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Extol vs. Extoll — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 24, 2024
Extol and extoll are variants of the same verb, meaning to praise highly, but "extol" is the more commonly accepted spelling.
Extol vs. Extoll — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Extol and Extoll


Key Differences

Extol is the standard spelling for the verb that means to praise enthusiastically or lavishly. Whereas, extoll, though less common, is recognized as an alternative spelling, carrying the same definition.
When you use extol in writing, it is more likely to be recognized and accepted in formal contexts. On the other hand, using extoll might lead to a perception of it being a typographical error, despite it being correct.
Publications and literature predominantly feature the spelling extol, reinforcing its preference in professional and academic communication. Meanwhile, extoll appears sporadically, and its usage can vary by region or personal preference.
Dictionaries list extol as the primary entry, suggesting its primacy in standard English usage. Whereas extoll is often noted as a variant, indicating its secondary status in the language.
In digital communication and software, spell-checkers and grammar tools typically favor extol, guiding users towards the more universally recognized spelling. Whereas extoll might not always be immediately recognized by such tools, leading to unnecessary corrections.

Comparison Chart

Standard Spelling

No (variant)

Common Usage

More common in formal writing
Less common, sometimes seen as error

Dictionary Listing

Primary entry
Listed as alternative spelling

Perception in Writing

Accepted and recognized
May be questioned or corrected

Software Recognition

Recognized by most tools
Often flagged by spell-checkers

Compare with Definitions


To praise highly.
Critics extol the film for its innovative storytelling.


To celebrate the virtues of.
The teacher extolled the importance of lifelong learning.


To laud with great enthusiasm.
She was extolled as a visionary in her field.


To laud with great enthusiasm.
Historians extoll his role in the peace process.


To commend effusively.
He extolled the play's direction and performances.


To praise highly.
Writers often extoll the virtues of consistent habits.


To celebrate the virtues of.
The article extols the benefits of meditation.


To glorify or exalt.
The speech extolled the sacrifices made by nurses.


To glorify or exalt.
The community extolled the hero's brave deeds.


To commend effusively.
The review extolled the restaurant’s innovative menu.


Extol are a progressive extreme Christian metal band from Bekkestua, Norway that was formed in 1993. The band is known for playing a variety of different styles of metal which include progressive metal, death metal, black metal and thrash metal.


To praise highly; exalt.


Praise enthusiastically
He extolled the virtues of the Russian peoples


(transitive) extol


To praise highly; exalt.


To praise; to make high.


To place on high; to lift up; to elevate.
Who extolled you in the half-crown boxes,Where you might sit and muster all the beauties.


To elevate by praise; to eulogize; to praise; to magnify; as, to extol virtue; to extol an act or a person.
Wherein have I so deserved of you,That you extol me thus?


Praise, glorify, or honor;
Extol the virtues of one's children
Glorify one's spouse's cooking

Common Curiosities

How do most dictionaries treat extol and extoll?

Most dictionaries list extol as the main entry and extoll as a variant.

What does extol mean?

Extol means to praise something or someone highly.

Can I use extoll in formal writing?

While you can use extoll, extol is the preferred spelling in formal contexts.

Is extoll a correct spelling?

Yes, extoll is a correct, though less common, spelling of the verb meaning to praise highly.

Why is extol more commonly used than extoll?

Extol is more widely accepted and used because it is the primary dictionary entry and is perceived as the standard spelling.

Do extol and extoll have the same grammatical usage?

Yes, both words function identically in grammatical terms, serving as verbs with the same conjugation patterns.

Is there any regional preference for using extoll over extol?

There is no significant regional preference; extol dominates in most English-speaking regions.

Are extol and extoll interchangeable in usage?

Yes, they are interchangeable in meaning, but extol is more commonly accepted.

Will using extoll instead of extol be considered incorrect?

Using extoll is not incorrect, but it may be less familiar to readers and could be viewed as a typo in some contexts.

How do language experts view the use of extoll?

Language experts recognize extoll as a legitimate variant but generally recommend extol for clarity and conformity.

Can using extoll impact the readability of my writing?

Using extoll might momentarily puzzle readers who are unfamiliar with this spelling variant, potentially affecting the flow of your text.

How should I decide which spelling to use?

It's generally safer to use extol in formal and academic writing to ensure broader acceptance and recognition.

In which contexts might extoll be more acceptable?

Extoll might be more acceptable in personal, informal, or creative writing where non-standard variations are more embraced.

What is the origin of both extol and extoll?

Both spellings originated from the Latin word "extollere", which means to lift up or raise high, reflecting their shared meaning in English.

How can I remember which spelling to use when praising someone or something?

Remember that "extol" with one 'l' is the standard and more widely accepted spelling, aligning with its usage in praising or "lifting" someone's qualities in writing.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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