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Creativeness vs. Creativity — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 5, 2023
Creativeness and creativity are often used interchangeably, but creativeness may imply a personal quality, while creativity often suggests an applied or demonstrated creative ability.
Creativeness vs. Creativity — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Creativeness and Creativity


Key Differences

Creativeness generally refers to the personal quality of being able to create. It's the innate or learned capacity to generate new, original ideas. Creativity, on the other hand, pertains more to the application and expression of those ideas into tangible forms.
You might associate creativeness with an individual’s mental capability to conceptualize unique thoughts. Creativity usually extends a step further, pointing towards how these original ideas are executed or materialized into something more substantial.
When we talk about a person's creativeness, we might refer to their continuous ability to form unique thoughts or ideas. Creativity could imply the innovative methods and mediums used by individuals to express or showcase their original ideas.
In some contexts, creativeness is an attribute, an intrinsic characteristic of a person’s mindset or thinking pattern. Whereas creativity is often viewed as a skill, involving the strategic application of innovative ideas to solve problems or create art.
Sometimes creativeness can exist without visible outputs, residing in imaginative thought processes. Creativity, meanwhile, is often validated by the creation of something new and tangible, such as a piece of art, an invention, or a novel solution.

Comparison Chart


Innate or learned ability to generate ideas.
Application and expression of new ideas.

Associated With

An individual's mental capability.
Execution or materialization of ideas.


A continuous flow of unique thoughts.
The strategic application of innovative ideas.


Can exist without visible outputs.
Often validated by a tangible creation.


May reside as imaginative thought processes.
Recognized by producing something novel.

Compare with Definitions


Creativeness implies an ability to conjure unique and original ideas.
Her creativeness is evident through her myriad of inventive thoughts.


It entails producing something new, original, and valuable.
The creativity of the novel lay in its unforeseen plot twists.


Creativeness includes a mental faculty nurturing originality.
Through meditation, he explored the depths of his creativeness.


Creativity is the act of generating originality in tangible forms.
The festival was a splash of color, music, and boundless creativity.


It encompasses an intrinsic or developed aptitude for innovative thinking.
The child's play reflected a deep pool of creativeness.


Creativity reflects the tangible manifestation of unique ideas.
His creativity materialized through an exquisite piece of sculpture.


Creativeness denotes an inner wealth of imaginative concepts.
Artists often tap into their creativeness to visualize unseen worlds.


Creativity is the skill of transforming innovative thoughts into reality.
Her creativity was unleashed, designing a revolutionary gadget.


Having the ability or power to create
Human beings are creative animals.


Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting).


Productive; creating.


The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness
Firms are keen to encourage creativity


Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative
Creative writing.


Having the ability or power to create
Human beings are creative animals.


One who displays productive originality
The creatives in the advertising department.


Productive; creating.


The state of being creative; creativity.


Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative
Creative writing.


The quality of being creative.


One who displays productive originality
The creatives in the advertising department.


The ability to create


The ability to use imagination to produce a novel idea or product.
His creativity is unsurpassed by his fellow students in the art class.


It signifies an unbounded capability to envision novelty.
The scientist's creativeness led to groundbreaking hypotheses.


The ability to create


It denotes the strategic application of novel concepts to create.
Architectural wonders are often born from unmatched creativity.

Common Curiosities

Does creativeness always lead to creativity?

Not always, as creativeness might not always be expressed or applied outwardly.

Are creativeness and creativity synonymous?

They are often used interchangeably but can suggest different aspects of the creative process.

Is creativity only related to artistic expression?

No, creativity can be expressed in numerous fields like science, business, and problem-solving.

Can creativity be developed?

Absolutely, through practice, learning, and exploration, creativity can be enhanced.

Can we observe creativeness?

Creativeness might be observed indirectly through a person’s thoughts, ideas, or discussions.

Is creativity always a positive attribute?

Mostly yes, but creativity without direction or ethics might lead to undesirable outcomes.

How is creativity different in various fields?

Creativity might manifest as innovations, artworks, solutions, or concepts, depending on the field.

Does creativeness need to be original always?

While associated with originality, creativeness can also involve combining existing ideas in new ways.

Can a person be high in creativeness but low in creativity?

Yes, a person may generate unique ideas (creativeness) but might not apply them (creativity).

Are there tools to enhance creativity?

Yes, numerous techniques, like brainstorming or mind mapping, can boost creativity.

Can a lack of creativity be a hindrance in professional fields?

In some fields, a lack of creativity might limit innovation and problem-solving capabilities.

Are there occupations that specifically require high creativeness?

While beneficial everywhere, occupations like artists, designers, and inventors might particularly value high creativeness.

Can you measure creativeness?

It's difficult to quantify creativeness, as it often resides in intangible thought processes.

Can everyone access their creativeness?

Yes, everyone possesses a degree of creativeness which can be tapped into and developed.

How to identify creativity in a person?

Identifying creativity might involve observing problem-solving approaches, artistic outputs, or innovative solutions.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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