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Excited vs. Exited — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 27, 2024
"Excited" refers to a state of enthusiastic eagerness or emotional arousal, typically about something positive, while "exited" means having left a place or being in the process of leaving.
Excited vs. Exited — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Excited and Exited


Key Differences

"Excited" is an adjective that describes feelings of enthusiasm, eagerness, or heightened emotional state, often due to anticipation of something enjoyable or interesting. On the other hand, "exited" is the past tense of the verb "exit," meaning to leave a location or space, and can also be used as an adjective describing someone who has left.
In usage, "excited" is commonly expressed when someone looks forward to an event, like a concert or a holiday. This emotional response can be physical, such as increased heart rate or energy. Conversely, "exited" is purely factual, detailing the action of leaving a place, such as exiting a building or a vehicle, without any emotional connotation.
The context where "excited" is used often involves personal emotions or reactions to situations that are positive or stimulating. For example, one might be excited about a new opportunity or upcoming event. In contrast, "exited" is used in more neutral contexts where the focus is on the act of departure or the state of having departed from a place.
While "excited" can affect behavior, causing a person to be more animated or talkative, "exited" simply describes the physical action of leaving, which does not imply any specific behavior beyond the act itself.
The term "excited" may also be used in scientific contexts, such as physics, to describe particles in an elevated energy state, highlighting its broader applicability beyond emotional excitement. On the other hand, "exited" remains specific to the context of leaving or having left a location or situation.

Comparison Chart


Feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm
Having left a place or in the process of leaving

Usage Context

Emotional states, anticipation of events
Actions related to departure or state after departure

Emotional Connotation

Highly positive and energetic
None, purely factual

Typical Usage

"She is excited about her birthday party."
"He exited the room quietly."

Additional Meanings

Scientifically, particles being in a high-energy state
Not applicable

Compare with Definitions


In physics, having increased energy or activity, especially at the atomic or molecular level.
The atoms in the gas become excited under high temperature.


Left a place, room, or building.
As soon as the meeting ended, she exited the conference room.


Eagerly enthusiastic and interested.
He's always excited to discuss new ideas and innovations.


Left a software program or application.
To save battery, he exited all running apps on his phone.


Feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm about something.
She was excited to see her favorite band in concert.


Withdrawn from a situation or involvement.
The company exited the unprofitable market last year.


Aroused or stirred up emotionally and physically.
The crowd was excited and cheered loudly as the game went into overtime.


Used to describe the action of going out of or away from somewhere.
He exited the highway at the next off-ramp.


Stimulated to a state of energy and enthusiasm.
The children were excited by the prospect of going to the amusement park.


Finished or concluded participation.
After his speech, the speaker exited the stage to applause.


Being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred.


The act of going away or out.


(Physics) Being at an energy level higher than the ground state.


A passage or way out
An emergency exit in a theater.
Took the second exit on the throughway.


Having great enthusiasm.
He was very excited about his promotion.


The departure of a performer from the stage.


(physics) Being in a state of higher energy.
The excited electrons give off light when they drop to a lower energy state.


To make one's exit; depart.


Having an erection; erect.


To go out of; leave
Exited the plane through a rear door.


Past participle of excite


(Computers) To terminate the execution of (an application)
Exited the subroutine.


In an aroused state


Simple past tense and past participle of exit


Of persons; excessively affected by emotion;
He would become emotional over nothing at all
She was worked up about all the noise


Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion;
A crowd of delirious baseball fans
Something frantic in their gaiety
A mad whirl of pleasure


Of e.g. a molecule; made reactive or more reactive

Common Curiosities

Can excitement be negative?

While typically associated with positive feelings, excitement can sometimes be overwhelming and lead to anxiety, especially if one feels unprepared.

What does it mean to have exited?

To have exited means to have left a place or situation, usually physically moving out of a space.

Is "exited" ever used in an emotional context?

"Exited" does not usually convey emotion; it primarily describes the physical act of leaving.

Can a business be excited?

While businesses don't experience emotions, the term can be used metaphorically to describe a business's proactive and eager approach to opportunities.

What does it mean when scientists say an atom is excited?

When scientists say an atom is excited, they mean that it has absorbed energy, which raises its electrons to a higher energy level.

What should you do if you're too excited to sleep?

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or reading can help calm an overly excited mind before sleep.

What is the process to properly exit a building in an emergency?

Exiting a building in an emergency should be done quickly and calmly, following marked evacuation routes and listening to the instructions of emergency personnel.

How do you properly exit a software application?

Exiting a software application properly involves closing it through its menu options or using the designated "Quit" or "Close" command to ensure all processes are terminated correctly.

What does it mean to be excited?

Being excited means feeling very enthusiastic and eager about something, often looking forward to it with great anticipation.

How can someone show they are excited?

People show excitement through expressions like smiling, laughing, and energetic talking or gestures.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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