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Hedonist vs. Sybarite — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
A hedonist seeks pleasure as the highest good, while a sybarite emphasizes indulgence in luxury and sensual pleasures.
Hedonist vs. Sybarite — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Hedonist and Sybarite


Key Differences

A hedonist lives by the philosophy that pleasure or happiness is the highest good and ultimate aim of life. Whereas, a sybarite focuses specifically on lavish and luxurious living, often indulging in fine foods, wines, and sensual comforts to an excessive degree.
Hedonism encompasses a broader range of pleasures, including intellectual and emotional satisfactions, alongside physical ones. On the other hand, sybaritism is closely associated with opulence and excess, primarily in material and sensual experiences.
The concept of hedonism can be applied to various aspects of life, including ethical decision-making, where actions are judged based on the amount of pleasure or pain they produce. Sybaritism, however, is more about a lifestyle choice, emphasizing the enjoyment of the finest things in life often regardless of their moral implications.
Hedonists might engage in a simple pleasure, like reading a book or enjoying nature, if it brings happiness. Sybarites, however, would likely seek more tangible and extravagant pleasures, such as gourmet dining or staying at the most luxurious resorts.
While both hedonists and sybarites prioritize pleasure, the former can include a range of psychological and emotional experiences, while the latter is more focused on physical and material indulgence.

Comparison Chart


Seeks pleasure as the highest good.
Indulges in luxury and sensual pleasure.


Broad spectrum of pleasures including intellectual and emotional.
Primarily material and sensual experiences.


Can be a moral philosophy guiding life choices.
More about a lifestyle of excess and opulence.


Can include simple, non-material pleasures.
Focused on extravagant, often material comforts.


Enjoying a sunset, a meaningful conversation.
Gourmet dining, luxury travel, expensive wines.

Compare with Definitions


Someone who believes pleasure is the highest good.
As a hedonist, she finds joy in both simple and complex pleasures.


A person who loves luxury and sensual pleasure.
As a sybarite, he spares no expense on fine dining.


Person prioritizing happiness in life.
Hedonists often seek out activities that bring them joy, whether it's a hobby or travel.


Lives a lifestyle of excess.
The sybarite’s home is filled with extravagant furnishings and technology.


Seeks emotional and physical satisfaction.
Meditation can be a hedonist’s tool for emotional pleasure.


Indulges in the finer things in life.
Sybarites often have collections of rare wines or artwork.


Lives according to pleasure principle.
For a hedonist, choosing a career is about passion, not just salary.


Emphasizes material and physical indulgence.
Travel for a sybarite includes only the most exclusive destinations.


Finds value in pleasure over pain.
Hedonists may avoid negative news, focusing on what makes them happy.


Prefers lavishness in daily activities.
Even a simple coffee break is an opulent affair for a sybarite.


Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.


Often sybarite A person devoted to pleasure and luxury; a voluptuary.


(Philosophy) The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.


A native or inhabitant of Sybaris.


(Psychology) The doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


A person devoted to luxury and pleasure; a hedonist.


Someone devoted to hedonism.


Synonym of sybaritic


One who believes in hedonism.


A person devoted to luxury and pleasure; a voluptuary.


Someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures


A person addicted to luxury and pleasures of the senses

Common Curiosities

How does a sybarite differ from a hedonist?

A sybarite focuses on indulging in luxury and sensual pleasures to an extravagant degree, while a hedonist seeks happiness as the highest good, which can include both simple and complex pleasures.

Is hedonism a philosophy?

Yes, hedonism is a philosophical belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good and ultimate aim.

Do sybarites prioritize material wealth?

Sybarites typically prioritize material wealth to the extent that it allows them to indulge in luxurious and sensual pleasures.

What defines a hedonist?

A hedonist is someone who believes that seeking pleasure and happiness is the most important goal in life.

Can a hedonist also be a sybarite?

Yes, a hedonist can also be a sybarite if they find that luxury and sensual indulgences are what bring them the most happiness.

How does society view sybarites?

Society may view sybarites with a mix of admiration and criticism, admiring their ability to enjoy life’s luxuries but critiquing their emphasis on materialism.

Can sybaritism be sustainable?

Sybaritism, with its focus on excess and luxury, can be challenging to sustain without substantial resources or wealth.

What is the ultimate goal of a hedonist?

The ultimate goal of a hedonist is to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure and happiness in life.

What might be a typical activity for a sybarite?

A typical activity for a sybarite could involve attending a lavish party, enjoying gourmet foods, or vacationing at exclusive resorts.

Is being a hedonist selfish?

While some might view hedonism as selfish, hedonists argue that seeking pleasure can lead to a fulfilled and morally responsible life.

Can hedonism contribute to personal growth?

Yes, hedonism can contribute to personal growth if pursued in a balanced way that includes intellectual and emotional pleasures.

How do hedonists find pleasure?

Hedonists can find pleasure in a variety of ways, including through intellectual, emotional, and physical experiences that bring them happiness.

What is the historical origin of "sybarite"?

The term "sybarite" originates from Sybaris, an ancient Greek city known for its residents' luxurious and indulgent lifestyles.

How do hedonists and sybarites approach life's challenges?

Hedonists might approach life's challenges by seeking solutions that bring them happiness, while sybarites may look for ways to maintain their luxurious lifestyle despite obstacles.

Do sybarites care about the cost of their indulgences?

Generally, sybarites are less concerned with the cost of their indulgences as long as they can attain the level of luxury they desire.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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