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Conventional vs. Traditional — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on September 28, 2023
Conventional pertains to what's widely accepted or expected, while Traditional relates to customs and beliefs passed through generations. Both describe norms, but from different contexts.
Conventional vs. Traditional — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Conventional and Traditional


Key Differences

Conventional and Traditional are both adjectives used to describe prevalent practices or norms. Conventional often refers to what's broadly recognized, accepted, or anticipated within a certain group or society. It describes methods or ideas that are considered standard or typical for a given time.
On the contrary, Traditional is anchored more in the past. It characterizes practices, beliefs, or customs that have been handed down through generations. Traditional isn't necessarily about the majority's choice, but rather about preserving practices from the past.
It's essential to understand that Conventional doesn't always align with Traditional. Something might become Conventional because of new insights, technology, or changing views, even if it breaks from Traditional norms. Conventional ways can be recent innovations, while Traditional methods might resist such changes.

Comparison Chart


Pertains to what's widely accepted or expected.
Relates to customs and beliefs passed down through generations.

Time Perspective

Current or contemporary norms.
Often looks back at historical or ancestral practices.


Can change with societal views.
More rigid, preserving practices from the past.


Often used in context of contemporary standards.
Usually refers to time-honored, historical methods.


Based on current consensus or standard practices.
Rooted in past customs and passed down through generations.

Compare with Definitions


Adhering to accepted standards.
His Conventional attire made him blend in at the corporate event.


Pertaining to time-honored customs.
They celebrated the festival in a Traditional manner.


Usual or customary.
The company followed Conventional procedures for recruitment.


Relating to beliefs established in the past.
Traditional values played a crucial role in his upbringing.


Based on established practices.
Conventional farming often relies on chemical fertilizers.


Maintaining cultural or ancestral practices.
Traditional dance forms tell stories of the past.


Not using alternative methods or systems.
They chose a Conventional oven over a microwave.


Established; long-standing.
The village has a Traditional method of rainwater harvesting.


Based on or in accordance with general agreement, use, or practice; customary
Conventional symbols.
A conventional form of address.


Of, relating to, or in accord with tradition
A traditional wedding ceremony.


Conforming to established practice or accepted standards; traditional
A conventional church wedding.


Of, relating to, or derived from tradition.
This dance is one of the traditional customs in the area.
I think her traditional values are antiquated.


Devoted to or bound by conventions to the point of artificiality; ceremonious.


Communicated from ancestors to descendants by word only.
Traditional expositions of the Scriptures


Unimaginative; conformist
Longed to escape from their conventional, bourgeois lives.


Observant of tradition; attached to old customs; old-fashioned.


Represented, as in a work of art, in simplified or abstract form.


In lieu of the name of the composer of a piece of music, whose real name is lost in the mists of time.


(Law) Based on consent or agreement; contractual.


Relating to traditional Chinese.
The traditional form of the character has twice as many strokes as the simplified form.


Of, relating to, or resembling an assembly.


A person with traditional beliefs.


Using means other than nuclear energy
Conventional power plants.


Of or pertaining to tradition; derived from tradition; communicated from ancestors to descendants by word only; transmitted from age to age without writing; as, traditional opinions; traditional customs; traditional expositions of the Scriptures.


Using means other than nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons
Conventional warfare.


Observant of tradition; attached to old customs; old-fashioned.


Pertaining to a convention, as in following generally accepted principles, methods and behaviour.


Consisting of or derived from tradition;
Traditional history
Traditional morality


Ordinary, commonplace.
They wear conventional clothes, eat conventional food, and keep conventional hours.


Pertaining to time-honored orthodox doctrines;
The simple security of traditional assumptions has vanished


Banal, trite, hackneyed, unoriginal or clichéd.


Passed down through generations.
Traditional recipes often have a special place in family gatherings.


(weapons) Pertaining to a weapon which is not a weapon of mass destruction.


(agriculture) Making use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.


(bridge) In accordance with a bidding convention, as opposed to a natural bid.


(finance) A conventional gilt-edged security, a kind of bond paying the holder a fixed cash payment (or coupon) every six months until maturity, at which point the holder receives the final payment and the return of the principal.


Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated.
Conventional services reserved by tenures upon grants, made out of the crown or knights' service.


Growing out of, or depending on, custom or tacit agreement; sanctioned by general concurrence or usage; formal.
The conventional language appropriated to monarchs.
The ordinary salutations, and other points of social behavior, are conventional.


Based upon tradition, whether religious and historical or of artistic rules.


Following accepted customs and proprieties;
Conventional wisdom
She had strayed from the path of conventional behavior
Conventional forms of address
Unconventional life styles


Conforming with accepted standards;
A conventional view of the world


(weapons) using non-nuclear energy for propulsion or destruction;
Conventional warfare
Conventional weapons


Unimaginative and conformist;
Conventional bourgeois lives
Conventional attitudes


Represented in simplified or symbolic form


In accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past;
A conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white
The conventional handshake


Rigidly formal or bound by convention;
Their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt


Pertaining to a convention or general agreement.
The treaty was signed at a Conventional assembly of nations.

Common Curiosities

Can something be both Conventional and Traditional?

Yes, practices can be both widely accepted (Conventional) and time-honored (Traditional).

Can Conventional methods become Traditional?

If a Conventional method endures and is passed down, it might become seen as Traditional.

Does Conventional mean it's the most popular method?

Conventional indicates widely accepted methods, which often are popular.

Is Traditional always better than Conventional?

Not necessarily. Both have merits, and it depends on context.

Can something become less Conventional over time?

Yes, as societal norms shift, previously Conventional methods can become outdated.

Does Traditional always mean old?

Traditional pertains to practices passed through generations, which often makes them old.

Can Conventional methods change over time?

Yes, as societal views change, what's deemed Conventional can also shift.

Is Traditional linked to culture?

Often, yes. Traditional practices often have cultural or ancestral roots.

Why might someone prefer Conventional methods?

Conventional methods might align better with current knowledge, technology, or societal norms.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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