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Economic Development vs. Sustainable Development — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 17, 2023
Economic Development focuses on the growth of economic wealth. Sustainable Development emphasizes holistic growth, balancing economic, social, and environmental needs.
Economic Development vs. Sustainable Development — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Economic Development and Sustainable Development


Key Differences

Economic Development and Sustainable Development are both aimed at progress, but their paths and endpoints differ. Economic Development prioritizes the growth of income and the economy, often seen through GDP increases or job creation. In contrast, Sustainable Development goes beyond mere economic indicators to include environmental and social well-being.
The heart of Economic Development lies in advancing material wealth, infrastructure, and industrialization. It seeks to uplift living standards predominantly through financial means. Conversely, Sustainable Development, while acknowledging the importance of economy, ensures that growth does not deplete resources or harm future generations.
Economic Development might sometimes come at the cost of the environment or societal equity. On the other hand, Sustainable Development stands firm on the principle that no resource should be overexploited and that all sectors of society should benefit equitably.
While Economic Development might prioritize rapid growth, even if short-lived, Sustainable Development is about longevity and balance. The latter champions the idea that economic, environmental, and social pillars are interconnected and crucial for long-term prosperity.
In summary, Economic Development centers on financial and infrastructural progression, whereas Sustainable Development is a multidimensional approach ensuring that today's growth doesn't compromise tomorrow's needs.

Comparison Chart

Primary Focus

Economic wealth and growth
Balanced growth: economic, environmental, and social

Time Frame

Often short to mid-term

Consideration for Environment

Secondary, sometimes overlooked
Primary, central to the approach


Can be uneven, favoring certain sectors
All sectors of society, including future generations

Outcome Metrics

GDP, job creation, income levels
SDGs, environmental indices, societal well-being metrics

Compare with Definitions

Economic Development

Growth in the standard of living and well-being of a population.
Job creation is a primary focus of Economic Development.

Sustainable Development

Addressing challenges holistically to ensure long-term viability.
Sustainable Development is pivotal in combatting climate change impacts.

Economic Development

The progress in economic wealth of a region.
The state invested heavily in infrastructure, fueling Economic Development.

Sustainable Development

Prioritizing longevity, equity, and conservation in growth.
Sustainable Development initiatives often incorporate green technologies.

Economic Development

Structural changes enhancing productivity and income.
With Economic Development, the town shifted from agriculture to manufacturing.

Sustainable Development

Development that meets the present needs without compromising future generations.
Sustainable Development projects ensure both ecological balance and economic growth.

Economic Development

Expansion of a nation's capacity to produce goods/services.
Economic Development led to more industries being established.

Sustainable Development

A framework considering the implications of actions on all community members.
Through Sustainable Development, the village achieved both education and clean water access.

Economic Development

A process where economies transform from low to high production.
Economic Development in the country resulted in a booming tech sector.

Sustainable Development

An integrative approach balancing economic, environmental, and societal needs.
The city's new housing plan focuses on Sustainable Development principles.

Common Curiosities

Which is a common metric for Economic Development?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is often used.

Is Sustainable Development solely about the environment?

No, it encompasses economic, environmental, and social dimensions of development.

What is the primary aim of Economic Development?

It aims to increase the economic wealth and improve the standard of living.

Why is Sustainable Development crucial for the future?

It ensures that current growth doesn't deplete resources or harm future generations.

Can Economic Development be sustainable?

Yes, if it integrates environmental and social considerations.

What roles do governments play in Economic Development?

They can create policies, infrastructure, and environments conducive to growth.

Does Sustainable Development slow economic progress?

Not necessarily, it aims for holistic and long-term growth.

How do businesses benefit from Sustainable Development?

By reducing costs, mitigating risks, and improving brand reputation.

Can Sustainable Development boost economies?

Yes, by creating sustainable businesses and jobs.

Is Economic Development always beneficial for a region?

While it brings growth, it might also bring challenges like inequality or pollution.

Can rapid industrialization hamper Sustainable Development?

If done without environmental and social considerations, yes.

How does education relate to Sustainable Development?

Education equips individuals to make informed choices, driving sustainable practices.

Are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) globally recognized?

Yes, they're universal goals adopted by all United Nations Member States.

What challenges does Economic Development face?

Issues like resource depletion, inequality, and environmental degradation.

Is technology vital for Economic Development?

Often yes, as it can enhance productivity and open new markets.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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