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Grasshopper vs. Katydid — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
Grasshoppers are known for their powerful hind legs and ability to jump long distances, while katydids are recognized for their leaf-like appearance and nocturnal singing.
Grasshopper vs. Katydid — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Grasshopper and Katydid


Key Differences

Grasshoppers belong to the order Orthoptera and are characterized by their strong hind legs that allow them to leap great distances to escape predators or move around. Katydids, also part of the Orthoptera order, are closely related to grasshoppers but are distinguished by their long antennae and leaf-like wings, which serve as camouflage among foliage.
The body structure of grasshoppers tends to be more robust and suited for jumping, with a more cylindrical shape. Katydids, on the other hand, have a flatter body that mimics leaves, aiding their camouflage in the natural habitat. The sounds produced by grasshoppers, if present, are typically softer and less musical than those of katydids, whose songs are more complex and can vary greatly among species.
Reproduction in both grasshoppers and katydids involves laying eggs, but katydids often lay theirs on plant stems or in the soil, carefully selecting locations that provide camouflage or protection. Grasshoppers' eggs are typically laid in the ground, often in a pod, and can survive harsh winter conditions.
Understanding the differences between grasshoppers and katydids not only highlights the diversity within the Orthoptera order but also underscores the adaptability of insects to their environments, utilizing unique morphological and behavioral traits to survive and thrive.

Comparison Chart


Shorter antennae, robust body, often green or brown.
Long antennae, leaf-like wings, camouflaged.


Open, sunny areas; grassy fields.
Dense vegetation; trees and bushes.


Diurnal (active during the day).
Nocturnal (active at night).


Primarily grasses and leaves.
Leaves, flowers, and occasionally insects.


Softer chirps, if any.
Distinctive, musical chirping at night.


Eggs laid in the ground, often survive winter.
Eggs laid on plants or in soil, camouflaged.

Compare with Definitions


Active during the day.
Grasshoppers were seen hopping around the garden in the sunlight.


Mimics leaves with its wings.
The katydid blended into the foliage, nearly invisible to predators.


Known for jumping abilities.
The grasshopper leaped out of the way when approached.


Prefers dense, vegetated areas.
Katydids are commonly found among the dense leaves of the backyard trees.


Produces softer chirping sounds.
You can hear a soft chirping from grasshoppers in the daytime.


Diet includes leaves and flowers.
A katydid was spotted eating the petals of a night-blooming flower.


Eats grass and leaves.
The farmer noted grasshoppers feeding on the crops.


Lays camouflaged eggs.
The katydid carefully laid its eggs on the underside of a leaf.


Favors sunny, open spaces.
Grasshoppers thrive in the open fields surrounding the farm.


Sings at night.
The night was filled with the singing of katydids.


Grasshoppers are a group of insects belonging to the suborder Caelifera. They are among what is probably the most ancient living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago.


A relative of grasshoppers and crickets, in the family Tettigoniidae.


Any of numerous orthopteran insects, chiefly of the suborder Caelifera, characteristically having long, powerful hind legs adapted for jumping.


Any of various orthopteran insects of the family Tettigoniidae, having long antennae and usually a green body, the male of which produces a shrill sound by rubbing together specialized organs on the forewings.


A light, usually unarmed airplane used for liaison and scouting.


A large, green, arboreal, orthopterous insect (Cyrtophyllus concavus) of the family Locustidæ, common in the United States. The males have stridulating organs at the bases of the front wings. During the summer and autumn, in the evening, the males make a peculiar, loud, shrill sound, resembling the combination Katy-did, whence the name.


A cocktail consisting of crème de menthe, crème de cacao, and cream.


Large green long-horned grasshopper of North America; males produce shrill sounds by rubbing together special organs on the forewings


A mostly herbivorous insect of the order Orthoptera, noted for its ability to jump long distances and for the habit of some species communicating by stridulation; they are related to but distinct from crickets.


In the strict sense, refers to insects in the suborder Caelifera, particularly those in the family Acrididae.


In a looser sense, also includes the katydids (also known as longhorned grasshoppers or bush crickets), which are members of the family Tettigoniidae, of the suborder Ensifera.


A cocktail made with crème de menthe and optionally with crème de cacao.


(figuratively) A young student in initial stages of training who has been chosen on account of their obvious talent.


(musical instrument) In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out and replaced with the key.


Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families Acrididæ and Locustidæ, having large hind legs adapted for leaping, and chewing mouth parts. The species and genera are very numerous and some are very destructive to crops. The former family includes the Western grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged (Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely related species, but their ravages are less important. They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the Old World. See Locust.


In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out and replaced with the key; - called also the hopper.


An antipersonnel mine that jumps from the ground to body height when activated, and explodes, hurling metal fragments over a wide area.


A mixed alcoholic beverage containing crème de menthe, light cream, and sometimes crème de cacao. The name comes from its light green color.


Terrestrial plant-eating insect with hind legs adapted for leaping


A cocktail made of creme de menthe and cream (sometimes with creme de cacao)

Common Curiosities

Where do katydids prefer to live?

Katydids thrive in areas with dense vegetation, such as forests or bushes, where they can easily camouflage.

Why are katydids noisy at night?

Male katydids produce sounds at night as a mating call to attract females.

How do grasshoppers produce sound?

Grasshoppers produce sound by rubbing their hind legs against their wings or body, a process known as stridulation.

What distinguishes a grasshopper from a katydid?

Grasshoppers are recognized by their shorter antennae and strong jumping legs, whereas katydids have long antennae and leaf-like wings for camouflage.

What do grasshoppers eat?

Grasshoppers primarily consume grasses and leaves, often causing them to be seen as pests in agricultural areas.

Is it easy to spot a katydid?

Due to their camouflage, katydids can be challenging to spot among leaves and vegetation.

Do grasshoppers have natural predators?

Yes, grasshoppers are preyed upon by birds, rodents, and other insectivores.

What role do katydids play in the ecosystem?

Katydids are important in food webs, serving as both predators of smaller insects and prey for larger animals.

Can grasshoppers and katydids be found in the same habitat?

While they might share some overlapping environments, grasshoppers prefer open fields, and katydids are more common in dense vegetation.

Are katydids harmful to plants?

Katydids can eat a variety of plants, including leaves and flowers, and may damage garden or agricultural plants in large numbers.

How do grasshoppers survive winter?

Grasshoppers lay eggs in the soil that can survive the winter, hatching when conditions become favorable in spring.

Can katydids be kept as pets?

While not common, katydids can be kept as pets by those interested in observing their behaviors and sounds.

What challenges do katydids face?

Katydids face challenges from habitat loss, predation, and climate change, impacting their populations.

How long do grasshoppers live?

The lifespan of a grasshopper can vary, but most live for about a year, undergoing several life stages.

What makes katydids' songs unique?

Katydids' songs are complex and can vary significantly among species, making them a subject of interest for both scientists and enthusiasts.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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