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Either vs. Whether — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 23, 2023
"Either" is used to indicate one of two options, while "whether" introduces alternatives or expresses uncertainty.
Either vs. Whether — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Either and Whether


Key Differences

"Either" and "whether" serve different functions in English, though both relate to choices or alternatives. "Either" typically operates as a determiner or pronoun, highlighting one of two distinct choices. For example, in "You can have either coffee or tea," the word 'either' emphasizes the mutual exclusivity of the two beverage options.
Conversely, "whether" serves primarily as a conjunction, introducing indirect questions or expressing doubt between two or more alternatives. For example, "I'm unsure whether to go or stay" illustrates this uncertainty. Unlike "either," which often underscores a binary choice, "whether" can introduce more than two options, especially when paired with the word "or."
Additionally, "either" can also be used in negative structures to mean "neither" or "not in either case." For instance, "I don't like either option" implies a dislike for both presented choices. "Whether," on the other hand, does not have this flexibility in negative constructions.
Furthermore, "either" can be paired with "or" to present two choices, while "whether" is often paired with "or" to present alternatives in indirect questions. This subtle difference emphasizes the nature of "either" as presenting clear-cut options and "whether" as introducing uncertainty.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech

Typically determiner or pronoun

Primary Use

Indicates one of two options
Introduces alternatives or uncertainty


"Either coffee or tea"
"Whether to go or stay"

Use in Negative Structures

Yes, e.g., "I don't like either option"
No specific negative form

Paired With

"or" (binary choices)
"or" (alternatives in questions)

Compare with Definitions


One or the other of two.
You can sit on either side of the table.


Used to express a choice or doubt between alternatives.
I'm unsure whether to go to the beach or the mountains.


Used to emphasize similarity or add an extra comment.
It was a good day, and a sunny one either.


Introducing an indirect question.
He asked whether I had eaten.


Used to indicate a negative option.
I don’t want either dessert.


Indicating that a statement applies whichever of the alternatives mentioned is the case.
I wasn't sure whether you'd be eating lunch or not.


Any one of two; it doesn’t matter which.
There are parks on either end of the street.


Used to ask if something is true or not.
Do you know whether he’s coming?


Used with "or" to present a choice.
You can have either ice cream or cake.


Used in indirect questions to introduce one alternative
We should find out whether the museum is open. See Usage Notes at doubt, if.


Used before the first of two (or occasionally more) given alternatives (the other being introduced by ‘or’)
Either I accompany you to your room or I wait here
Available in either black or white


Used to introduce alternative possibilities
Whether she wins or whether she loses, this is her last tournament.


Used to indicate a similarity or link with a statement just made
It won't do any harm, but won't really help either
You don't like him, do you? I don't either


He passed the test, whether by skill or luck.


Used before the first of two (or occasionally more) given alternatives (the other being introduced by ‘or’)
Available in either black or white
Either I accompany you to your room or I wait here


(obsolete) Which of two.


Used to indicate a similarity or link with a statement just made
It won't do any harm, but won't really help either
You don't like him, do you? I don't either


(obsolete) Which of two.


One or the other of two people or things
There were no children of either marriage
Their mortgage will be repaid if either of them dies


(obsolete) Introduces a direct question between alternatives (often with correlative or).


One or the other of two people or things
Their mortgage will be repaid if either of them dies
There were no children of either marriage


Indicates doubt between possibilities (usually with correlative or).
He chose the correct answer, but whether by luck or by skill I don't know.


Used before the first of two or more coordinates or clauses linked by or
Either we go now or we remain here forever.


Without a correlative, introduces a simple indirect question.
Do you know whether he's coming?


Any one of two; one or the other
Wear either coat.


Introduces a disjunctive adverbial clause qualifying the main clause (with correlative or).
He's coming, whether you like it or not.
Whether or not you're successful, you can be sure you did your best.


One and the other; each
Rings on either hand.


Which (of two); which one (of two); - used interrogatively and relatively.
Now choose yourself whether that you liketh.
One day in doubt I cast for to compareWhether in beauties' glory did exceed.
Whether of them twain did the will of his father?


Likewise; also. Used as an intensive following negative statements
If you don't order a dessert, I won't either.


In case; if; - used to introduce the first or two or more alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by or, or by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is the simple negative of the first it is sometimes only indicated by the particle not or no after the correlative, and sometimes it is omitted entirely as being distinctly implied in the whether of the first.
And now who knowsBut you, Lorenzo, whether I am yours?
You have said; but whether wisely or no, let the forest judge.
For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
But whether thus these things, or whether not;Whether the sun, predominant in heaven,Rise on the earth, or earth rise on the sun, . . . Solicit not thy thoughts with matters hid.


Any one (of two).
You can have it in either colour.


Expressing a doubt or choice regardless of.
I’m going hiking whether it rains or not.


Each of two; both.
There is a locomotive at either end of the train, one pulling and the other pushing.


Any one (of more than two).


One or the other of two people or things.
He made me two offers, but I did not accept either.


(obsolete) Both, each of two or more.


As well.
I don't like him, and I don't like her either.
I know a cheap Spanish restaurant. It's not far from here, either.


Introduces the first of two (or occasionally more) options or possibilities, the second (or last) of which is introduced by “or”.
Either you eat your dinner or you go to your room.
You can have either potatoes or rice with that, but not both.
You'll be either early, late, or on time.


One of two; the one or the other; - properly used of two things, but sometimes of a larger number, for any one.
Lepidus flatters both,Of both is flattered; but he neither loves,Nor either cares for him.
Scarce a palm of ground could be gotten by either of the three.
There have been three talkers in Great British, either of whom would illustrate what I say about dogmatists.


Each of two; the one and the other; both; - formerly, also, each of any number.
His flowing hairIn curls on either cheek played.
On either side . . . was there the tree of life.
The extreme right and left of either army never engaged.


Either precedes two, or more, coördinate words or phrases, and is introductory to an alternative. It is correlative to or.
Either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth.
Few writers hesitate to use either in what is called a triple alternative; such as, We must either stay where we are, proceed, or recede.
Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs?


After a negative statement used as an intensive meaning something like `likewise' or `also';
He isn't stupid, but he isn't exactly a genius either
I don't know either
If you don't order dessert I won't either

Common Curiosities

Can "whether" express doubt?

Yes, "whether" can express uncertainty or doubt between alternatives.

How is "whether" different from "which"?

"Whether" introduces alternatives, while "which" often asks about a specific choice from a set.

What’s the difference between "if" and "whether"?

"Whether" often introduces alternatives, while "if" typically introduces conditions.

Can "either" be used for more than two choices?

Typically, "either" is used for two choices, but "whether" can introduce more than two options.

Can "either" stand alone in a sentence?

Yes, e.g., "I don’t want coffee. Me either."

Is "whether" always followed by "or"?

No, but "whether...or" can be used to present alternatives.

Is "either" always followed by "or"?

Not always, but "either...or" is a common structure to present binary choices.

Can "either" be used in a negative sentence?

Yes, for example: "I don’t like either option."

Is "whether" used in direct questions?

Typically, "whether" introduces indirect questions. For direct questions, "if" is more common.

Can "either" mean "both"?

In some contexts, "either" can imply both options, but it’s more common to indicate one or the other.

Can "either" emphasize similarity?

Yes, it can, e.g., "It was cold yesterday, and windy either."

In what situations is "whether" most commonly used?

It's often used to introduce alternatives or express uncertainty.

How do "either" and "neither" relate?

"Either" presents a positive choice, while "neither" denotes a lack of both options.

Can "whether" be used to ask about truthfulness?

Yes, e.g., "Do you know whether she'll be attending?"

Is "either" primarily a determiner or a conjunction?

"Either" is primarily used as a determiner or pronoun. "Whether" is the conjunction.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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