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Face vs. Puss — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 6, 2024
Face refers to the front part of the head containing eyes, nose, and mouth, while puss is a colloquial term for a face, often implying a grimace or expression, and sometimes used to refer to a cat.
Face vs. Puss — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Face and Puss


Key Differences

The face is the anatomical front of the head, housing key sensory organs like the eyes, nose, and mouth. It's essential for identity, communication, and sensory perception. Puss, on the other hand, is a colloquial term that can mean a person's face, often implying a particular expression like a frown or a pout. Additionally, puss is sometimes used as a casual or affectionate term for a cat.
While the term face is used broadly and formally to refer to the facial structure, puss is used informally or playfully and may carry regional or historical connotations. The face is also important in verbal and nonverbal communication, whereas puss is sometimes used to describe specific facial expressions.
In its feline context, puss is often used affectionately for cats, particularly domestic ones. The face, however, strictly refers to human features in most contexts.

Comparison Chart


The front part of the head with eyes, nose, mouth
Informal term for a face or cat


Formal, neutral
Informal, sometimes affectionate


Shows identity, emotions, and communication
Can imply specific facial expressions


Broadly used in medical, cultural, and social contexts
Casual and playful in speech or writing


Standard English
Informal, historical, or regional English

Compare with Definitions


The front part of a person's head, including the eyes, nose, and mouth.
She covered her face with her hands in surprise.


Used colloquially to refer to a cat.
She called her cat 'Puss' and gave it a treat.


An expression or outward appearance.
His calm face hid his nervousness.


In British slang, a child's face, especially when pouting.
He wore a sad puss after his toy broke.


The front or outward side of a structure or area.
The mountain's steep face made climbing difficult.


An informal term for a person's face, usually indicating a particular expression.
Wipe that pout off your puss, and smile!


The surface of an object.
The face of the clock displayed the current time.


Can imply a playful or affectionate tone.
Come here, Puss, time for your supper.


A person's public image or reputation.
The politician was the face of the campaign.


Sometimes used historically to refer to facial expressions in literature.
The old novel described a man with a long puss.


The face is the front of an animal's head that features three of the head's sense organs, the eyes, nose, and mouth, and through which animals express many of their emotions. The face is crucial for human identity, and damage such as scarring or developmental deformities affects the psyche adversely.


A cat.


The front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal
She was scarlet in the face and perspiring profusely


(Archaic) A girl or young woman. Used as a term of endearment.


The surface of a thing, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function.


Offensive Slang A man regarded as weak, timid, or unmanly.


A person of a particular type
This season's squad has a lot of old faces in it


The mouth.


Short for typeface


The human face.


Be positioned with the face or front towards (someone or something)
He turned to face her


A cat.
Our local theatre is showing Puss in Boots.
Come here, puss! I've got some milk for you.


Confront and deal with or accept
He was too old to face up to the responsibilities of his position
Honesty forced her to face facts


A girl or young woman, or any child.


Cover the surface of (something) with a layer of a different material
The external basement walls were faced with granite slabs


A hare.


The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin and from ear to ear.


The vulva (female genitalia).


A person
We saw many new faces on the first day of classes.


A coward; a wuss; someone who is unable to stand up for themself.


A person's countenance
A happy face.


(slang) The mouth.
Shut your puss before I shut it for you.


A contorted facial expression; a grimace
Made a face at the prospect of eating lemons.


(slang) The face.
She gave him a slap in the puss.


A countenance of a certain complexion or form. Used in combination


A cat; - a fondling appellation.


A person having such a countenance. Used in combination


A hare; - so called by sportsmen.


Facial makeup
Put one's face on.


Obscene terms for female genitals


Facial makeup of a certain color, usually worn for the purpose of impersonating or mocking people of a particular racial or ethnic group. Used in combination
Applied blackface.


Informal terms referring to a domestic cat


Assumed characteristics, such as clothing or behavior, intended to impersonate or mock people of a particular racial or ethnic group. Used in combination
Dressing up in yellowface.


Outward appearance
The modern face of the city.


Value or standing in the eyes of others; prestige
Did their best to save face after they were shown to be wrong.
Did not want to lose face by being unable to live up to his reputation.


Self-assurance; confidence
The team managed to maintain a firm face even in times of great adversity.


Effrontery; impudence
Had the face to question my judgment.


The surface presented to view; the front.


A façade.


Outer surface
The face of the earth.


A marked side
The face of a clock.
The face of a playing card.


The right side, as of fabric.


An exposed, often precipitous surface of rock.


A planar surface of a geometric solid.


Any of the surfaces of a rock or crystal.


The end, as of a mine or tunnel, at which work is advancing.


The appearance and geologic surface features of an area of land; topography.


A typeface or range of typefaces.


The raised printing surface of a piece of type.


To occupy a position with the face toward
Stood and faced the audience.


To front on
A window that faces the south.


To meet or confront with self-assurance
How can I face your parents when they know that I've let them down?.


To acknowledge and accept or deal with
Had to face the facts.
Must be willing to face our problems.


To be certain to encounter; have in store
An unskilled youth faces a difficult life.


To bring or to be brought face to face with
"The prospect of military conflict ... faced us with nightmarish choices" (Henry A. Kissinger).


To cause (troops) to change direction by giving a command.


(Games) To turn (a playing card) so that the face is up.


To furnish with a surface or cover of a different material
Bronze that is faced with gold foil.


To line or trim the edge of, especially with contrasting material
Face a hem with lace.


To treat the surface of so as to smooth.


To be turned or placed with the front toward a specified direction.


To turn the face in a specified direction.


(anatomy) The front part of the head of a human or other animal, featuring the eyes, nose, and mouth, and the surrounding area.
That girl has a pretty face.
The monkey pressed its face against the railings.


One's facial expression.
Why the sad face?


(in expressions such as 'make a face') A distorted facial expression; an expression of displeasure, insult, etc.
Children! Stop making faces at each other!


Image; outward appearance.
Our chairman is the face of this company.
He managed to show a bold face despite his embarrassment.


The frontal aspect of something.
The face of the cliff loomed above them.


An aspect of the character or nature of someone or something.
This is a face of her that we have not seen before.
Poverty is the ugly face of capitalism.


(figurative) presence; sight; front.
To fly in the face of danger
To speak before the face of God


The directed force of something.
They turned the boat into the face of the storm.


Reputation; standing, in the eyes of others; dignity; prestige. (See lose face, save face).


Confidence; boldness; effrontery.
You've got some face coming round here after what you've done.


Any surface, especially a front or outer one.
Put a big sign on each face of the building that can be seen from the road.
They climbed the north face of the mountain.
She wanted to wipe him off the face of the earth.


(geometry) Any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron; more generally, any of the bounding pieces of a polytope of any dimension.


The numbered dial of a clock or watch; the clock face.


(slang) The mouth.
Shut your face!
He's always stuffing his face with chips.


(slang) makeup; one's complete facial cosmetic application.
I'll be out in a sec. Just let me put on my face.


(metonymically) A person; the self; oneself.
It was just the usual faces at the pub tonight.
He better not show his face around here no more.


(informal) A familiar or well-known person; a member of a particular scene, such as the music or fashion scene.
He owned several local businesses and was a face around town.


A headlining wrestler with a persona embodying heroic or virtuous traits and who is regarded as a "good guy", especially one who is handsome and well-conditioned; a baby face.
The fans cheered on the face as he made his comeback.


(cricket) The front surface of a bat.


(golf) The part of a golf club that hits the ball.


(cards) The side of the card that shows its value (as opposed to the back side, which looks the same on all cards of the deck).


(heraldry) The head of a lion, shown face-on and cut off immediately behind the ears.


The width of a pulley, or the length of a cog from end to end.
A pulley or cog wheel of ten inches face


(typography) A typeface.


A mode of regard, whether favourable or unfavourable; favour or anger.


(informal) The amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc., without any interest or discount; face value.


To position oneself or itself so as to have one's face closest to (something).
Face the sun.


To have its front closest to, or in the direction of (something else).
Turn the chair so it faces the table.


(transitive) To cause (something) to turn or present a face or front, as in a particular direction.


(transitive) To be presented or confronted with; to have in prospect.
We are facing an uncertain future.


(transitive) To deal with (a difficult situation or person); to accept (facts, reality, etc.) even when undesirable.
I'm going to have to face this sooner or later.


(intransitive) To have the front in a certain direction.
The seats in the carriage faced backwards.


(transitive) To have as an opponent.
Real Madrid face Juventus in the quarter-finals.


To be the batsman on strike.
Willoughby comes in to bowl, and it's Hobson facing.


To confront impudently; to bully.


(transitive) To cover in front, for ornament, protection, etc.; to put a facing upon.
A building faced with marble


(transitive) To line near the edge, especially with a different material.
To face the front of a coat, or the bottom of a dress


To cover with better, or better appearing, material than the mass consists of, for purpose of deception, as the surface of a box of tea, a barrel of sugar, etc.


(engineering) To make the surface of (anything) flat or smooth; to dress the face of (a stone, a casting, etc.); especially, in turning, to shape or smooth the flat (transverse) surface of, as distinguished from the cylindrical (axial) surface.


To arrange the products in (a store) so that they are tidy and attractive.
In my first job, I learned how to operate a till and to face the store to high standards.


The exterior form or appearance of anything; that part which presents itself to the view; especially, the front or upper part or surface; that which particularly offers itself to the view of a spectator.
A mist . . . watered the whole face of the ground.
Lake Leman wooes me with its crystal face.


That part of a body, having several sides, which may be seen from one point, or which is presented toward a certain direction; one of the bounding planes of a solid; as, a cube has six faces.


The principal dressed surface of a plate, disk, or pulley; the principal flat surface of a part or object.


The upper surface, or the character upon the surface, of a type, plate, etc.


Outside appearance; surface show; look; external aspect, whether natural, assumed, or acquired.
To set a face upon their own malignant design.
This would produce a new face of things in Europe.
We wear a face of joy, becauseWe have been glad of yore.


That part of the head, esp. of man, in which the eyes, cheeks, nose, and mouth are situated; visage; countenance.
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.


Cast of features; expression of countenance; look; air; appearance.
We set the best faceon it we could.


Ten degrees in extent of a sign of the zodiac.


Maintenance of the countenance free from abashment or confusion; confidence; boldness; shamelessness; effrontery.
This is the man that has the face to charge others with false citations.


Presence; sight; front; as in the phrases, before the face of, in the immediate presence of; in the face of, before, in, or against the front of; as, to fly in the face of danger; to the face of, directly to; from the face of, from the presence of.


Mode of regard, whether favorable or unfavorable; favor or anger; mostly in Scriptural phrases.
The Lord make his face to shine upon thee.
My face [favor] will I turn also from them.


The end or wall of the tunnel, drift, or excavation, at which work is progressing or was last done.


The exact amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, or other mercantile paper, without any addition for interest or reduction for discount; most commonly called face value.


To meet in front; to oppose with firmness; to resist, or to meet for the purpose of stopping or opposing; to confront; to encounter; as, to face an enemy in the field of battle.
I'll faceThis tempest, and deserve the name of king.


To Confront impudently; to bully.
I will neither be facednor braved.


To stand opposite to; to stand with the face or front toward; to front upon; as, the apartments of the general faced the park; some of the seats on the train faced backward.
He gained also with his forces that part of Britain which faces Ireland.


To cover in front, for ornament, protection, etc.; to put a facing upon; as, a building faced with marble.


To line near the edge, esp. with a different material; as, to face the front of a coat, or the bottom of a dress.


To cover with better, or better appearing, material than the mass consists of, for purpose of deception, as the surface of a box of tea, a barrel of sugar, etc.


To make the surface of (anything) flat or smooth; to dress the face of (a stone, a casting, etc.); esp., in turning, to shape or smooth the flat surface of, as distinguished from the cylindrical surface.


To cause to turn or present a face or front, as in a particular direction.


To carry a false appearance; to play the hypocrite.


To turn the face; as, to face to the right or left.
Face about, man; a soldier, and afraid!


To present a face or front.


The front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear;
He washed his face
I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news


The expression on a person's face;
A sad expression
A look of triumph
An angry face


The general outward appearance of something;
The face of the city is changing


The act of confronting bravely;
He hated facing the facts
He excelled in the face of danger


The striking or working surface of an implement


A part of a person that is used to refer to a person;
He looked out at a roomful of faces
When he returned to work he met many new faces


A surface forming part of the outside of an object;
He examined all sides of the crystal
Dew dripped from the face of the leaf


The part of an animal corresponding to the human face


The side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object);
He dealt the cards face down


A contorted facial expression;
She made a grimace at the prospect


A specific size and style of type within a type family


Status in the eyes of others;
He lost face


Impudent aggressiveness;
I couldn't believe her boldness
He had the effrontery to question my honesty


A vertical surface of a building or cliff


Deal with (something unpleasant) head on;
You must confront your problems
He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes


Oppose, as in hostility or a competition;
You must confront your opponent
Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring
The two enemies finally confronted each other


Be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to;
The house looks north
My backyard look onto the pond
The building faces the park


Be opposite;
The facing page
The two sofas face each other


Turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction;
Turn and face your partner now


Present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize;
We confronted him with the evidence
He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions
An enormous dilemma faces us


Turn so as to expose the face;
Face a playing card


Line the edge (of a garment) with a different material;
Face the lapels of the jacket


Cover the front or surface of;
The building was faced with beautiful stones

Common Curiosities

Can "face" be used metaphorically?

Yes, "face" often represents public image, reputation, or the surface of something.

What does "puss" mean?

"Puss" is an informal term for a face or a cat, often implying a specific expression.

Is "face" used differently in various disciplines?

Yes, "face" can have specialized meanings in anatomy, geometry, and architecture.

Is "puss" a formal term?

No, it's a colloquial term used in informal or playful contexts.

Are "face" and "puss" interchangeable?

No, "face" is a standard term, while "puss" is informal and not commonly understood in all contexts.

What cultural associations does "face" have?

"Face" can symbolize honor, reputation, or emotions in many cultures.

Can "puss" be used in literature?

Yes, but it's more common in historical or informal literature.

What is the primary meaning of "face"?

The face refers to the front part of the head, containing sensory organs like eyes and mouth.

Is "puss" still used commonly today?

It's used less frequently today and mostly in playful or affectionate speech.

Can "puss" refer to expressions other than a frown or pout?

Yes, it can refer to any distinct facial expression.

Does "puss" always mean "cat"?

Not always; it can also refer to a person's face, particularly in older usage.

Is "puss" used in professional settings?

No, it's usually limited to informal conversations.

How does "face" contribute to communication?

The face is vital for nonverbal cues, expressing emotions, and conveying messages.

Is "puss" considered offensive?

It is generally not offensive but is best used playfully and carefully in context.

Is "face" only applicable to humans?

While primarily referring to humans, it can also describe animal faces.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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