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Dresser vs. Buffet — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 29, 2024
A dresser is a type of furniture typically used for storing clothing, featuring drawers and sometimes a mirror, whereas a buffet is used for storing dining essentials and serving food, often seen in dining rooms.
Dresser vs. Buffet — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Dresser and Buffet


Key Differences

Dressers are primarily bedroom furniture pieces designed for storing clothes, often equipped with multiple drawers and occasionally a mirror. On the other hand, buffets are found in dining areas, used to store dining utensils, linens, and sometimes serve as a surface for food during meals.
Dressers are typically taller and narrower, focusing on vertical storage space to organize clothing items efficiently. Buffets, however, are usually broader and shorter, providing a wide, flat top for displaying or serving food, along with storage space underneath.
The structure of a dresser often includes deeper drawers stacked vertically, tailored for items like sweaters, pants, and shirts. In contrast, a buffet may have cabinets and drawers that are designed for flatware, plates, and other dining accessories.
Style-wise, dressers can range from simple, functional designs to more elaborate, decorative pieces that complement bedroom decor. Buffets might feature more refined details and built-in features like wine racks or stemware holders to enhance functionality and aesthetics in a dining setting.
The material used for dressers and buffets can vary widely, from wood to metal, but dressers often feature lighter woods or materials since they house lighter items like clothes. Buffets are typically built from sturdier, heavier woods to support the weight of dishes, silverware, and sometimes the additional weight of food items during service.

Comparison Chart

Primary Use

Storing clothing.
Storing dining essentials and serving food.

Typical Location

Dining room.


Tall, with vertical drawers.
Wide, with horizontal storage and flat top.

Common Features

Drawers, sometimes a mirror.
Cabinets, drawers, possibly wine racks.

Material Consideration

Often lighter woods or materials.
Generally heavier, durable woods.

Compare with Definitions


Furniture with drawers for storing clothes.
She organized her sweaters in the top drawer of the dresser.


Furniture for storing dining items and serving food.
They set up the buffet with all the dishes for the party.


Can include a mirror.
He checked his outfit in the dresser’s attached mirror.


Sturdy construction.
The solid oak buffet could withstand heavy use during gatherings.


Primarily for clothing.
Her new dresser had enough space for all her clothing.


Located in dining areas.
The antique buffet in the dining room was a family heirloom.


Varies in style and size.
They chose a tall, narrow dresser to save space in the room.


Features like wine racks.
Their new buffet had a built-in wine rack and stemware holders.


Often found in bedrooms.
The wooden dresser matched the bedframe perfectly.


Used during meals for serving.
The buffet was covered with appetizers throughout the evening.


One that dresses
A careful dresser.


A buffet can be either a sideboard (a flat-topped piece of furniture with cupboards and drawers, used for storing crockery, glasses, and table linen) or a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area where the diners serve themselves. A form of service à la française, buffets are offered at various places including hotels, restaurants, and many social events.


A wardrobe assistant, as for an actor.


A large sideboard with drawers and cupboards.


A chest of drawers often supporting a mirror and typically used for holding clothes and personal items.


A counter or table from which meals or refreshments are served.


A cupboard or set of shelves for dishes or kitchen utensils.


A restaurant having such a counter.


An item of kitchen furniture, like a cabinet with shelves, for storing crockery or utensils.


A meal at which guests serve themselves from various dishes displayed on a table or sideboard.


An item of bedroom furniture, like a low chest of drawers, often with a mirror.


A blow or cuff with or as if with the hand.


One who dresses in a particular way.
He's a very snappy dresser.


Informally served
A buffet luncheon.


A wardrobe assistant (who helps actors put on their costume).


To hit or beat, especially repeatedly.


A servant to royalty etc. who helps them with tasks such as dressing.


To strike against forcefully and especially repeatedly; batter
Winds that buffeted the tent.


(medicine) A surgeon's assistant who helps to dress wounds etc.


To cause repeated difficulty or harm to (a person or group)
Was buffeted about from job to job by the vagaries of the economy.


(UK) A football hooligan who wears designer clothing; a casual.


To force (one's way) with difficulty.


A mechanical device used in grain mills for bolting.


To force one's way with difficulty
A ship buffeting against the wind.


(dated) A table or bench on which meat and other things are dressed, or prepared for use.


A counter or sideboard from which food and drinks are served or may be bought.


(mining) A kind of pick for shaping large coal.


Food laid out in this way, to which diners serve themselves.
We'll be serving supper buffet style.


One who dresses or prepares stone.


A small low stool; a hassock.


One who dresses; one who put in order or makes ready for use; one who on clothes or ornaments.


(countable) A blow or cuff with or as if with the hand, or by any other solid object or the wind.


A kind of pick for shaping large coal.


The vibration of an aircraft when flying in or approaching a stall, caused by separation of airflow from the aircraft's wings.


An assistant in a hospital, whose office it is to dress wounds, sores, etc.


(transitive) To strike with a buffet; to cuff; to slap.


A table or bench on which meat and other things are dressed, or prepared for use.
The pewter plates on the dresserCaught and reflected the flame, as shields of armies the sunshine.


To aggressively challenge, denounce, or criticise.


A piece of chamber furniture consisting of a chest of drawers, or bureau, with a mirror.


To affect as with blows; to strike repeatedly; to strive with or contend against.
To buffet the billows


Furniture with drawers for keeping clothes


To deaden the sound of (bells) by muffling the clapper.


A person who dresses in a particular way;
She's an elegant dresser
He's a meticulous dresser


A cupboard or set of shelves, either movable or fixed at one side of a room, for the display of plate, china, etc., a sideboard.
Not when a gilt buffet's reflected prideTurns you from sound philosophy aside.


A wardrobe assistant for an actor


A counter for food or refreshments.


Low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup


A restaurant containing such a counter, as at a railroad station, or place of public gathering.


A cabinet with shelves


A meal set out on a buffet[2], arranged so that guests may serve themselves and choose those items that they desire; as, a buffet dinner. Diners usually take a plate provided and move in a line past the items on the buffet[2], placing those items they desire on the plate, to be eaten at some convenient place.


A blow with the hand; a slap on the face; a cuff.
When on his cheek a buffet fell.


A blow from any source, or that which affects like a blow, as the violence of winds or waves; a stroke; an adverse action; an affliction; a trial; adversity.
Those planks of tough and hardy oak that used for yeas to brave the buffets of the Bay of Biscay.
Fortune's buffets and rewards.


A small stool; a stool for a buffet or counter.
Go fetch us a light buffet.


To strike with the hand or fist; to box; to beat; to cuff; to slap.
They spit in his face and buffeted him.


To affect as with blows; to strike repeatedly; to strive with or contend against; as, to buffet the billows.
The sudden hurricane in thunder roars,Buffets the bark, and whirls it from the shores.
You are lucky fellows who can live in a dreamland of your own, instead of being buffeted about the world.


To deaden the sound of (bells) by muffling the clapper.


To exercise or play at boxing; to strike; to smite; to strive; to contend.
If I might buffet for my love, or bound my horse for her favors, I could lay on like a butcher.


To make one's way by blows or struggling.
Strove to buffet to land in vain.


A piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers


A meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves


Usually inexpensive bar


Strike against forcefully;
Winds buffeted the tent


Strike, beat repeatedly;
The wind buffeted him

Common Curiosities

Can a dresser be used in a dining room?

While not typical, a dresser could be repurposed for storage in a dining room, though it may not suit all dining storage needs.

What materials are best for a buffet?

Sturdy materials like hardwoods are best for buffets to support the weight and frequent use associated with dining storage and service.

What should I consider when placing a buffet in my dining room?

Consider the size of the room and the proximity to the dining table. Ensure there's enough space for people to move around when the buffet is used during service.

How does a buffet enhance dining room functionality?

A buffet enhances dining room functionality by providing storage for dining essentials and a surface for serving food.

Is it common for dressers to have features other than drawers?

Yes, some dressers come with additional features like mirrors or small cabinets, particularly in designs intended to offer more functionality.

What is the ideal height for a dresser?

The ideal height depends on the user but typically ranges from 28 to 36 inches tall, allowing most people to comfortably reach all drawers.

What is the primary function of a dresser?

The primary function of a dresser is to store clothing and sometimes accessories, typically in a bedroom.

How do I choose between a dresser and a buffet for a space?

Choose based on the room's function: dressers for bedrooms for clothing, and buffets for dining areas for meal service and storage.

What are the typical dimensions of a buffet?

Buffets are generally around 30-36 inches in height, with a length that can vary widely but typically spans at least 50 inches to accommodate dining items.

How can I maximize storage in my buffet?

Use organizers inside drawers, add shelf dividers, and consider using the top surface for items that need to be readily accessible or displayed.

Can the top of a dresser be used like a buffet?

The top of a dresser can be used to display items or store non-clothing items, but it is not ideal for serving food.

Can buffets be used for items other than dining essentials?

Yes, buffets are versatile and can be used to store anything from craft supplies to office materials, especially in homes where space is limited.

How do I maintain a wooden dresser?

Regular dusting, avoiding excessive moisture, and using coasters for any items that might scratch or stain are good practices for maintaining a wooden dresser.

Are there modern styles of dressers and buffets?

Yes, both furniture types come in a variety of styles, including modern designs with minimalist lines, innovative materials, and integrated technology like LED lighting.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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