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Cottagecore vs. Boho — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 29, 2024
Cottagecore emphasizes a return to agricultural roots with a romanticized view of rural life, focusing on simplicity and nature; Boho style celebrates an eclectic, free-spirited aesthetic, incorporating elements from various cultures and eras.
Cottagecore vs. Boho — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cottagecore and Boho


Key Differences

Cottagecore, a trend that emerged strongly in the 2010s, captures the essence of a pastoral lifestyle, idealizing farming, home baking, and a close connection with nature. Whereas Boho, short for Bohemian, dates back to the 1960s as a counter-culture style and is characterized by its rejection of societal norms, focusing on artistic, eclectic, and nomadic influences.
In terms of fashion, Cottagecore typically features flowy dresses, floral patterns, and soft, muted colors that mirror the simplicity and calm of rural living. On the other hand, Boho fashion leans towards vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and layers of textures that blend influences from around the world, reflecting a more adventurous spirit.
Home decor under Cottagecore often includes vintage furniture, handmade items, and a predominance of natural materials like wood and linen, creating a cozy, welcoming environment. Whereas, Boho decor uses a vibrant mix of colors, patterns, and textures, often incorporating elements such as Moroccan lamps, macramé hangings, and lush plants.
Cottagecore activities are centered around the home and often include gardening, baking, and crafting—emphasizing self-sufficiency and the pleasures of domestic bliss. Meanwhile, Boho lifestyle is about a sense of adventure and openness to experiences, often linked to travel, music festivals, and artistic pursuits.
The philosophy of Cottagecore is grounded in tranquility, sustainability, and an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Boho, however, embraces a carefree, sometimes chaotic ethos that values personal freedom and the breaking of conventions.

Comparison Chart


2010s, internet culture
1960s, counterculture


Floral patterns, pastel colors
Vibrant colors, mixed patterns


Vintage, natural materials
Eclectic, global influences


Gardening, baking
Travel, music festivals


Tranquility, simplicity
Freedom, eclecticism

Compare with Definitions


Nostalgic aesthetic.
The cottagecore dress she wore featured delicate lace and floral embroidery.


Nomadic inspiration.
The boho-themed cafe featured decor inspired by cultures from around the world.


Romanticizing rural life.
Their cottagecore wedding was set against a backdrop of rolling hills and wildflowers.


Artistic influences.
He embraced boho fashion, combining thrifted pieces with handmade accessories.


Focus on simplicity.
She adopted a cottagecore lifestyle, complete with home-baked bread and handmade clothes.


Freedom and nonconformity.
Boho festivals are known for their atmosphere of freedom and creative expression.


Connection with nature.
They renovated their garden to align with cottagecore ideals, emphasizing native plants.


Eclectic style.
Her boho living room is a mix of tribal rugs and vintage leather chairs.


Home-centric activities.
Weekend cottagecore activities often include quilting and candle making.


Adventurous spirit.
Their boho lifestyle is filled with impromptu road trips and music festivals.


An aesthetic that celebrates a return to traditional skills and crafts associated with rural living, such as sewing, gardening, foraging, baking, and pottery.


Socially unconventional in a way regarded as characteristic of creative artists; bohemian
The stereotypical clash of cultures between boho artists and finance folk
The sisters and their husbands led a boho life in Big Sur


A person who is socially unconventional in a way regarded as characteristic of creative artists; a bohemian
East Village bohos


Unconventional, as in behavior or taste; bohemian.


A bohemian.


(informal) A bohemian.


A style of female fashion drawing on various bohemian and hippie influences, popular in the mid-2000s.


(informal) Bohemian.

Common Curiosities

What activities are associated with cottagecore?

Cottagecore activities typically involve gardening, baking, and crafting, emphasizing a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.

What is the key aesthetic of cottagecore?

Cottagecore emphasizes a pastoral, simplified aesthetic that celebrates rural traditions and living close to nature.

What is the philosophical foundation of Boho?

Boho is founded on principles of freedom, nonconformity, and a blending of various cultural influences.

What types of materials are favored in cottagecore fashion?

Cottagecore fashion favors natural fabrics like cotton and linen, which enhance the connection to a simpler, pastoral life.

Can Boho and cottagecore styles be blended in home decor?

Yes, blending Boho's eclectic and vibrant elements with cottagecore's rustic and handmade items can create a unique, cozy atmosphere.

How does Boho fashion differ from cottagecore fashion?

Boho fashion is characterized by its use of bold colors, eclectic patterns, and layering, unlike the muted, floral, and delicate aesthetics of cottagecore.

Why has cottagecore become popular recently?

Cottagecore gained popularity as people sought comfort and escapism in nature and simplicity during turbulent times, such as the global pandemic.

What are typical Boho decorations?

Typical Boho decorations include items like Moroccan lamps, colorful throw pillows, and macramé wall hangings.

How does one achieve a cottagecore aesthetic in their home?

Achieving a cottagecore aesthetic involves incorporating elements like floral fabrics, antique furniture, and an abundance of greenery.

How does the Boho lifestyle encourage personal freedom?

The Boho lifestyle encourages personal freedom through its rejection of conventional living and embracing of artistic and adventurous experiences.

How do Boho and cottagecore philosophies differ in their view of modern life?

Cottagecore often seeks an escape from modern life, valuing tranquility and simplicity, whereas Boho embraces the complexities of modern life through a lens of personal freedom and artistic expression.

What inspired the Bohemian style?

Bohemian style was inspired by the lifestyle of artists and writers who lived freely and unconventionally, often in poverty, in the early 20th century.

Which style is better for a relaxing home environment?

Both styles can create a relaxing home environment; cottagecore offers a serene, nature-focused retreat, while Boho provides a vibrant, culturally rich space.

What are common misconceptions about Boho?

A common misconception about Boho is that it is only suitable for young people or is inherently disorganized; in reality, it is a versatile and deeply cultural style.

Is cottagecore more sustainable than Boho?

Cottagecore has a strong emphasis on sustainability through practices like gardening and using natural materials, though Boho also can incorporate sustainable practices depending on individual choices.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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