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Hoorah vs. Hurrah — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 16, 2024
Hoorah is a variant spelling of hurrah, typically used to express joy or approval; hurrah is the more commonly accepted form in American and British English.
Hoorah vs. Hurrah — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Hoorah and Hurrah


Key Differences

Hoorah is less commonly used and is often seen as an alternative or phonetic spelling of hurrah, reflecting a more colloquial or informal usage. Whereas hurrah is widely recognized and utilized in both formal and informal contexts across English-speaking countries.
Hoorah might be preferred in certain dialects or regional uses, emphasizing a specific phonetic pronunciation. On the other hand, hurrah maintains a consistent presence in written and spoken English, symbolizing celebration or approval with a more standardized spelling.
Hoorah is sometimes perceived as more emphatic or expressive due to its less conventional spelling. Conversely, hurrah, with its established usage, conveys a traditional and universally understood expression of enthusiasm.
In literature and historical texts, hoorah may appear to add character or authenticity to dialogues or narratives. Meanwhile, hurrah is typically employed in modern texts and communications to ensure clarity and adherence to standard language norms.
While hoorah's usage can vary based on personal or cultural preferences, hurrah remains the preferred choice in educational, professional, and international communications.

Comparison Chart

Spelling Variance

Alternative spelling
Standard spelling

Usage Frequency

Less common
More common

Contextual Preference

Informal, certain dialects
Formal and informal, universal

Perceived Tone

Emphatic, expressive
Traditional, universally accepted

Presence in Texts

Appears in character-driven or historical texts
Used in modern and diverse communication forms

Compare with Definitions


A cheer used to express support or enthusiasm.
The soldiers let out a loud hoorah after completing the tough drill.


An exclamation used at gatherings or celebrations.
And with that, we say hurrah for the newlyweds!


An exclamation of joy or approval.
The crowd shouted hoorah as the fireworks began.


A cheer expressing triumph or happiness.
The audience gave a big hurrah as the curtain fell.


A cry used during celebrations.
Hoorah! We won the championship!


A word to express relief or success.
Hurrah, the project is finally complete.


An interjection at the conclusion of a successful event.
Hoorah! That was a perfect performance.


A cheer to motivate or unite a group.
Let's give a hurrah for our team’s effort today!


A rallying cry among groups.
The team yelled hoorah to boost their spirits.


A shout of joy, encouragement, or approval.
Hurrah! She said yes to the proposal!


Alternative form of hurrah


Variants of hooray.


Alternative form of hurrah


Expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness.


Alternative form of hurrah


A cheer; a cry of hurrah!.


To give a hurrah (to somebody).


A word used as a shout of joy, triumph, applause, encouragement, or welcome.
Hurrah! hurrah! for Ivry and Henry of Navarre.


A cheer; a shout of joy, etc.
A perfect hurrah's nest in our kitchen.


To utter hurrahs; to huzza.


To salute, or applaud, with hurrahs.


A victory cheer;
Let's give the team a big hurrah


Shout `hurrah!'

Common Curiosities

Can hoorah and hurrah be used interchangeably?

Yes, they can be used interchangeably as they convey the same expression of joy or approval.

What is the main difference between hoorah and hurrah?

Hoorah is an alternative spelling of hurrah, less commonly used and sometimes more expressive.

Are there any regions that prefer hoorah over hurrah?

Certain dialects or regional uses may prefer hoorah for its phonetic qualities.

Which variant is more popular globally?

Hurrah is more widely recognized and used globally.

How do different cultures use these exclamations?

These exclamations are used similarly across cultures but might appear more frequently in English-speaking countries.

What is the historical origin of hurrah?

Hurrah originates from a variety of languages and military or naval expressions of triumph.

Is hoorah acceptable in formal writing?

Hoorah is less preferred in formal contexts, with hurrah being the more appropriate choice.

What is the impact of using hoorah in literature?

Using hoorah in literature can add authenticity or character to historical or dialect-specific dialogues.

Does the spelling variation affect the pronunciation?

The pronunciation is generally the same, though some may emphasize the "hoo" in hoorah.

Is there a trend in the usage of hoorah versus hurrah?

Hurrah remains steady in use, while hoorah appears less frequently and in more niche contexts.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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