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Counts vs. Count — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 26, 2024
Counts are the plural form of count, indicating multiple instances or occurrences, while count refers to the singular act of tallying or calculating a total.
Counts vs. Count — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Counts and Count


Key Differences

Counts typically refer to multiple instances of counting or several numerical totals, such as in data collection or inventory management. On the other hand, count is used to denote a single act of enumerating items or calculating a sum.
In legal or formal contexts, counts can denote separate charges or points of consideration within a larger case, whereas count might refer to a particular accusation or point in a legal document.
When discussing literature or narration, counts may represent different themes or recurring motifs throughout a story, while count could focus on a specific recurring element or detail.
In the realm of sports, counts are often used to indicate statistics or scores from multiple games or events, whereas count might be used to describe a specific score or statistic from a single match.
In mathematics or science, counts involve enumerating or measuring various elements or occurrences, while count may refer to a specific measurement or numerical figure within a study or experiment.

Comparison Chart


Refers to multiple instances of tallying or numerical totals.
Refers to a single instance of tallying or a numerical total.

Context of Use

Used in scenarios involving multiple measurements or events.
Used when referring to a singular measurement or event.

Grammatical Number


Example in Law

Multiple charges in a legal case.
A specific charge in a legal document.

Example in Literature

Various themes or motifs in a narrative.
A specific recurring element in a story.

Compare with Definitions


Different occurrences or events noted in a study.
The study showed varying wildlife counts across regions.


A noble title in various European countries.
He inherited the title of count from his grandfather.


Multiple considerations or factors in a decision-making process.
The jury reviewed all counts before reaching a verdict.


The act of tallying or calculating a total.
She did a quick count of the attendees.


Multiple instances of enumerating or recording numbers.
The scientist recorded the counts of cells in different samples.


A particular charge in a legal case.
He was found guilty on the first count of the indictment.


Separate instances of scoring in sports.
His counts of goals this season are impressive.


A specific number or total.
The final count of votes was announced.


Several charges or points in a legal document.
The defendant faced multiple counts of fraud.


A specific point or argument.
His main count against the proposal was its cost.


To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total; number.


Count (feminine: countess) is a historical title of nobility in certain European countries, varying in relative status, generally of middling rank in the hierarchy of nobility. The etymologically related English term "county" denoted the land owned by a count.


To recite numerals in ascending order up to and including
Count three before firing.


To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total; number.


To include in a reckoning; take account of
Ten dogs, counting the puppies.


To recite numerals in ascending order up to and including
Count three before firing.


To include by or as if by counting
Count me in.


To include in a reckoning; take account of
Ten dogs, counting the puppies.


To exclude by or as if by counting
Count me out.


To include by or as if by counting
Count me in.


To believe or consider to be; deem
Count yourself lucky.


To exclude by or as if by counting
Count me out.


To recite or list numbers in order or enumerate items by units or groups
Counted by tens.


To believe or consider to be; deem
Count yourself lucky.


To have importance
You really count with me.


To recite or list numbers in order or enumerate items by units or groups
Counted by tens.


To have a specified importance or value
Their opinions count for little. Each basket counts for two points.


To have importance
You really count with me.


(Music) To keep time by counting beats.


To have a specified importance or value
Their opinions count for little. Each basket counts for two points.


The act of counting or calculating.


(Music) To keep time by counting beats.


A number reached by counting.


The act of counting or calculating.


(Law) Any of the separate and distinct charges or causes of action in an indictment or complaint.


A number reached by counting.


(Sports) The counting from one to ten seconds, during which time a boxer who has been knocked down must rise or be declared the loser.


(Law) Any of the separate and distinct charges or causes of action in an indictment or complaint.


(Baseball) The number of balls and strikes that an umpire has called against a batter.


(Sports) The counting from one to ten seconds, during which time a boxer who has been knocked down must rise or be declared the loser.


A nobleman in some European countries.


(Baseball) The number of balls and strikes that an umpire has called against a batter.


Used as a title for such a nobleman.


A nobleman in some European countries.


Plural of count


Used as a title for such a nobleman.


To be enumerated rather than represented as a proportion or percentage.


(intransitive) To recite numbers in sequence.


(transitive) To determine the number of (objects in a group).
Count the number of apples in the bag and write down the number on the spreadsheet.


(intransitive) To amount to, to number in total.


(intransitive) To be of significance; to matter.
Your views don’t count here.
It does count if you cheat with someone when you’re drunk.


(intransitive) To be an example of something: often followed by as and an indefinite noun.
Apples count as a type of fruit.


(transitive) To consider something as an example of something or as having some quality; to account, to regard as.
He counts himself a hero after saving the cat from the river.
I count you as more than a friend.


(transitive) To reckon in, to include in consideration.
They walked for three days, not counting the time spent resting.


To take account or note (of), to care (for).


To recount, to tell.


To plead orally; to argue a matter in court; to recite a count.


The act of counting or tallying a quantity.
Give the chairs a quick count to check if we have enough.


The result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set; a quantity counted.


A countdown.


(legal) A charge of misconduct brought in a legal proceeding.


(baseball) The number of balls and strikes, respectively, on a batter's in-progress plate appearance.
He has a 3–2 count with the bases loaded.


(obsolete) An object of interest or account; value; estimation.


The male ruler of a county.


A nobleman holding a rank intermediate between dukes and barons.


(entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Tanaecia. Other butterflies in this genus are called earls and viscounts.




To tell or name one by one, or by groups, for the purpose of ascertaining the whole number of units in a collection; to number; to enumerate; to compute; to reckon.
Who can count the dust of Jacob?
In a journey of forty miles, Avaux counted only three miserable cabins.


To place to an account; to ascribe or impute; to consider or esteem as belonging.
Abracham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.


To esteem; to account; to reckon; to think, judge, or consider.
I count myself in nothing else so happyAs in a soul remembering my good friends.


To number or be counted; to possess value or carry weight; hence, to increase or add to the strength or influence of some party or interest; as, every vote counts; accidents count for nothing.
This excellent man . . . counted among the best and wisest of English statesmen.


To reckon; to rely; to depend; - with on or upon.
He was brewer to the palace; and it was apprehended that the government counted on his voice.
I think it a great error to count upon the genius of a nation as a standing argument in all ages.


To take account or note; - with


To plead orally; to argue a matter in court; to recite a count.


The act of numbering; reckoning; also, the number ascertained by counting.
Of blessed saints for to increase the count.
By this count, I shall be much in years.


An object of interest or account; value; estimation.


A formal statement of the plaintiff's case in court; in a more technical and correct sense, a particular allegation or charge in a declaration or indictment, separately setting forth the cause of action or prosecution.


A nobleman on the continent of Europe, equal in rank to an English earl.


The act of counting;
The counting continued for several hours


A nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl


Determine the number or amount of;
Can you count the books on your shelf?
Count your change


Have weight; have import, carry weight;
It does not matter much


Show consideration for; take into account;
You must consider her age
The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient


Name or recite the numbers;
The toddler could count to 100


Put into a group;
The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members


Include as if by counting;
I can count my colleagues in the opposition


Have faith or confidence in;
You can count on me to help you any time
Look to your friends for support
You can bet on that!
Depend on your family in times of crisis


Take account of;
You have to reckon with our opponents
Count on the monsoon

Common Curiosities

How does the usage of counts and count differ in legal contexts?

In legal terms, counts represent multiple charges or points in a case, while count refers to a specific charge or point.

What is the primary difference between counts and count?

Counts refers to multiple instances of tallying or occurrences, while count is used for a singular instance or total.

What does count mean in a noble context?

Count is a title of nobility in various European countries.

How are counts used in scientific studies?

Counts are used to refer to the number of occurrences or measurements recorded during experiments.

Can counts and count be used interchangeably in a sentence?

They are not interchangeable as counts is plural and count is singular, indicating different quantities.

What is an example of counts in sports?

Counts in sports can refer to the total points, runs, or goals scored across multiple games.

How do counts function in data collection?

Counts refer to the total numbers gathered from various data points or over time in data collection.

Can count be used as a verb and a noun?

Yes, count can function both as a verb (to enumerate) and as a noun (a total number).

How is count used in discussions of literature?

Count is often used to discuss a particular recurring element or detail within a narrative.

How does count function in mathematical contexts?

In mathematics, count typically refers to the result of an enumeration or a specific numerical value in calculations.

Is there a grammatical difference between counts and count?

Yes, counts is used as a plural noun, whereas count can be both a singular noun and a verb.

What is an example of using counts in a sentence?

The biologist compared the bacteria counts from two different water samples.

What does count mean in a legal document?

In legal documents, count refers to a specific charge or point of law being addressed.

Are there specific contexts where only counts or count is appropriate?

Yes, counts is appropriate when referring to multiple items or instances, while count is used for single instances.

Can the term count have different meanings in different contexts?

Yes, count can mean different things, such as a total number, a process of enumeration, or a noble title, depending on the context.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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