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Exceptional vs. Excellent — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 7, 2024
Exceptional refers to something that is unusually good and stands out, while excellent denotes a very high standard or quality.
Exceptional vs. Excellent — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Exceptional and Excellent


Key Differences

Exceptional is used to describe something that is not only excellent but also rare or uncommon in its excellence. It implies that the subject stands out significantly from the norm or average, often in a surprising or noteworthy way. On the other hand, excellent refers to a very high level of quality or performance but doesn't necessarily imply rarity or uniqueness. It denotes something that meets the highest standards within its context or category.
When something is exceptional, it often surpasses expectations to a degree that it becomes a point of reference or an exemplar in its field. This could be due to its innovative nature, extraordinary performance, or remarkable impact. Whereas, excellence is recognized within the expected high standards and is often used to describe consistent superior performance or quality that aligns with the best practices or standards in a field.
The term exceptional can also suggest a deviation from the norm, which can be positive or negative depending on the context, though it's most often used in a positive sense to highlight excellence. Excellent, however, is unequivocally positive and relates to the upper echelons of quality and performance within a conventional range.
In educational or professional settings, exceptional might be used to describe achievements or abilities that are not only outstanding but also imply a level of innovation or creativity that sets them apart. Excellent in these contexts would denote high achievement or quality that meets the top criteria or standards expected.
Lastly, the use of exceptional often carries an element of surprise or admiration due to the rarity or uniqueness of the achievement or quality it describes. In contrast, excellent, while highly commendable, is used in contexts where high quality or superior performance is anticipated or recognized as part of a set standard.

Comparison Chart


Unusually good, rare or uncommon in its excellence
Very high standard or quality


Surpasses expectations, stands out from the norm
Meets the highest standards within its context


Implies rarity or uniqueness
Does not necessarily imply rarity

Context Usage

Often used for innovative, extraordinary performance
Used for consistent superior performance


Can be positive or negative, often carries an element of surprise
Unequivocally positive

Compare with Definitions


Unusually Good.
Her exceptional talent for painting was recognized at a very young age.


Superior Performance.
She has an excellent record of academic achievements.


Remarkable or Noteworthy.
His exceptional contribution to science was acknowledged with numerous awards.


Meets High Standards.
The craftsmanship of these products is excellent.


Surpassing the Norm.
The chef's exceptional skill in blending flavors sets his dishes apart.


Very High Quality.
The restaurant is known for its excellent service and cuisine.


Rare or Uncommon Excellence.
Finding such an exceptional vintage wine in this region is quite rare.


Highly Commendable.
He received excellent feedback for his project.


Innovative or Extraordinary.
The company's exceptional approach to sustainability has won it international acclaim.


Top Criteria or Standards.
The hotel provides excellent amenities for its guests.


Unusual; not typical
Late claims will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances


Extremely good; outstanding
Their results are excellent
The lorry was in excellent condition


An item in a company's accounts arising from its normal activity but much larger or smaller than usual.


Used to indicate approval or pleasure
‘What a lovely idea! Excellent!’


Being an exception; uncommon
This town is exceptional for the region in having a high tax rate.


Of the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good for its kind
Enjoyed an excellent meal at the restaurant.


Well above average; extraordinary
An exceptional memory.


(Archaic) Being so to an extreme degree.


Deviating widely from a norm, as of physical or mental ability
Special educational provisions for exceptional children.


Having excelled, having surpassed.


Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare.
What an exceptional flower!


Of higher or the highest quality; splendid.


Better than the average; superior due to exception or rarity.
The quality of the beer was exceptional.


Exceptionally good of its kind.


(geometry) Corresponding to something of lower dimension under a birational correspondence.
An exceptional curve; an exceptional divisor


Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality.


An exception, or something having an exceptional value


(obsolete) Excellently.


Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare; hence, better than the average; superior.
This particular spot had exceptional advantages.


Excelling; surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense; superior; as, an excellent man, artist, citizen, husband, discourse, book, song, etc.; excellent breeding, principles, aims, action.
To love . . . What I see excellent in good or fair.


Far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree;
A night of exceeding darkness
An exceptional memory
Olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy
The young Mozart's prodigious talents


Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality; - used with words of a bad significance.
Their sorrows are most excellent.


Surpassing what is common or usual or expected;
He paid especial attention to her
Exceptional kindness
A matter of particular and unusual importance
A special occasion
A special reason to confide in her
What's so special about the year 2000?


Excellently; eminently; exceedingly.


Deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability; used especially of children below normal in intelligence;
Special educational provisions for exceptional children


Of the highest quality;
Made an excellent speech
The school has excellent teachers
A first-class mind

Common Curiosities

What does exceptional mean?

Exceptional refers to something unusually good, often surpassing normal expectations and standing out due to its rarity or uniqueness.

How do you determine if something is exceptional?

Something is considered exceptional if it not only exhibits high quality or performance but also stands out due to its innovation, rarity, or the extraordinary level of achievement it represents.

Does exceptional imply a comparison?

Yes, describing something as exceptional often involves comparing it to the average or norm within a specific context, highlighting its rarity or unique excellence.

Can something be excellent but not exceptional?

Yes, something can be excellent by meeting the highest standards of quality or performance without necessarily being exceptional, which implies rarity or uniqueness.

Is exceptional always a positive term?

While exceptional is often used in a positive sense to describe outstanding qualities or achievements, it can also describe anything that deviates significantly from the norm, including negative aspects.

Is excellent subjective?

While what constitutes excellence can have subjective elements depending on personal or cultural standards, it generally refers to an agreed-upon high level of quality or performance in a given context.

Is exceptional more about innovation or quality?

Exceptional can encompass both innovation and quality, referring to something that not only has a high level of quality but also distinguishes itself through unique or innovative characteristics.

Can an experience be exceptional?

An experience can be described as exceptional if it is extraordinarily positive, memorable, or surpasses typical expectations in a significant way.

Can excellence be achieved consistently?

Excellence can be achieved consistently through high-quality performance, adherence to top standards, and continuous improvement within a given context.

How do companies strive for excellence?

Companies strive for excellence by continuously improving their products, services, and processes to meet and exceed the highest industry standards and customer expectations.

What is the difference between exceptional and excellent?

Exceptional denotes a level of quality or performance that is not only excellent but also rare or unique, whereas excellent refers to a very high standard of quality that meets the top criteria within its context.

Can a person be exceptional?

A person can be described as exceptional if they demonstrate outstanding abilities, achievements, or qualities that set them apart from others.

How do educational institutions differentiate between exceptional and excellent students?

Educational institutions might consider students exceptional when they not only achieve top academic results but also show remarkable innovation, creativity, or contribute significantly beyond the curriculum, setting them apart from others who are also excellent academically.

Can a product be both excellent and exceptional?

A product can be both excellent and exceptional if it meets the highest quality standards (excellent) and also offers unique features or performance that set it apart from others (exceptional).

How do you recognize exceptional work in a professional setting?

Exceptional work in a professional setting is recognized by its outstanding results, creativity, efficiency, impact, and often the way it exceeds the usual standards or expectations.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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