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Haemometer vs. Haemoglobinometer — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 9, 2024
A haemometer is a device used to measure hemoglobin concentration in the blood, usually through color comparison, while a haemoglobinometer is a more specialized instrument designed specifically to quantify hemoglobin levels with greater precision.
Haemometer vs. Haemoglobinometer — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Haemometer and Haemoglobinometer


Key Differences

A haemometer provides a practical, semi-quantitative measure of hemoglobin levels by comparing the color intensity of a blood sample against standard color scales. On the other hand, a haemoglobinometer employs more precise, often digital, technology to accurately measure hemoglobin concentration.
Haemometers are simpler and primarily used in basic laboratory or field settings where a rough estimate is sufficient. Meanwhile, haemoglobinometers are more sophisticated and often used in medical labs for accurate diagnostic purposes.
Haemometers rely on manual comparison, making their results susceptible to human error. Haemoglobinometers reduce this error with digital readings or photometric methods, providing results with better accuracy and consistency.
Haemometers have been largely replaced by haemoglobinometers in clinical practice due to their higher precision and ease of use. However, haemometers remain useful for quick screening in remote or resource-limited settings.

Comparison Chart


Measure hemoglobin concentration
Measure hemoglobin with precision


Manual color comparison
Digital or photometric methods


More accurate and consistent

Usage Context

Field settings or basic labs
Medical laboratories and diagnostics


Prone to human error
Reduces human error due to automated methods

Compare with Definitions


A basic tool for semi-quantitative blood analysis.
The haemometer provided a rough estimate of the patient's hemoglobin level.


A medical tool using photometric methods for hemoglobin detection.
Modern haemoglobinometers employ photometric technology for accuracy.


A diagnostic device that requires manual reading and interpretation.
Training is essential to ensure consistent results with a haemometer.


A device crucial for diagnosing anemia and other blood disorders.
The haemoglobinometer helped identify severe anemia in the patient.


A colorimetric instrument used historically for hemoglobin testing.
Haemometers were more common before digital alternatives.


A specialized instrument that reduces human error in hemoglobin testing.
Using a haemoglobinometer ensures consistent, automated readings.


A device for measuring hemoglobin by comparing blood color.
The field technician used a haemometer for quick anemia screening.


A device that quantifies hemoglobin levels with precision.
The haemoglobinometer provided an accurate hemoglobin count.


A hemadynamometer.


An apparatus for measuring the amount of haemoglobin in a fluid by comparing it with a solution of known strength and of normal colour


Same as Hemadynamometer.


Same as Hemochromometer.

Common Curiosities

Are haemometers still used in modern medicine?

Yes, but they are less common and often replaced by more accurate haemoglobinometers.

Are haemoglobinometers more accurate than haemometers?

Yes, they provide more precise results using automated or photometric methods.

Do haemometer and haemoglobinometer measure the same thing?

Yes, both measure hemoglobin concentration, but with different methods.

Is a haemoglobinometer always digital?

Not always, but most modern versions are automated or digital.

Do haemometers require significant training?

Yes, interpreting the color scale can be challenging without proper training.

Are haemometers susceptible to environmental conditions?

Yes, lighting and temperature can affect color perception.

Do haemoglobinometers have a standardized calibration?

Yes, they are typically calibrated to specific standards.

Can haemometers and haemoglobinometers be used interchangeably?

They measure the same thing but differ in precision and usage context.

Can both devices diagnose anemia accurately?

Haemoglobinometers are generally more accurate for diagnosis.

Do haemometers require electricity to function?

No, they usually work without power, unlike most haemoglobinometers.

Do both haemometer and haemoglobinometer rely on color comparison?

Haemometers rely heavily on color comparison, while haemoglobinometers may use photometry.

Are haemoglobinometers easy to use for non-laboratory staff?

Yes, they often have simple interfaces but may require training.

Is the haemoglobinometer used for research purposes?

Yes, it is crucial in clinical research due to its accuracy.

Do haemometers serve as backup devices in clinics?

Sometimes, they may be used when haemoglobinometers are unavailable.

Is human error a significant issue with haemometers?

Yes, since they rely on subjective color matching.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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