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Connector vs. Connecter — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on May 28, 2024
"Connector" and "connecter" are interchangeable in English, both referring to a device or thing that links two or more things together. The former is more commonly used.
Connector vs. Connecter — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Connector and Connecter


Key Differences

"Connector" and "connecter" both refer to a device that joins two things together. They're interchangeable in most contexts, representing a device or tool that bridges two entities for some purpose.
"Connector" is more often used in American English, and its application spans numerous fields, including electronics, linguistics, and anatomy. "Connecter" is less common and typically more prevalent in British English.
"Connector" can denote anything that serves to connect or link two separate elements. "Connecter" functions identically to "connector," pointing to a component that allows a connection between different parts or systems.
Note that language evolves, and regional usage can vary. Some technical or industry-specific contexts may prefer one term over the other. It's always good to be aware of the audience's language preferences when choosing between "connector" and "connecter."

Comparison Chart

Spelling Preference

More commonly used in English-speaking regions
Less commonly used


A device or interface that links two pieces of equipment together
Has the same meaning as "connector." However, it's less common in use


A word or phrase used to link sentences or parts of sentences together
Same as "connector." Not as commonly used in this context

Usage Contexts

More likely to be used in professional or technical contexts due to wider acceptance and usage
Less likely to be used in professional contexts due to its less common usage


Recognized and used more globally in both electronics and language
Less recognized due to less frequent usage

Compare with Definitions


A person who introduces people to each other, creating networks.
A real estate agent often acts as a connector between buyers and sellers.


In anatomy, a connecter refers to a structure that links one part of the body to another.
Tendons are connecters that attach muscle to bone, allowing for movement.


A piece in a construction set that links different parts.
LEGO bricks have multiple connectors to attach different pieces together.


An electrical component that allows flow of electric current from one circuit to another.
A plug is a connecter allowing current from the power supply to reach your laptop.


One who, or that which, connects.


Same as connector.


To join or fasten together.


A networking component that joins two sections of a network.
A router serves as a connecter between your home devices and the internet.


To associate or consider as related.


A software that facilitates communication between two different platforms.
An API is a connecter that allows your website to integrate with a third-party service like Google Maps.


A software interface that facilitates communication between different applications.
A JDBC connector helps a Java application to interact with a database.


A person who brings individuals together in a social or professional context.
A talented event organizer can be a great connecter, introducing attendees to new business contacts.


A mechanical device used to fasten or couple things together.
A carabiner is a type of connector used in rock climbing to secure the rope.


(Sports) To hit or play a ball or puck successfully.


An element in jewelry making that links different components.
Jump rings are used as connectors to attach a charm to a bracelet.


A key piece in a construction set, used to join other pieces together.
In a Lego set, the small bricks act as connecters, allowing you to assemble a wide range of models.


A thing which links two or more things together.
A pipe connector.


A mediator in a negotiation or discussion, helping two parties find common ground.
A skilled lawyer can be a connecter, bringing together two opposing parties to reach a settlement.


An instrumentality that connects.
He didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers.


To associate or consider as related.


A road or passage serving to connect two points.
The highway serves as a main connector between the two cities.


To join to or by means of a communications circuit.


A grammatical tool used to link words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence.
'And' is a connector that combines multiple ideas into one sentence.


To plug in (an electrical cord or device) to an outlet.


An entity in a database or data warehouse used to link tables based on common attributes.
In a relational database, a foreign key acts as a connector between tables.


To become joined or united.


(Sports) To hit or play a ball or puck successfully.


To be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as between airplanes or buses.


(computing) A software component that provides access from an application program to an external database or data source, such as a JDBC connector.


To establish a rapport or relationship; relate.


To join to or by means of a communications circuit.


An instrumentality that connects;
He soldered the connection
He didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers


To plug in (an electrical cord or device) to an outlet.


A tool or device used to join or link two separate entities.
A USB cable acts as a connecter between a computer and a printer.


To become joined or united.


A conceptual link or relationship between two ideas or concepts.
The theme of freedom serves as a connecter between many of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches.


To be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as between airplanes or buses.


5. A connecter in linguistics is a word or phrase that links sentences or parts of sentences.
Words like "and," "but," and "however" act as connecters, tying different parts of a text together.


To establish a rapport or relationship; relate.


One who connects.


A device (or, more precisely, a mating pair of devices, often a plug and a socket) for connecting together two wires, cables, or hoses, allowing electricity or fluid to flow but also allowing easy disconnection and reconnection when necessary.


A highway or freeway road which connects to another highway or freeway. It can be part of an interchange or a longer roadway such as the 1.5 mile (2.5 kilometer) U.S. Route 24 Connector.


(computing) A line connecting two shapes in presentation software.


(poker) Any of a group of cards of consecutive face value, useful in forming straights etc.


A device for joining electrical circuits together.
A USB is a type of connector that links a computer to peripheral devices.


A sequence or series of yoga poses designed to transition from one pose to another.
A vinyasa sequence acts as a connector between different yoga poses.

Common Curiosities

Is it spelled connector or connecter?

Both spellings, "connector" and "connecter" are correct. The preferred spelling in most English-speaking regions is "connector."

What is a connecter?

A connecter, similar to a connector, is something that links or joins things together. In terms of devices, a connecter facilitates the transfer of power or data between devices. In the context of language, it refers to words or phrases that join sentences or parts of sentences.

What is the difference between port and connector?

A connector refers to the part of a cable that plugs into a device, while a port is a slot or receptacle on a device where the connector is inserted.

What is a connector?

A connector is a device that allows two pieces of equipment to be joined together. In electronics, a connector is an interface that links devices together for transmitting power or data. In the context of language, a connector is a word that is used to link sentences or parts of sentences.

Is it spelled connecter or connector?

Both "connecter" and "connector" are correct spellings. However, "connector" is more commonly used.

What is simple connectors?

Simple connectors are basic conjunctions used to link words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. These include words like "and," "but," "or," and "so."

What is the difference between port and connecter?

A connecter is the part of a cable that attaches or plugs into a device, while a port is a slot or interface on a device where the connecter is inserted.

Is connecter a real word?

Yes, "connecter" is a real word, though it is less commonly used than "connector." It has the same meaning as "connector," referring to something that links or connects things together.

What is the plural form of connector?

The plural form of "connector" is "connectors."

Is a sentence connector?

A sentence is not a connector, but it can contain connectors. These connectors are words or phrases that join sentences or parts of sentences together to show relationships between ideas.

Is a fitting a connector?

In certain contexts, such as plumbing or gas systems, a fitting can act as a connector. It is used to join together sections of pipe or tubing.

Is jack and connector same?

A jack is a type of connector. It's a socket into which a plug can be inserted, commonly seen in audio and video applications, such as headphones or microphones.

What are different types of connectors available?

There are numerous types of connectors, especially in the context of electronics. These include USB, HDMI, VGA, DVI, Ethernet, audio jacks, and many more. In English grammar, different types of connectors include coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or), subordinating conjunctions (because, although, if), and conjunctive adverbs (however, therefore, moreover).

How do you identify a connector?

Connectors can be identified by their function in a sentence, which is to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. They are often conjunctions, prepositions, or adverbs and include words such as "and," "but," "however," "because," "in order to," and "as well as."

What is a logical connector?

Logical connectors, also known as logical operators or conjunctions, are words or phrases that link ideas and show the logical relationship between them. Examples include "and," "or," "if...then," "not," "because," "however," and "therefore."

What are connectors in flow?

In the context of workflows or flow diagrams, connectors are lines or arrows that link different steps, processes, or tasks together, illustrating the sequence or path of the flow.

What are connectors with examples?

Connectors, also known as conjunctions or linking words, are words that link ideas, sentences, or paragraphs together. Examples include "and," "but," "or," "so," "because," "although," and "however."

What are connectors in English grammar rule?

In English grammar, connectors are words or phrases that link clauses or sentences to show relationships between them. They can indicate a wide range of relationships, including cause and effect, contrast, addition, sequence, and condition.

What are good sentence connectors?

Good sentence connectors include conjunctions like "and," "but," "or," "so," "because," "although," and "however." They help to ensure the flow of ideas in a sentence or paragraph.

What is a connector sentence?

A connector sentence, often referred to as a transition sentence, is a sentence that is used in writing or speech to smoothly transition from one idea or point to another. It employs connector words such as "however," "therefore," "on the other hand," and so forth to establish logical relationships between ideas.

Is a cable a connector?

A cable is not a connector, but it often ends in a connector that allows it to transmit signals or power between devices. The connector is the part of the cable that physically attaches to the device.

Is a plug a connector?

Yes, a plug is a type of connector. It's specifically designed to be inserted into a socket to establish an electrical connection.

How do you insert a connector?

The method for inserting a connector can depend on the context. In physical equipment, it generally involves aligning the connector with its socket or port and then pushing it in. In software like Microsoft Word, a connector can be added to a diagram by selecting the Connector tool from the Shapes menu and then clicking and dragging between the shapes you want to connect.

What part of speech is connector?

In language, a connector is typically a conjunction, a type of word used to connect clauses or sentences.

What are connectors to example in a essay?

In an essay, connectors are used to link ideas between sentences and paragraphs, ensuring a logical flow of thoughts. Examples of such connectors include "for instance," "on the other hand," "in addition," "therefore," and "as a result."

Is HDMI a connector?

Yes, HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a type of digital connector used for transmitting high-definition video and audio signals between devices.

What are connector symbols?

In electrical diagrams, connector symbols are graphical representations used to denote different types of connectors or terminals where wires can be attached.

Is USB a connector?

Yes, USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a type of connector used to connect devices for data transfer and power supply.

Is USB port a connector?

Yes, a USB port is a type of connector. It is the receptacle on a device that a USB plug connects to.

What are connectors in ielts?

In the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam, connectors refer to words or phrases used to show the relationship between ideas, sentences, or parts of sentences. They are important in writing and speaking sections to ensure coherence and cohesion.

Is however a connector?

Yes, "however" is a connector. It's often used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.

How do you use connectors?

Connectors are used in sentences to show a relationship between different clauses or sentences. They are placed at the beginning of the clause or sentence they are connecting. For example, in the sentence "I was tired, but I still went to the gym," "but" is a connector showing a contrasting relationship between being tired and going to the gym.

Is but a connector word?

Yes, "but" is a connector word. It's used to introduce a word or phrase that contrasts with or contradicts what has just been mentioned.

What are connectors Class 7?

For Class 7 (or equivalent grades), connectors might include conjunctions such as "and," "but," "or," "so," "because," and "although." These are used to join sentences or parts of sentences together.

What type of connector is yet?

"Yet" is a type of connector known as a coordinating conjunction. It is used to introduce a contrast or contradiction.

How do you use connectors in speaking?

In speaking, connectors are used to create a natural flow of speech and show relationships between ideas. They are often placed at the beginning of sentences. For example, you might say, "However, I disagree with that point," where "However" is the connector.

What are the different types of connecter?

In the context of electronics and computing, different types of connecters include USB, HDMI, VGA, DVI, Ethernet, audio jacks, and others. In language, different types of connecters include conjunctions, transition words, and relative pronouns.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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