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Correspond vs. Match — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 7, 2024
"Correspond" generally implies a relationship or agreement between items, often in terms of communication or function, while "match" typically denotes similarity or exact equivalence, especially in appearance or quantity.
Correspond vs. Match — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Correspond and Match


Key Differences

"Correspond" often refers to a situation where two or more elements have a relationship or are comparable in some specific way, such as structure or purpose, whereas "match" is used when two elements are alike in appearance, quality, or quantity.
In communication, to correspond means to communicate through exchanging letters or messages, while to match might involve pairing items or individuals based on compatible qualities.
Correspondence in design might involve two parts of a machine that interact efficiently, on the other hand, matching colors in a design would mean they are aesthetically similar.
Documents correspond when their contents relate to each other or agree in terms of data presented, whereas numbers match when they are exactly the same, such as in accounting or during inventory checks.
When dealing with abstract concepts, theories may correspond if they align in principle or method, whereas ideas match when they share identical views or solutions.

Comparison Chart


To have a relationship or agreement
To be alike or equivalent

Common Uses

Communication, function, agreement
Similarity, pairing, exactness


Corresponding parts in machinery
Matching outfits


Relation or equivalence in function
Similarity or identity in appearance


Effective interaction or communication
Exact pairing or alignment

Compare with Definitions


Used when referring to analogous situations.
The symptoms of the disease correspond to those described in the manual.


To correspond in some essential quality; to pair well.
The curtains match the carpet perfectly.


To communicate by sending messages.
They corresponded via email for months.


To find a counterpart for something.
The dating service matched her with three potential partners.


To agree or be consistent with something.
The witness’s statement corresponds with the evidence.


To be identical or equivalent to something.
His fingerprint matches the one found at the scene.


To be similar or equivalent in a way that is not exact.
The two plans correspond in their basic aims.


To fit together or be suitable for each other.
The two friends match in temperament.


To have a harmonious or complementary relationship.
The job corresponds with his skills and experience.


To equal or be the same as something.
Her score in the second round matches her first.


To be in agreement, harmony, or conformity.


A match is a tool for starting a fire. Typically, matches are made of small wooden sticks or stiff paper.


To be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function
English navel corresponds to Greek omphalos.


One that is exactly like another or a counterpart to another
Is there a match for this glove in the drawer?.


To communicate by letter, usually over a period of time.


One that is like another in one or more specified qualities
He is John's match for bravery.


To be equivalent or similar in character, quantity, quality, origin, structure, function etc.


One that is able to compete equally with another
The boxer had met his match.


To exchange messages, especially by postal letter, over a period of time.
I've been corresponding with my German pen pal for three years.


One that closely resembles or harmonizes with another
The napkins were a nice match for the tablecloth.


To be like something else in the dimensions and arrangement of its parts; - followed by with or to; as, concurring figures correspond with each other throughout.
None of them [the forms of Sidney's sonnets] correspond to the Shakespearean type.


A pair, each one of which resembles or harmonizes with the other
The colors were a close match.


To be adapted; to be congruous; to suit; to agree; to fit; to answer; - followed by to.
Words being but empty sounds, any farther than they are signs of our ideas, we can not but assent to them as they correspond to those ideas we have, but no farther.


A game or contest in which two or more persons, animals, or teams oppose and compete with each other
A soccer match.


To have intercourse or communion; especially, to hold intercourse or to communicate by sending and receiving letters; - followed by with.
After having been long in indirect communication with the exiled family, he [Atterbury] began to correspond directly with the Pretender.


A tennis contest won by the player or side that wins a specified number of sets, usually two out of three or three out of five.


Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;
The two stories don't agree in many details
The handwriting checks with the signature on the check
The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun


A marriage or an arrangement of marriage
A royal match.


Be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics


A person viewed as a prospective marriage partner.


Exchange messages;
My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years


A narrow piece of material, usually wood or cardboard, coated on one end with a compound that ignites when scratched against a rough or chemically treated surface.


Take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to;
Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin


An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzle-loading firearms.


To be like (another) or be a counterpart to
Does this sock match that one?.


To resemble or harmonize with
The coat matches the dress.


To adapt or suit so that a balanced or harmonious result is achieved; cause to correspond
You should match your deeds to your beliefs.


To find or produce a counterpart to
It's difficult to match the color of old paint.


To pair (someone) with another in a romantic relationship or marriage
She was hoping to match her cousin with her neighbor.


To place in opposition or competition; pit
She matched her skill against all comers.


To provide with an adversary or competitor
The tournament matches the best offensive team with the best defensive team.


To do as well as or better than in competition; equal
She easily matches me in bicycle racing.


To set in comparison; compare
Beauty that could never be matched.


To provide funds so as to equal or complement
The government will match all private donations to the museum.


To flip or toss (coins) and compare the sides that land face up.


To couple (electric circuits) by means of a transformer.


To be exactly like another; correspond exactly
Do the two socks match?.


To harmonize with another
My shirt and my tie match.


(sports) A competitive sporting event such as a boxing meet, a baseball game, or a cricket match.
My local team are playing in a match against their arch-rivals today.


Any contest or trial of strength or skill, or to determine superiority.


Someone with a measure of an attribute equaling or exceeding the object of comparison.
He knew he had met his match.


A marriage.


A candidate for matrimony; one to be gained in marriage.




Equivalence; a state of correspondence.


Equality of conditions in contest or competition.


A pair of items or entities with mutually suitable characteristics.
The carpet and curtains are a match.
A match made in heaven


An agreement or compact.


(metalworking) A perforated board, block of plaster, hardened sand, etc., in which a pattern is partly embedded when a mould is made, for giving shape to the surfaces of separation between the parts of the mould.


A device made of wood or paper, at the tip coated with chemicals that ignite with the friction of being dragged (struck) against a rough dry surface.
He struck a match and lit his cigarette.


(intransitive) To agree; to be equal; to correspond.
Their interests didn't match, so it took a long time to agree what to do together.
These two copies are supposed to be identical, but they don't match.


(transitive) To agree with; to be equal to; to correspond to.
His interests didn't match her interests.


(transitive) To make a successful match or pairing.
They found out about his color-blindness when he couldn't match socks properly.


(transitive) To equal or exceed in achievement.
She matched him at every turn: anything he could do, she could do as well or better.


(obsolete) To unite in marriage, to mate.


To fit together, or make suitable for fitting together; specifically, to furnish with a tongue and groove at the edges.
To match boards


(programming) To be an example of a rule or regex.
The behavior matched one or more rules and was rejected by an edit filter.


Anything used for catching and retaining or communicating fire, made of some substance which takes fire readily, or remains burning some time; esp., a small strip or splint of wood or cardboard dipped at one end in a substance which can be easily ignited by friction, as a preparation of phosphorus or chlorate of potassium.


A person or thing equal or similar to another; one able to mate or cope with another; an equal; a mate.
Government . . . makes an innocent man, though of the lowest rank, a match for the mightiest of his fellow subjects.


A bringing together of two parties suited to one another, as for a union, a trial of skill or force, a contest, or the like
A solemn match was made; he lost the prize.


A matrimonial union; a marriage.


An agreement, compact, etc.
Love doth seldom suffer itself to be confined by other matches than those of its own making.


A candidate for matrimony; one to be gained in marriage.


Equality of conditions in contest or competition, or one who provides equal competition to another in a contest; as, he had no match as a swordsman within the city.
It were no match, your nail against his horn.


Suitable combination or bringing together; that which corresponds or harmonizes with something else; as, the carpet and curtains are a match.


A perforated board, block of plaster, hardened sand, etc., in which a pattern is partly imbedded when a mold is made, for giving shape to the surfaces of separation between the parts of the mold.


To be a mate or match for; to be able to complete with; to rival successfully; to equal.
No settled senses of the world can matchThe pleasure of that madness.


To furnish with its match; to bring a match, or equal, against; to show an equal competitor to; to set something in competition with, or in opposition to, as equal.
No history or antiquity can matchis policies and his conduct.


To oppose as equal; to contend successfully against.
Eternal mightTo match with their inventions they presumedSo easy, and of his thunder made a scorn.


To make or procure the equal of, or that which is exactly similar to, or corresponds with; as, to match a vase or a horse; to match cloth.


To make equal, proportionate, or suitable; to adapt, fit, or suit (one thing to another).
Let poets match their subject to their strength.


To marry; to give in marriage.
A senator of Rome survived,Would not have matched his daughter with a king.


To fit together, or make suitable for fitting together; specifically, to furnish with a tongue and a groove, at the edges; as, to match boards.


To be united in marriage; to mate.
I hold it a sin to match in my kindred.
Let tigers match with hinds, and wolves with sheep.


To be of equal, or similar, size, figure, color, or quality; to tally; to suit; to correspond; as, these vases match.


Lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction;
He always carries matches to light his pipe


A formal contest in which two or more persons or teams compete


A burning piece of wood or cardboard;
If you drop a match in there the whole place will explode


An exact duplicate;
When a match is found an entry is made in the notebook


The score needed to win a match


A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect


A person who is of equal standing with another in a group


A pair of people who live together;
A married couple from Chicago


Something that resembles or harmonizes with;
That tie makes a good match with your jacket


Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;
The two stories don't agree in many details
The handwriting checks with the signature on the check
The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun


Provide funds complementary to;
The company matched the employees' contributions


Bring two objects, ideas, or people together;
This fact is coupled to the other one
Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?
The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project


Be equal to in quality or ability;
Nothing can rival cotton for durability
Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues
Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents


Make correspond or harmonize;
Match my sweater


Satisfy or fulfill;
Meet a need
This job doesn't match my dreams


Give or join in marriage


Set into opposition or rivalry;
Let them match their best athletes against ours
Pit a chess player against the Russian champion
He plays his two children off against each other


Be equal or harmonize;
The two pieces match


Make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching;
Let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office
The company matched the discount policy of its competitors

Common Curiosities

Can 'correspond' imply direct communication only?

No, it can also mean that concepts, items, or events are analogous or similar in function.

How does 'correspond' differ from 'correlate'?

'Correspond' implies a more direct relationship or communication, while 'correlate' typically refers to a statistical or indirect relationship.

What does it mean for two pieces of information to correspond?

It means they are related or agree with each other in terms of content or context.

Is 'match' always about visual similarity?

Not always, it can also refer to functional or qualitative equivalence.

Can you 'match' efforts in a team project?

Yes, matching efforts means ensuring that contributions are equal or suitably equivalent.

What does it mean for symptoms to correspond to a disease?

It means the symptoms are consistent with or typical of the disease.

How can you use 'match' in a sports context?

In sports, 'match' can refer to a game or competition, or describe how well two players or teams compare in terms of skills.

What is a perfect match?

A perfect match refers to two or more items or individuals that are exactly alike or perfectly suited for each other.

Can ideas correspond without matching?

Yes, ideas can correspond if they are similar in nature but not necessarily identical.

Is 'match' used in legal contexts?

Yes, in legal contexts, 'match' can refer to evidence or statements that are exactly alike or align perfectly with other information.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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