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Dynamic Instability vs. Treadmilling — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 7, 2023
Dynamic Instability refers to the rapid assembly and disassembly of microtubules, while Treadmilling describes the simultaneous addition and removal of subunits at different ends of a filament.
Dynamic Instability vs. Treadmilling — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Dynamic Instability and Treadmilling


Key Differences

Dynamic Instability and Treadmilling elucidate two distinct cellular activities, although both involve filaments. Dynamic Instability pertains to the swift transitions between growth and shrinkage in microtubules. Treadmilling, on the other hand, corresponds to a process in which a filament grows at one end while shrinking at the other, essentially “moving” without altering its length.
The character of Dynamic Instability is fundamentally rooted in the stochastic flipping between phases of polymerization and depolymerization in a filament, specifically, microtubules. Treadmilling, contrarily, perpetuates a continual relocation of the filament, especially actin, by preserving a steady state via balanced addition and loss of subunits at opposing ends.
When focusing on Dynamic Instability, it is noteworthy that it majorly occurs in microtubules, orchestrating crucial cellular processes such as mitosis by allowing rapid reorganization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. Conversely, Treadmilling is predominantly observed in actin filaments, facilitating cellular motility and force generation, integral for processes like cell division and muscle contraction.
In instances of Dynamic Instability, the interplay of several proteins and the intrinsic GTP cap of microtubules are pivotal for the fluctuation between growing and shrinking phases. In stark contrast, Treadmilling is less about phase transitions and more about maintaining a stationary phase wherein the filament length remains ostensibly unaltered due to simultaneous assembly and disassembly.
Pivotal in cellular dynamics, both Dynamic Instability and Treadmilling exhibit regulatory mechanisms that significantly impact cellular function and structure. Dynamic Instability inherently manipulates the cellular architecture by altering the length of microtubules, while Treadmilling propels cellular structures like lamellipodia, providing mechanistic thrust and stability without altering filament length.

Comparison Chart

Biological Context

Microtubules (primarily)
Actin filaments and microtubules

Basic Behavior

Rapid switching between growth and shrinkage at the plus end
Simultaneous addition of monomers at the plus end and removal at the minus end

Net Polymer Length

Varies (can grow or shrink)
Remains relatively constant


Presence or loss of GTP cap causes switch between polymerization and depolymerization
Continual loss of GDP-bound subunits at minus end and gain of GTP-bound subunits at plus end

Associated Energy

GTP hydrolysis drives the change between growth and shrinkage phases
Energy from nucleotide hydrolysis is required for the process

Grammatical Structure

Adjective (Dynamic) + Noun (Instability)
Noun (Tread) + Verb in gerund form (-milling)

Number of Syllables

6 (Dy-nam-ic In-sta-bil-i-ty)
4 (Tread-mill-ing)

Term Length

19 characters
12 characters

Word Origin

"Dynamic" from the Greek word "dynamis" meaning "power" + "Instability" derived from "stable", which has Latin origin
"Tread" from Old English "tredan" meaning "to step" + "Milling" from the verb "mill"

Compare with Definitions

Dynamic Instability

Dynamic Instability signifies the reversible transition between growth and shrinkage in microtubules.
The dynamic instability of microtubules enables rapid reorganization during cell division.


It denotes a state where a filament appears stationary despite the ongoing dynamic subunit turnover.
Through treadmilling, cells sustain a constant filament length, providing consistent structural support.

Dynamic Instability

Dynamic Instability portrays the microtubules’ capability to self-assemble and disassemble.
Dynamic instability is crucial for microtubules to adjust their length during cellular activities.


Treadmilling illustrates a polymerization dynamic, ensuring steady filament length amidst activity.
Treadmilling in microfilaments enables consistent cell morphology despite the ongoing subunit exchange.

Dynamic Instability

Dynamic Instability represents a mechanistic adaptability in cellular structures, enabling quick responses.
In neurons, dynamic instability of microtubules is vital for synaptic plasticity and signal transmission.


It reflects the simultaneous polymerization and depolymerization, occurring at different filament ends.
Cellular motility, enabled by treadmilling, is vital for wound healing and immune responses.

Dynamic Instability

It refers to the spontaneous switching of microtubules between phases of elongation and shortening.
Researchers observed dynamic instability in the mitotic spindle, ensuring its proper function and adaptation.


Treadmilling implies the concurrent addition and loss of subunits at opposing ends of a filament.
Treadmilling in actin filaments propels cell movement by generating forward thrust.

Dynamic Instability

It epitomizes the controlled imbalance between polymerization and depolymerization in microtubules.
Dynamic instability facilitates rapid adjustments in cellular structures to meet the functional demands.


Treadmilling indicates a unique cellular dynamic, harmonizing assembly and disassembly in filaments.
Treadmilling of filaments provides a mechanistic base for amoeboid movement in certain cells.


Infl of treadmill


(biology) The apparent locomotion of certain cellular filaments by adding protein subunits at one end, and removing them at the other.

Common Curiosities

Are Trigonal Pyramidal molecules always polar?

Typically, Trigonal Pyramidal molecules are polar due to the presence of a lone pair of electrons on the central atom, causing a net dipole moment.

What does Trigonal Planar refer to in chemistry?

Trigonal Planar refers to a molecular geometry where a central atom is connected to three atoms and placed in a plane, creating a triangular shape with 120° bond angles.

Can Trigonal Planar molecules be polar?

Generally, Trigonal Planar molecules are nonpolar if all the surrounding atoms and bonds are identical, but can be polar if there is a difference in electronegativity among the atoms.

What is a key difference between Trigonal Planar and Trigonal Pyramidal geometries?

Trigonal Planar has no lone pair of electrons on the central atom and 120° angles, while Trigonal Pyramidal has one lone pair on the central atom with slightly less than 109.5° angles.

What is an example of a Trigonal Planar molecule?

Boron trifluoride (BF3) is a classic example of a molecule with a Trigonal Planar geometry.

How does electron repulsion influence Trigonal Pyramidal shape?

In Trigonal Pyramidal geometry, the lone pair of electrons occupies more space than bonding pairs, distorting the angles to be slightly less than 109.5° to minimize repulsion.

Can a Trigonal Planar molecule exhibit isomerism?

Trigonal Planar molecules usually do not show isomerism due to their symmetric geometry.

How does molecular mass affect Trigonal Planar and Trigonal Pyramidal structures?

Molecular mass doesn’t determine geometry but can influence molecular properties; the specific atom and electron arrangement determine whether a molecule is Trigonal Planar or Pyramidal.

How is Trigonal Pyramidal geometry defined?

Trigonal Pyramidal geometry involves a central atom bonded to three other atoms and has a lone pair of electrons, creating a pyramid-like shape with less than 109.5° bond angles.

What is the hybridization of a central atom in a Trigonal Planar molecule?

The central atom in a Trigonal Planar molecule is typically sp2 hybridized.

What is a biologically relevant example of Trigonal Planar geometry?

Carbonate ions (CO3^2-) in biological systems often exhibit Trigonal Planar geometry.

Can you give an example of a Trigonal Pyramidal molecule?

Ammonia (NH3) is a commonly cited example of a molecule that adopts a Trigonal Pyramidal geometry.

Why does Trigonal Planar geometry form 120° bond angles?

The 120° bond angles in Trigonal Planar geometry arise from the atoms spreading out as far as possible to minimize electron-pair repulsion.

Is there an example of Trigonal Pyramidal geometry playing a role in biochemistry?

Phosphoryl groups in ATP adopt a Trigonal Pyramidal geometry, crucial for energy transfer in cells.

How does the hybridization differ in a Trigonal Pyramidal molecule?

In Trigonal Pyramidal molecules, the central atom is generally sp3 hybridized.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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