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Evangelical vs. Pentecostal — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 16, 2024
Evangelical Christianity emphasizes salvation through faith in Jesus and the authority of the Bible. Pentecostalism focuses on the Holy Spirit's gifts, including speaking in tongues and healing.
Evangelical vs. Pentecostal — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Evangelical and Pentecostal


Key Differences

Evangelical Christianity is a broad movement within Protestantism that emphasizes the need for personal conversion experiences, the authority of the Bible, and spreading the gospel. Pentecostalism, while sharing these beliefs, distinctly emphasizes the active work of the Holy Spirit in believers' lives, particularly through speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing.
Evangelicals prioritize the Bible as the ultimate authority on faith and practice, advocating for its interpretation based on its plain meaning. Pentecostals also hold the Bible in high regard but place a significant emphasis on the experiential aspects of faith, including direct experiences of the Holy Spirit.
One of the key practices in Pentecostalism is speaking in tongues (glossolalia), considered evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. While some Evangelicals may also practice speaking in tongues, it is not viewed as essential to one's faith or spiritual experience.
Evangelicalism encompasses a wide range of denominations and independent churches, promoting a focus on personal faith and conversion without necessarily endorsing specific spiritual gifts. In contrast, Pentecostalism is known for its vibrant worship services, including expressive forms of prayer and music, reflecting its belief in the Holy Spirit's immediate presence and power.
Evangelical Christianity and Pentecostalism both stress the importance of evangelism and missionary work, driven by the mandate to share the gospel. However, Pentecostalism's approach often includes testimonies of healing and other miracles as evidence of God's power and the truth of the Christian message.

Comparison Chart

Core Belief

Salvation through faith in Jesus, Bible authority
Holy Spirit's gifts, speaking in tongues, healing

Bible Authority

Central, with a focus on plain interpretation
Central, with emphasis on experiential faith

Spiritual Gifts

Diverse views, not essential for all
Essential, especially speaking in tongues

Worship Style

Varies, generally conservative
Vibrant, expressive worship and prayer


Personal conversion, evangelism
Holy Spirit's power, miracles, evangelism

Compare with Definitions


Pertaining to the Christian gospel; emphasizing salvation through faith in Jesus.
Evangelical churches often have strong youth outreach programs.


Emphasizing the Holy Spirit's gifts, such as speaking in tongues and healing.
Pentecostal services often feature moments of healing prayer.


Focused on the need for personal conversion.
Evangelical meetings frequently include calls to conversion.


Advocates for direct, personal experiences with God.
Pentecostal believers seek personal encounters with God through prayer.


Denominational diversity with shared core beliefs.
Evangelical Christians come from various denominational backgrounds.


Focus on evangelism, including miracles as a testimony.
Pentecostal missionaries often report miracles on the mission field.


Believing in the authority of the Bible.
Evangelical doctrine stresses regular Bible study and application.


Known for vibrant, expressive worship.
Pentecostal worship includes lively music and speaking in tongues.


Committed to spreading the Christian gospel.
She participated in evangelical missions abroad.


Belief in the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
He shared his testimony about receiving the Holy Spirit's baptism.


Of, relating to, or in accordance with the Christian gospel, especially one of the four gospel books of the New Testament.


Of, relating to, or occurring at Pentecost.


Evangelical Of, relating to, or being a Christian church believing in the Bible as the sole source of religious authority, in salvation only through conversion and spiritual regeneration, and in the necessity of public witness to faith.


Of, relating to, or being any of various Christian religious congregations whose members seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, in emulation of the Apostles at Pentecost.


Of or relating to the Lutheran churches in Germany and Switzerland.


A member of a Pentecostal congregation.


Of or relating to all Protestant churches in Germany.


Of or pertaining to Pentecost or to Whitsuntide.


Of or relating to the group in the Church of England that stresses personal conversion and salvation by faith.


Any member of a Pentecostal religious body


Characterized by ardent or crusading enthusiasm; zealous
An evangelical liberal.


Of or relating to or characteristic of any of various Pentecostal religious bodies or their members


Evangelical A member of an evangelical church or party.


Of or relating to or occurring at Pentecost


Pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in general.


Pertaining to the gospel(s) of the Christian New Testament.


Protestant; specifically Lutheran and Calvinist churches in continental Europe as well as their offshoots in North America.


Pertaining to a movement in Protestant Christianity that stresses personal conversion and the authority of the Bible (evangelicalism).


Pertaining to Islamic groups that are dedicated to dawah and preaching the Quran and sunnah.


Zealously enthusiastic.


A member of an evangelical church


An advocate of evangelicalism


Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the evangelical history.


Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in, the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as, evangelical religion.


Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in interpreting Christian doctrine; preëminently orthodox; - technically applied to that party in the Church of England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which holds the doctrine of "Justification by Faith alone;" the Low Church party. The term is also applied to other religious bodies not regarded as orthodox.


Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm for a cause.


Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8.


One of evangelical principles.


Relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels;
Evangelical Christianity
An ultraconservative evangelical message


Of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament


Marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause

Common Curiosities

Can you be both Evangelical and Pentecostal?

Yes, one can identify as both Evangelical and Pentecostal, as Pentecostalism is a movement within broader Evangelical Christianity that shares core beliefs but emphasizes the Holy Spirit's gifts.

What is speaking in tongues?

Speaking in tongues, or glossolalia, is a spiritual gift characterized by speaking in languages unknown to the speaker, considered a sign of the Holy Spirit's presence in Pentecostalism.

What distinguishes Evangelical Christianity from Pentecostalism?

The main distinction lies in Pentecostalism's emphasis on the Holy Spirit's gifts, such as speaking in tongues and healing, whereas Evangelical Christianity focuses on salvation through faith in Jesus and the authority of the Bible.

Do all Pentecostals speak in tongues?

While speaking in tongues is a common practice and valued as evidence of the Holy Spirit's baptism in Pentecostalism, not all Pentecostals may personally practice it.

Are miracles important in Pentecostalism?

Yes, miracles, including healing and prophecy, are important in Pentecostalism, seen as evidence of God's power and the Holy Spirit's active presence.

How do worship services differ between Evangelicals and Pentecostals?

Worship services in Evangelical churches can vary but are generally more conservative, while Pentecostal services are known for their vibrancy and expressive forms of worship, including speaking in tongues and prophetic messages.

How do Evangelicals view the Bible?

Evangelicals view the Bible as the ultimate authority on faith and practice, interpreting it based on its plain meaning.

What is the importance of personal conversion in Evangelical Christianity?

Personal conversion is central to Evangelical Christianity, emphasizing the need for individuals to personally accept Jesus as their savior and commit to a life of faith.

How do Pentecostals practice their faith?

Pentecostals practice their faith through vibrant worship, speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing, and a strong emphasis on personal, experiential encounters with the Holy Spirit.

What role does evangelism play in both movements?

Evangelism is crucial in both Evangelical Christianity and Pentecostalism, with a shared mandate to spread the gospel, though Pentecostalism may also emphasize miracles as part of its evangelistic outreach.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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