internship over the summer.




A program to provide novices in a field with apprenticeship training.


The condition of being a resident of a particular place.


The period of time during which a novice in a field serves in a subordinate capacity and continues to gain experience; the learning period before one becomes an expert.


The home or residence of a person, especially in the colonies.


The position of a medical intern


The position or term of a medical resident.


The position of a musical artist who commonly performs at a particular venue.
The trance DJ was keen to secure a residency in Ibiza.


(espionage) rezidentura




A political agency at a native court in British India, held by an officer styled the Resident; also, a Dutch commercial colony or province in the East Indies.


The act of dwelling in a place


The position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship)

Common Curiosities

Can you get a job after an internship?

While internships can lead to job offers, they are primarily educational and may not guarantee employment.

How long does a residency last compared to an internship?

Residencies last several years, typically between three to seven, whereas internships usually last from a few months to a year.

Is a residency paid?

Yes, residencies are paid positions, as they involve providing medical care under supervision.

What skills can be gained from an internship?

Internships help develop professional skills, industry-specific knowledge, and networking opportunities.

What are the requirements to start a residency?

To start a residency, one must have completed medical school and usually passed a licensing examination.

Why do medical graduates need to complete a residency?

Residencies provide necessary training and experience to specialize and practice independently in a chosen medical field.

Can an internship lead directly to professional certification?

Generally, internships do not lead directly to professional certification but provide the experience that can assist in achieving certification in certain fields.

What roles do mentors play in internships and residencies?

In both internships and residencies, mentors provide guidance, support, and knowledge crucial for professional development.

What is an internship?

An internship is a temporary job placement in various industries, offering practical experience and training.

What defines a residency?

A residency is a required medical training program following graduation from medical school, focusing on a specialty.

How intense is a medical residency?

Medical residencies are highly intense, requiring long hours, often under stressful conditions, to provide comprehensive training.

What types of specialties are available in residencies?

Residencies offer a range of specialties including surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, and more, each requiring specific training.

Can international students apply for internships?

Yes, international students can apply for internships, often needing to meet specific visa and eligibility requirements.

Are residencies available outside of hospitals?

While most residencies are hospital-based, some may occur in clinics or other healthcare settings depending on the specialty.

How do you apply for an internship?

Applications for internships typically involve submitting a resume, cover letter, and sometimes undergoing an interview process.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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