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Corded vs. Wired — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 27, 2023
Corded typically refers to devices connected by a flexible cord, while wired often implies a more permanent connection involving wires within structures.
Corded vs. Wired — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Corded and Wired


Key Differences

Corded devices rely on a flexible cord for power or data transmission, often seen in household appliances. Conversely, wired systems involve cables or wires installed within structures, serving as a more permanent solution for electrical or network connectivity.
In terms of usage, corded items are usually plug-and-play, like corded telephones or kitchen appliances, allowing for easy disconnection. Wired setups, like in-building Ethernet cabling, require more installation effort but offer reliability and often better performance.
Maintenance perspectives differ; corded appliances often face wear and tear on the cord, necessitating replacements. Wired systems, once installed, usually require less frequent maintenance, but issues may need professional attention due to their integrated nature.
Mobility is a key differentiator. Corded items are generally mobile and can be moved as needed. Wired installations are fixed, limiting mobility but often providing a stable and secure connection.
Finally, in technological advancements, corded items face competition from wireless technologies, while wired solutions, especially in high-speed internet or complex electrical systems, still hold significant advantages in certain contexts.

Comparison Chart

Connection Type

Flexible cord
Permanent wires or cables

Usage Examples

Corded phone, power tools
Wired internet, in-wall electrical wiring


Generally plug-and-play
Requires installation, often professional


Portable and movable
Fixed, non-movable

Technological Trend

Facing competition from wireless alternatives
Still essential for high-speed or complex systems

Compare with Definitions


Equipped with a flexible cord for electricity or data.
The corded lamp was easy to move around the room.


Equipped with wires for electricity or communication.
The wired security system was more reliable than the wireless one.


Containing or resembling cords, often in anatomy.
The athlete's corded muscles were visible under his skin.


Reinforced or supported with wire.
The wired fence stood strong against the storm.


Being under tension, as if bound by cords.
His corded voice betrayed his anxiety during the speech.


Connected to or having access to electronic information networks.
The wired classroom facilitated online learning.


Having cords or ridges in texture.
She wore a dress with a corded silk bodice.


Equipped with a system of wires, as for electric, telephone, cable television, or computer network connections.


Tied or bound with cords.


Equipped with hidden electronic eavesdropping devices
A wired hotel room.


Furnished with or made of cords.


Reinforced or supported by wires.


Ribbed or twilled
A corded bedspread.


Tied or bound up with wire
Wired bundles of newspaper.


Stacked in cords
Corded firewood.


Genetically determined; hardwired.


Fitted with a cord.


(Slang) Very stimulated or excited, as from a stimulant or a rush of adrenaline.


(figurative) Having the appearance of cords or furrows.
The hard, corded upper arms of a bodybuilder


Equipped with wires, so as to connect to a power source or to other electric or electronic equipment; connected by wires.


(heraldry) Wound about with cords.


Equipped with hidden electronic eavesdropping devices.


Of wood: piled in cords.


Reinforced, supported, tied or bound with wire.


Simple past tense and past participle of cord


(slang) Very excited, overstimulated; high-strung.
After three cups of coffee she was too wired to sleep.


Bound or fastened with cords.


(zoology) Having wiry feathers.


Piled in a form for measurement by the cord.


(poker slang) Being a pair in seven card stud with one face up and one face down.


Made of cords.


(poker slang) Being three of a kind as the first three cards in seven card stud.
I was dealt three of a kind, wired.


Striped or ribbed with cords; as, cloth with a corded surface.


Connected to the Internet; online.


Bound about, or wound, with cords.


Simple past tense and past participle of wire


Of textiles; having parallel raised lines


Equipped with wire or wires especially for electric or telephone service;
A well-wired house


Tense with excitement and enthusiasm as from a rush of adrenaline;
We were really pumped up for the race
He was so pumped he couldn't sleep


Tied or bound with wire;
Wired bundles of newspapers


In a state of excitement or nervous energy.
She felt wired after drinking three cups of coffee.


Under the influence of stimulant drugs.
The suspect appeared wired during the interrogation.

Common Curiosities

Is a corded phone the same as a wired phone?

Yes, a corded phone is a type of wired phone, as it's connected to the phone system via a cord.

Are corded appliances becoming less common?

Yes, due to the rise of wireless technologies, corded appliances are becoming less common in some areas.

Can wired mean excited or anxious?

Yes, in informal language, wired can mean being in a state of excitement or nervous energy.

What does corded mean in electronics?

In electronics, corded refers to devices that use a flexible cord for power or data transmission.

What does wired mean in technology?

In technology, wired means connected or equipped with wires for electricity or data transmission.

What's the advantage of corded power tools?

Corded power tools often provide consistent power supply and higher torque compared to their cordless counterparts.

Does wired have a meaning in fashion?

In fashion, wired can refer to garments or accessories reinforced or shaped with wire.

Is a corded mouse different from a wireless one?

Yes, a corded mouse is connected to the computer via a cord, while a wireless mouse connects via Bluetooth or radio frequency.

Are corded landlines still in use?

Yes, corded landlines are still in use, particularly in business settings and areas with poor cellular reception.

Can corded refer to something bound by ropes or cords?

Yes, corded can also mean bound or fastened with cords.

Do wired networks require more installation effort?

Yes, wired networks often require more installation effort as they involve running cables through structures.

Is a wired internet connection usually faster than wireless?

Generally, a wired internet connection offers more stability and speed than a wireless connection.

Does "wired" have a medical meaning?

In medicine, wired can refer to using wires in surgical procedures, like wiring broken bones.

Can "wired" mean drug-induced alertness?

In slang, wired can refer to a state of alertness caused by stimulant drugs.

Can both corded and wired be used in architecture?

Yes, in architecture, corded can refer to textures, while wired refers to the incorporation of electrical or data cabling.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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