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Distinction vs. Prestige — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 2, 2024
Distinction refers to being recognized as different or superior in a specific way, while prestige implies a widespread respect and admiration earned over time.
Distinction vs. Prestige — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Distinction and Prestige


Key Differences

Distinction is often awarded based on specific achievements or characteristics that set an individual or entity apart from others, whereas prestige is more about the high status achieved and maintained over time through consistent excellence or influence.
Individuals may gain distinction through unique accomplishments or skills, while prestige is usually associated with a broader reputation across a community or in society at large.
Distinction can be seen in various fields such as academia, where a researcher might be distinguished for a particular discovery, whereas prestige often accumulates through longstanding traditions and historical perceptions, like those held by prestigious universities.
While distinction can be somewhat subjective and based on specific criteria, prestige generally requires acceptance and acknowledgment by a wide audience or group.
Distinction can be temporary or context-dependent, noted for a particular achievement or within a specific circle, while prestige typically implies a long-standing respect that pervades many aspects of an institution or individual’s presence.

Comparison Chart


Recognition for specific excellence
Widespread respect and admiration

Basis of Achievement

Individual achievements or qualities
Long-term reputation and influence

Context Dependency

Highly context-specific
Generally recognized across contexts


Can be temporary or evolving
Long-standing and stable

Typical Areas of Application

Academic, professional, or artistic fields
Academic institutions, brands, celebrities

Compare with Definitions


An act of distinguishing or discriminating.
The distinction between right and wrong is often nuanced.


A status derived from success, rank, or other favorable attributes.
His role carried great prestige in the company.


A recognition of excellence in a specific area.
She received a distinction for her groundbreaking research in microbiology.


Associated with high social value or respect.
Prestige brands often command higher prices.


A feature that markedly sets someone or something apart.
His style of writing has a distinct distinction from his contemporaries.


Something that offers prestige when associated with it.
Driving a luxury car adds to one's social prestige.


Awarded to signify special honor or capability.
He graduated with distinction due to his exceptional academic record.


General admiration for someone based on past achievements.
The scientist enjoyed immense prestige after the Nobel win.


Differentiation in treatment or status.
Members of the club are given certain distinctions not available to others.


Influence or power derived from elevated status.
They leveraged their prestige to influence the decision.


The act of distinguishing; differentiation
Economists making an ongoing distinction between domestic and foreign markets.


The level of respect at which a person or thing is regarded by others; standing
An act that boosted his prestige.
A job with low prestige.


The condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference
"the crucial distinction between education and indoctrination" (A. Bartlett Giamatti).


Good reputation; honor
Her accomplishments lent a lot of prestige to the college.


A distinguishing factor, attribute, or characteristic
A legal system blind to distinctions of race, gender, and class.


Great respect or importance
Doctors are usually treated with prestige.


Excellence or eminence, as of performance, character, or reputation
A diplomat of distinction.


The quality of how good the reputation of something or someone is, how favourably something or someone is regarded.
Oxford has a university of very high prestige.


A special quality or accomplishment conferring uniqueness or honor
Has the distinction of being the tallest in his class.


Delusion; illusion; trick.


Recognition of achievement or superiority; honor
Graduated with distinction.


Regarded as relatively prestigious; often, considered the standard language or language variety, or a part of such a variety.


An award or honor given to someone for outstanding achievement
Won many distinctions while in the military.


(video games) To start over at an earlier point in a video game with some type of bonus or reward.


That which distinguishes; a single occurrence of a determining factor or feature, the fact of being divided; separation, discrimination.


Delusion; illusion; trick.
The sophisms of infidelity, and the prestiges of imposture.


The act of distinguishing, discriminating; discrimination.
There is a distinction to be made between resting and slacking.


Weight or influence derived from past success; expectation of future achievements founded on those already accomplished; force or charm derived from acknowledged character or reputation.


Specifically, a feature that causes someone or something to stand out as being better; a mark of honour, rank, eminence or excellence; being distinguished.
She had the distinction of meeting the Queen.


A high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.;
He wanted to achieve power and prestige


A marking off by visible signs; separation into parts; division.
The distinction of tragedy into acts was not known.


The act of distinguishing or denoting the differences between objects, or the qualities by which one is known from others; exercise of discernment; discrimination.
To take away therefore that error, which confusion breedeth, distinction is requisite.


That which distinguishes one thing from another; distinguishing quality; sharply defined difference; as, the distinction between real and apparent good.
The distinction betwixt the animal kingdom and the inferior parts of matter.


Estimation of difference; regard to differences or distinguishing circumstance.
Maids, women, wives, without distinction, fall.


Conspicuous station; eminence; superiority; honorable estimation; as, a man of distinction.
Your country's own means of distinction and defense.


A discrimination between things as different and distinct;
It is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation


High status importance owing to marked superiority;
A scholar of great eminence


A distinguishing quality;
It has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town


A distinguishing difference;
He learned the distinction between gold and lead

Common Curiosities

How does one achieve prestige?

Prestige is typically earned through long-term achievements, influence, or maintaining a high standard in one's field.

What is the main difference between distinction and prestige?

Distinction is about specific excellence or characteristics that set someone apart, while prestige involves widespread respect and high status.

Can prestige decrease over time?

Yes, prestige can decrease if the qualities or achievements that led to it are no longer perceived as influential or valuable.

Is prestige the same across different cultures?

While the concept of prestige is universal, what is considered prestigious can vary widely across different cultures.

Can an organization have both distinction and prestige?

Yes, an organization can be distinguished for specific achievements while also enjoying widespread prestige.

Can a person have distinction without prestige?

Yes, a person can be distinguished in a specific field or task without having broader societal prestige.

How does societal perception affect distinction and prestige?

Societal perception heavily influences both; distinction can be conferred by niche groups, while prestige generally requires broader societal agreement.

What are typical examples where distinction is awarded?

Distinction is often awarded in academic settings, such as graduating with honors, or in professional achievements like receiving industry-specific awards.

Does prestige always reflect the current success of a person or brand?

Prestige does not necessarily reflect current success; it often reflects accumulated respect and admiration over time, even if current performance dips.

Are there negative implications of seeking either distinction or prestige?

Yes, an excessive focus on gaining distinction or prestige can lead to unethical behaviors or neglect of other valuable aspects or responsibilities.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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