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Goatling vs. Kid — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 19, 2024
A goatling is a young female goat less than a year old, often not yet mature enough to breed, while a kid refers to any young goat, regardless of gender, typically before weaning.
Goatling vs. Kid — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Goatling and Kid


Key Differences

Goatling specifically describes a juvenile female goat, highlighting its gender and implying a certain level of immaturity in terms of breeding capability. This term is often used in farming and breeding contexts to distinguish young females that are growing but not yet ready for reproduction. On the other hand, a kid is a more inclusive term that applies to all young goats, male or female, usually before they are weaned from their mother. The term "kid" does not convey any information about the gender of the young goat.
In terms of usage, "goatling" is less commonly used in everyday language and is more specific to those familiar with goat breeding and farming. It's a term that might be found in more technical discussions or literature related to agriculture. Conversely, "kid" is widely recognized and used not only in agricultural settings but also in general conversations, often even used metaphorically to describe playfulness or mischief, drawing on the characteristics commonly associated with young goats.
While both terms denote youth and a stage of development, the use of "goatling" might also suggest a focus on the future breeding potential of the animal, considering its specific reference to young females. The term "kid," however, is more neutral and focused simply on the age or stage of life of the goat, without implications regarding its future role in a herd or farm.
In some contexts, the term "kid" can also be used more broadly to refer to the young of other species, although this is less common. The specificity of "goatling" ensures that it is only ever used to describe young female goats, making it a precise term within the domain of goat husbandry.
Despite the differences in their implications and usage, both terms serve important roles in the classification and description of young goats in various contexts, from casual conversation to more detailed agricultural documentation.

Comparison Chart


A young female goat, typically under a year old.
A young goat of any gender, usually before weaning.


Female only.
Non-specific; can be male or female.

Usage Context

More technical, used in farming and breeding.
Broad, used in both general and agricultural contexts.


Implies not yet mature enough for breeding.
Focuses on early life stage, not specifically related to breeding maturity.


Less common, more specific.
Widely recognized and used term.

Compare with Definitions


A juvenile female goat under a year old.
The goatling was separated from the adults to receive special care.


A young goat of either gender.
The kids were frolicking near the barn.


Used in goat breeding to denote young females.
They introduced several goatlings to the herd this spring.


A term for a goat before weaning.
The mother goat was nursing her kid.


Refers specifically to female goats in development.
The goatling's coat was becoming as lush as her mother's.


Used metaphorically to describe playfulness.
He was always the kid of the group, full of energy and mischief.


A young female goat not yet ready for breeding.
The farm's new goatlings were grazing peacefully in the field.


Can sometimes refer to young of other species.
In rare contexts, kid might be used for young deer.


A term used in agriculture for young female goats.
The goatling won a prize at the agricultural show for her breed's characteristics.


A common term in everyday language.
Everyone loved watching the kids play in the field.


A young goat; a kid.


A young goat.


One of the young of certain similar animals.


The flesh of a young goat.


Leather made from the skin of a young goat; kidskin.


An article made from this leather.


A child.


A young person.


(Slang)Pal. Used as a term of familiar address, especially for a young person
Hi, kid! What's up?.


Made of the skin or with the meat of a young goat.


(Informal)Younger than oneself
My kid brother.


To mock playfully; tease
They kidded me about my mismatched socks.


To deceive in fun; fool
I could only hope they were kidding me when they said my car had been stolen.


To deceive (oneself), especially by allowing one's desires to cloud one's judgment
You're kidding yourself if you think that plan will work.


To engage in teasing or good-humored fooling
You want that much for your old car? You must be kidding!.


To bear young. Used of a goat or similar animal.


A young goat.
He treated the oxen like they didn't exist, but he treated the goat kid like a puppy.


Of a female goat, the state of being pregnant: in kid.




(uncountable) The meat of a young goat.


A young antelope.


(informal) A person whose childhood took place in a particular time period or area.
Only '90s kids will remember this toy.
He's been living in Los Angeles for years now, but he's a Florida kid.


(informal) One's son or daughter, regardless of age.
He was their youngest kid.


(colloquial) An inexperienced person or one in a junior position.


(dated) A deception; an act of kidding somebody.


(nautical) A small wooden mess tub in which sailors received their food.


A fagot; a bundle of heath and furze.


To make a fool of (someone).


To dupe or deceive (someone).


To make a joke with (someone).


(intransitive) Of a goat, to give birth.


To joke.
You're kidding!
Only kidding


A young goat.
The . . . leopard shall lie down with the kid.


A young child or infant; hence, a simple person, easily imposed on.


A kind of leather made of the skin of the young goat, or of the skin of rats, etc.


Gloves made of kid.


A small wooden mess tub; - a name given by sailors to one in which they receive their food.


Among pugilists, thieves, gunfighters, etc., a youthful expert; - chiefly used attributively; as, kid Jones.


A fagot; a bundle of heath and furze.


To bring forth a young goat.


Of Kythe.


Soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat;
Kid gloves


English dramatist (1558-1594)


A human offspring (son or daughter) of any age;
They had three children
They were able to send their kids to college


Young goat


Tell false information to for fun;
Are you pulling my leg?


Be silly or tease one another;
After we relaxed, we just kidded around

Common Curiosities

At what age does a goatling become a doe?

A goatling typically becomes a doe when it reaches breeding maturity, around 1 year of age.

Can "kid" refer to animals other than goats?

While "kid" is primarily used for goats, it can occasionally refer to the young of other species in less common usage.

Is "goatling" only used for goats?

Yes, "goatling" specifically refers to young female goats.

Are there specific care requirements for goatlings?

Goatlings, like all young animals, may have specific nutritional and environmental needs to support healthy growth.

Is it common to have goatlings on a farm?

Yes, farms that breed goats will typically have goatlings as part of their breeding programs.

How is the term "kid" used metaphorically?

"Kid" can be used metaphorically to describe someone who is playful, energetic, or young at heart.

Do goatlings require special housing?

Young goats may require shelter that protects them from the elements and provides a safe environment as they grow.

How long do kids stay with their mothers?

Kids typically stay with their mothers until they are weaned, which can vary but is often around 2 to 3 months of age.

Do goatlings and kids have different dietary needs?

Their dietary needs are generally similar and depend more on their age and developmental stage than on gender.

Do goatlings participate in shows or competitions?

Yes, goatlings can participate in agricultural shows or competitions, often in categories specific to their age group.

Can kids and goatlings graze together?

Yes, they can often graze together, but specific arrangements might depend on the farm's management practices.

How can you tell a kid's gender?

A vet or experienced goat keeper can determine the gender of a kid through physical examination.

Are there breeds where "kid" or "goatling" is not used?

The terms "kid" and "goatling" are widely used across different goat breeds and are not specific to any particular breed.

Are kids playful?

Yes, kids are known for their playful and energetic nature.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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