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Food vs. Fare — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 29, 2024
Food refers to any nutritious substance consumed for growth and health, whereas fare specifically denotes the range and quality of food provided, often in a transport or event setting.
Food vs. Fare — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Food and Fare


Key Differences

Food encompasses all edible items that organisms consume to derive nutrients necessary for survival and health. On the other hand, fare often refers to the type and quality of food provided, especially in contexts like restaurants, events, or public transportation.
While food is a general term that applies universally to any substance that can be eaten, fare is typically used to describe a selection of food or the cost of transportation. Fare can imply a certain standard or variety of meals, for instance, airplane fare or festival fare.
The preparation of food can range from simple home cooking to elaborate culinary techniques in fine dining. Fare, however, often indicates a predetermined menu or a set type of meal served to passengers or attendees.
Food is essential for nutrition and sustenance and includes a broad spectrum from raw ingredients to cooked dishes. Whereas fare could also include the concept of journey or transport cost, extending beyond just the edible aspects in some usages.
The cultural significance of food is profound, often associated with tradition and identity. Fare, in contrast, might reflect the service quality and pricing structure within the transport or hospitality sectors.

Comparison Chart


Any nutritious substance that living beings eat or drink for sustenance.
The range and quality of food provided; also refers to transportation cost.

Context of Use

Used universally across various contexts from basic survival to gourmet dining.
Often specific to contexts like travel, events, or hospitality.


Extremely varied, from raw ingredients to complex dishes.
More limited, often pertaining to specific settings or menus.

Additional Meanings

Primarily associated with sustenance and culinary arts.
Can also mean the cost of transportation.

Cultural Significance

Deeply embedded in cultural traditions and practices.
More associated with service and convenience in specific settings.

Compare with Definitions


Any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism.
Vegetables are vital food for maintaining health.


The food provided by an establishment or during an event.
The wedding fare included a lavish buffet.


A necessary element of daily life.
Ensuring access to healthy food is crucial for community well-being.


Typical food and drink consumed by a particular group of people.
Traditional English fare includes fish and chips.


Any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue.
Protein-rich foods help in muscle repair.


The money paid for a journey on public transportation.
The bus fare has increased this year.


Items prepared for eating.
The restaurant offers a variety of international foods.


A range of food available in a particular place or produced by a specific process.
Airplane fare often includes snacks and drinks.


Edible raw materials.
Fresh fruits are wholesome food.


The price charged to transport a person.
Taxi fares can vary depending on the city.


Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. Food is usually of plant, animal or fungal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.


A fare is the fee paid by a passenger for use of a public transport system: rail, bus, taxi, etc. In the case of air transport, the term airfare is often used.


Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth
Music is food for the soul
Baby foods
Food shortages
We need food and water
They had eaten their food and slept


The money paid for a journey on public transport
We should go to Seville, but we cannot afford the air fare


Material, especially carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, that an organism uses for energy, growth, and maintaining the processes of life. Plants, algae, and some bacteria make their own food through photosynthesis, while animals and most other organisms obtain food by consuming other organisms or organic matter.


A range of food of a particular type
Traditional Scottish fare


A specified kind of nourishment
Breakfast food.
Plant food.


Perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period
The party fared badly in the elections


Nourishment eaten in solid form
Food and drink.


A knight fares forth


Something that nourishes or sustains in a way suggestive of physical nourishment
Food for thought.


To get along
How are you faring with your project?.


(uncountable) Any solid substance that can be consumed by living organisms, especially by eating, in order to sustain life.
The innkeeper brought them food and drink.


To happen or develop
How does it fare with you?.


(countable) A foodstuff.


To travel; go.


Anything that nourishes or sustains.
The man's inspiring speech gave us food for thought.
Mozart and Bach are food for my soul.


To dine; eat.


What is fed upon; that which goes to support life by being received within, and assimilated by, the organism of an animal or a plant; nutriment; aliment; especially, what is eaten by animals for nourishment.


A transportation charge, as for a bus.


Anything that instructs the intellect, excites the feelings, or molds habits of character; that which nourishes.
This may prove food to my displeasure.
In this moment there is life and foodFor future years.


A passenger transported for a fee.


To supply with food.


Food and drink; diet
Simple home-cooked fare.


Any substance that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue


(obsolete) A going; journey; travel; voyage; course; passage.


Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment;
Food and drink


(countable) Money paid for a transport ticket.
Train fare
Bus fare
Taxi fare


Anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking


(countable) A paying passenger, especially in a taxi.


(uncountable) Food and drink.


(uncountable) Supplies for consumption or pleasure.
The television channel tended to broadcast unremarkable downmarket fare.


A prostitute's client.


To go, travel.
Behold! A knight fares forth.


(intransitive) To get along, succeed (well or badly); to be in any state, or pass through any experience, good or bad; to be attended with any circumstances or train of events.


To eat, dine.


To happen well, or ill.
We shall see how it will fare with him.


(intransitive) To move along; proceed; progress; advance
We will continue to monitor how the hurricane fares against projected models.


To go; to pass; to journey; to travel.
So on he fares, and to the border comesOf Eden.


To be in any state, or pass through any experience, good or bad; to be attended with any circummstances or train of events, fortunate or unfortunate; as, he fared well, or ill.
So fares the stag among the enraged hounds.
I bid you most heartily well to fare.
So fared the knight between two foes.


To be treated or entertained at table, or with bodily or social comforts; to live.
There was a certain rich man which . . . fared sumptuously every day.


To happen well, or ill; - used impersonally; as, we shall see how it will fare with him.
So fares it when with truth falsehood contends.


To behave; to conduct one's self.
She ferde [fared] as she would die.


A journey; a passage.
That nought might stay his fare.


The price of passage or going; the sum paid or due for conveying a person by land or water; as, the fare for crossing a river; the fare in a coach or by railway.


Ado; bustle; business.
The warder chid and made fare.


Condition or state of things; fortune; hap; cheer.
What fare? what news abroad ?


Food; provisions for the table; entertainment; as, coarse fare; delicious fare.


The person or persons conveyed in a vehicle; as, a full fare of passengers.


The catch of fish on a fishing vessel.


An agenda of things to do;
They worked rapidly down the menu of reports


The sum charged for riding in a public conveyance


A paying (taxi) passenger


The food and drink that are regularly consumed


Proceed or get along;
How is she doing in her new job?
How are you making out in graduate school?
He's come a long way


Eat well

Common Curiosities

What is considered food?

Food is any edible item that provides nutritional support to living organisms.

What does fare mean in the context of transportation?

In transportation, fare refers to the fee charged for traveling from one location to another.

How do food choices impact health?

Food choices directly affect health by influencing nutritional intake, which is crucial for maintaining bodily functions and overall well-being.

What is traditional American fare?

Traditional American fare might include dishes like hamburgers, fries, and apple pie.

What are the trends in event fare?

Trends in event fare include using locally sourced ingredients, offering plant-based options, and focusing on sustainability.

Can fare refer to something other than food?

Yes, fare can also refer to the cost of a journey on public transportation.

What is the importance of offering a variety of fare at events?

Offering a variety of fare at events caters to diverse dietary preferences and enhances guest experiences.

How does fare in culinary terms differ from everyday meals?

Culinary fare often implies a higher standard or specialty in food preparation and presentation compared to everyday meals.

What factors influence food quality?

Factors such as ingredients, preparation methods, and freshness impact the quality of food.

How are food habits shaped?

Food habits are shaped by cultural, social, economic, and personal factors.

What role does food play in cultural identity?

Food is a vital part of cultural identity, reflecting the history, lifestyle, and values of communities.

What does "fair fare" mean in public discussions?

"Fair fare" typically refers to discussions about equitable pricing for transportation services.

How is fare calculated in different transport systems?

Fare in transport systems can be calculated based on distance, flat-rate zones, or through dynamic pricing models depending on the system.

How do changes in fare prices affect public transport usage?

Increases in fare prices can deter public transport usage, while lower fares may encourage more people to use these services.

How can food be used sustainably?

Sustainable use of food involves minimizing waste, using resources efficiently, and choosing environmentally friendly production methods.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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