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Decadent vs. Degenerate — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 3, 2023
Decadent refers to excessive indulgence or luxury, often with moral decline, while Degenerate means having declined from a former state, especially in moral quality.
Decadent vs. Degenerate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Decadent and Degenerate


Key Differences

Decadent emphasizes luxurious self-indulgence, often pointing to a decline in standards, whereas Degenerate directly pertains to the loss of qualities or deterioration from a prior state.
When describing food, art, or culture, Decadent typically implies something rich, extravagant, or overly indulgent. In contrast, Degenerate is rarely used in such contexts and leans towards describing moral or ethical decline.
It's interesting to note that Decadent can occasionally have a positive connotation, especially when emphasizing sumptuousness or richness. However, Degenerate consistently holds a negative connotation, indicating degradation or inferiority.
If someone labels a dessert as Decadent, they're often referring to its rich and indulgent taste. On the other hand, calling a person Degenerate would imply they've morally or ethically deteriorated.
Over time, societies might deem certain behaviors as Decadent due to perceived excessive indulgence. Yet, labeling a society or its members as Degenerate implies a broader and deeper decline in values or character.

Comparison Chart


Luxurious self-indulgence, often implying decline
Having deteriorated, especially in terms of moral quality

Typical Usage

Often used for food, art, or culture
Primarily pertains to moral, ethical, or physical decline


Can be positive (luxurious) or negative (moral decline)
Almost always negative

Relation to Morality

Sometimes suggests moral decline due to indulgence
Directly indicates moral or ethical deterioration

Common Contexts

Art, culture, food
Individual character, genetics, society

Compare with Definitions


Relating to a state of cultural or moral decline.
Some saw the wild parties as evidence of a Decadent society.


Having declined, especially in terms of moral or ethical quality.
He worried that his habits would make him seem Degenerate.


Reflecting or characterized by excessive indulgence or luxury.
The Decadent chocolate cake melted in her mouth.


Relating to or being a degenerate person.
He was labeled a Degenerate by those who disapproved of his lifestyle.


Overly ornate or sumptuous.
The Decadent furnishings in the mansion were a sight to behold.


Deteriorated or inferior to a former state or quality.
The abandoned house was in a Degenerate condition.


Characterized by or appealing to self-indulgence.
The spa offered a Decadent day of pampering and relaxation.


Lacking in desirable qualities or characteristics.
The discussions quickly turned into Degenerate arguments.


Being in a state of decline or decay.


Having declined, as in function or nature, from a former or original state
A degenerate form of an ancient folk art.


Marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self-indulgent.


Morally corrupt or given to vice.


Often Decadent Of or relating to literary Decadence.


(Physics) Relating to two or more quantum states that share the same quantum numbers
Degenerate energy levels.


A person in a condition or process of mental or moral decay.


(Physics) Characterized by great density and consisting of atoms stripped of electrons
Degenerate matter.


Often Decadent A member of the Decadence movement.


(Medicine) Characterized by degeneration, as of tissue, a cell, or an organ.


Characterized by moral or cultural decline.


(Biology) Having lost one or more highly developed functions, characteristics, or structures through evolution
A degenerate life form.


Luxuriously self-indulgent.


(Genetics) Relating to or being a gene that has multiple codons for the same amino acid.


A person affected by moral decay.


A depraved or corrupt person.


Decaying; deteriorating.


To fall below a normal or desirable state, especially functionally or morally; deteriorate
Old water pipes that are degenerating with age.
A dispute that degenerated into a brawl.


One that is decadent, or deteriorating; esp., one characterized by, or exhibiting, the qualities of those who are degenerating to a lower type; - specif. applied to a certain school of modern French writers.
The decadents and æsthetes, and certain types of realists.
The business men of a great State allow their State to be represented in Congress by "decadents".


To decline in quality
The quality of his writing degenerated as he continued to drink.


A person who has fallen into a decadent state (morally or artistically)


To undergo degeneration.


Marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay;
A decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility
A group of effete self-professed intellectuals


(of qualities) Having deteriorated, degraded or fallen from normal, coherent, balanced and desirable to undesirable and typically abnormal; an immoral or corrupt person.


Indicating a decline in standards, especially moral ones, due to indulgence.
Critics argued that the movie's portrayal of wealth was Decadent.


(of a human or system) Having lost good or desirable qualities.


(of an encoding or function) Having multiple domain elements correspond to one element of the range.
The codons.


Having multiple different (linearly independent) eigenvectors.


(physics) Having the same quantum energy level.


One who is degenerate, who has fallen from previous stature.
In the cult of degenerates, acts of decency, kindness and modesty could be seen as acts of apostasy.


(intransitive) To lose good or desirable qualities.
His condition continued to degenerate even after admission to hospital.


(transitive) To cause to lose good or desirable qualities.


Having become worse than one's kind, or one's former state; having declined in worth; having lost in goodness; deteriorated; degraded; unworthy; base; low.
Faint-hearted and degenerate king.
A degenerate and degraded state.
Degenerate from their ancient blood.
These degenerate days.
I had planted thee a noble vine . . . : how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?


To be or grow worse than one's kind, or than one was originally; hence, to be inferior; to grow poorer, meaner, or more vicious; to decline in good qualities; to deteriorate.
When wit transgresseth decency, it degenerates into insolence and impiety.


To fall off from the normal quality or the healthy structure of its kind; to become of a lower type.


A person who has declined from a high standard, especially a sexual deviate; - usually used disparagingly or opprobriously of persons whose sexual behavior does not conform to the norms of accepted morals.


A person or thing that has fallen from a higher to a lower state, or reverted to an earlier type or stage of development or culture.


A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior


Grow worse;
Her condition deteriorated
Conditions in the slums degenerated
The discussion devolved into a shouting match


Unrestrained by convention or morality;
Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
Deplorably dissipated and degraded
Riotous living
Fast women


To fall below a desired or normal level.
Over time, the club began to Degenerate into chaos.

Common Curiosities

Can art be described as Decadent?

Yes, art can be Decadent if it's seen as overly indulgent or reflecting decline.

How does Decadent differ from Degenerate in terms of indulgence?

Decadent emphasizes luxurious indulgence, while Degenerate denotes a decline, especially morally.

Would you describe a food as Degenerate?

No, Degenerate is rarely used for food. Decadent is more apt for rich or indulgent food.

How is Decadent linked to morality?

It can suggest a decline in moral standards due to excessive indulgence.

Can Decadent ever be used positively?

Yes, Decadent can indicate something luxuriously rich, like a dessert.

What is the primary focus of Degenerate?

Degenerate emphasizes a decline or deterioration, especially in moral quality.

Can a society be both Decadent and Degenerate?

Yes, if it's perceived as overly indulgent and also in moral or ethical decline.

Is Degenerate always used negatively?

Typically, yes. Degenerate indicates deterioration or decline, often morally.

Can a person be labeled Degenerate based on behavior?

Yes, someone can be labeled Degenerate if their behavior is seen as morally declined.

In what scenarios is Degenerate commonly used?

Often when discussing moral decline, deteriorating quality, or genetics.

Are Decadent and Degenerate synonyms?

No, while both can relate to decline, their nuances and applications differ significantly.

Can Decadent relate to physical attributes?

It's uncommon, but Decadent can describe something overly ornate or luxurious.

Which term, Decadent or Degenerate, is more linked to luxury?

Decadent is more associated with luxury and indulgence.

Is Degenerate used in genetics?

Yes, it can refer to a genetic sequence that has multiple forms.

How might Decadent be used in literature?

It could describe a setting, era, or character's indulgent lifestyle or moral decline.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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