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Hog vs. Sow — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
A hog is a general term for a domestic pig, while a sow specifically refers to a female pig that has reproduced.
Hog vs. Sow — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Hog and Sow


Key Differences

Hogs encompass the entire domestic pig species, irrespective of gender or reproductive status. This term is widely used in agriculture and meat production to refer to pigs that are raised for their meat. Sows, on the other hand, are exclusively female pigs that have given birth at least once. This distinction is crucial in breeding and livestock management, as sows play a specific role in the reproduction and sustainability of pig populations.
While the term "hog" can be used to describe any domestic pig over a certain size, typically those ready for slaughter, it does not convey information about the pig's reproductive capabilities. Whereas the term "sow" not only indicates that the pig is female but also suggests she is of breeding age and has been part of the breeding cycle. This differentiation is important for farmers and veterinarians who are involved in the care and management of pig herds.
In commercial and farming contexts, hogs are often categorized by weight and purpose, such as feeder pigs or market hogs, without specifying gender. Sows, however, are specifically tracked and managed for their ability to produce offspring, their health during gestation, and their effectiveness in raising piglets.
The reproductive aspect of sows is significant, as it impacts genetic selection, herd health, and productivity. Breeders may select sows based on traits such as litter size, maternal instincts, and longevity in the breeding program. In contrast, the value of a hog, in general, is typically measured by its growth rate, feed efficiency, and carcass quality, without direct consideration of its reproductive history or potential.
Understanding the distinction between hogs and sows is essential for effective communication in agricultural, veterinary, and academic fields. It ensures precision in discussions about pig health, breeding, and meat production, highlighting the specific roles and characteristics of different segments of the pig population.

Comparison Chart


A general term for a domestic pig, used without regard to reproductive status.
A female pig that has given birth at least once.


Used in agriculture to refer to pigs raised for meat; focuses on growth and carcass quality.
Important in breeding; focuses on reproductive capabilities and offspring production.


Non-specific; can refer to both male and female pigs.
Specifically female.

Reproductive Status

Does not convey information about reproductive history or capabilities.
Indicates that the pig has been part of the breeding cycle.

Usage Context

Broad, including all domestic pigs especially in meat production contexts.
Specific to breeding and herd management discussions.

Compare with Definitions


A domestic pig, especially one over a certain weight or age, raised for meat.
The farmer sold several hogs at the market this week.


A female pig that has given birth.
The sow and her piglets were moved to a larger pen.


Sometimes used to describe a greedy or gluttonous person.
He's such a hog when it comes to dessert.


Refers to the reproductive aspect of female pigs.
A healthy sow can have two litters a year.


In general usage, can refer to any pig in agricultural settings.
They raise hogs on their farm primarily for pork production.


Used specifically in the context of pig breeding and farming.
They have ten sows in their breeding program.


A large motorcycle, especially a Harley-Davidson.
He loves riding his hog on the open road.


In a figurative sense, can mean to initiate or spread something.
She sowed the seeds of doubt in their minds.


Slang for a large, powerful car or engine.
That old muscle car is a real gas hog.


Can also mean to plant seeds by scattering.
It's time to sow the fields with wheat.


A domesticated pig, especially a castrated male reared for slaughter.


To scatter (seed) over the ground for growing.


A large motorcycle, in particular a Harley Davidson.


To scatter seed over (land, for example).


A young sheep before the first shearing.


To strew something around or over (an area); distribute something over
"The yard was sown with cement sculpture" (Ashley Warlick).


Take or use most or all of (something) in an unfair or selfish way
He never hogged the limelight


To propagate; disseminate
Sow rumors.


Cause (a ship or its keel) to curve up in the centre and sag at the ends as a result of strain.


To scatter seed for growing.


Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, which includes the domesticated pig as well as wild species, such as the wild boar and the warthog.


An adult female pig, especially one that has had at least one litter.


A domesticated pig weighing over 54 kilograms (120 pounds).


The adult female of several other animals, such as the bear.


A self-indulgent, gluttonous, or filthy person.


A channel that conducts molten iron to the molds in a pig bed.


One that uses too much of something.


The mass of metal solidified in such a channel or mold.


Chiefly British A young sheep before it has been shorn.


A female pig.


The wool from this type of sheep.


A female bear, she-bear.


(Slang) A big, heavy motorcycle.


A female guinea pig.


(Informal) To take more than one's share of
Don't hog the couch.


A channel that conducts molten metal to molds.


To cause (the back) to arch like that of a hog.


A mass of metal solidified in a mold.


To cut (a horse's mane) short and bristly.


A contemptible, often fat woman.


To shred (waste wood, for example) by machine.


A sowbug.


(Nautical) To arch upward in the middle. Used of a ship's keel.


(military) A kind of covered shed, formerly used by besiegers in filling up and passing the ditch of a besieged place, sapping and mining the wall, etc.


Any animal belonging to the Suidae family of mammals, especially the pig, the warthog, and the boar.


(ambitransitive) To scatter, disperse, or plant (seeds).
When I had sown the field, the day's work was over.
As you sow, so shall you reap.


(specifically) An adult swine contrasted with a pig, a young swine.


(figurative) To spread abroad; to propagate.


(slang) A greedy person or thing; one who refuses to share.
Since the latest upgrade, this program has turned into a CPU hog.


(figurative) To scatter over; to besprinkle.


(slang) A large motorcycle, particularly a Harley-Davidson.


Obsolete spelling of sew


(UK) A young sheep that has not been shorn.


To sew. See Sew.


(nautical) A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship's bottom under water.


To scatter, as seed, upon the earth; to plant by strewing; as, to sow wheat. Also used figuratively: To spread abroad; to propagate.
A sower went forth to sow; and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside.
And sow dissension in the hearts of brothers.


A device for mixing and stirring the pulp from which paper is made.


To scatter seed upon, in, or over; to supply or stock, as land, with seeds. Also used figuratively: To scatter over; to besprinkle.
The intellectual faculty is a goodly field, . . . and it is the worst husbandry in the world to sow it with trifles.
[He] sowed with stars the heaven.
Now morn . . . sowed the earth with orient pearl.


A shilling coin; its value, 12 old pence.


To scatter seed for growth and the production of a crop; - literally or figuratively.
They that sow in tears shall reap in joi.


A tanner, a sixpence coin; its value.


The female of swine, or of the hog kind.


A half-crown coin; its value, 30 old pence.


A sow bug.


(nautical) the effect of the middle of the hull of a ship rising while the ends droop


A channel or runner which receives the rows of molds in the pig bed.


(transitive) To greedily take more than one's share, to take precedence at the expense of another or others.
Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.


A kind of covered shed, formerly used by besiegers in filling up and passing the ditch of a besieged place, sapping and mining the wall, or the like.


(transitive) To clip the mane of a horse, making it short and bristly.


An adult female hog


(nautical) To scrub with a hog, or scrubbing broom.


Place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth;
She sowed sunflower seeds


To cause the keel of a ship to arch upwards (the opposite of sag).


Introduce into an environment;
Sow suspicion or beliefs


A quadruped of the genus Sus, and allied genera of Suidæ; esp., the domesticated varieties of Sus scrofa, kept for their fat and meat, called, respectively, lard and pork; swine; porker; specifically, a castrated boar; a barrow.


Place seeds in or on (the ground);
Sow the ground with sunflower seeds


A mean, filthy, or gluttonous fellow.


A young sheep that has not been shorn.


A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship's bottom under water.


A device for mixing and stirring the pulp of which paper is made.


To cut short like bristles; as, to hog the mane of a horse.


To scrub with a hog, or scrubbing broom.


To become bent upward in the middle, like a hog's back; - said of a ship broken or strained so as to have this form.


A person regarded as greedy and pig-like


A sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared


Domestic swine


Take greedily; take more than one's share

Common Curiosities

Can a male pig be a sow?

No, only female pigs that have reproduced can be called sows.

Why is the distinction between hog and sow important?

The distinction is important for breeding, livestock management, and agricultural communication, highlighting differences in role, gender, and reproductive status.

Is the term "hog" used outside of farming?

Yes, "hog" can also refer to a greedy person, a large motorcycle, or a powerful car, among other slang uses.

How can you tell a hog from a sow?

A hog refers to any domestic pig, while a sow is a female pig that has given birth, which requires knowledge of the pig's reproductive history.

What is the average number of piglets a sow can produce?

A healthy sow can produce two litters per year, with each litter averaging 10-12 piglets, though this can vary.

What is a hog?

A hog is a domestic pig, used broadly in contexts relating to agriculture and meat production.

What defines a sow?

A sow is defined as a female pig that has given birth at least once, indicating her role in reproduction.

Are all pigs considered hogs?

Yes, all domestic pigs can be referred to as hogs, regardless of their reproductive status.

Do hogs and sows have different roles on a farm?

Yes, hogs generally refer to pigs raised for meat, while sows are specifically managed for breeding and raising offspring.

How are sows cared for differently than other pigs?

Sows require special care, especially during gestation and when nursing piglets, including nutritional and veterinary support to ensure the health of both the sow and her offspring.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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